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Well said Mitchel of the holes on both beaches and desert or even mountains.  So many other people use these places and when they see holes and then a detectorist, we all get labeled.   You noticed the low cut and it produced.  great dig.


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I also do not appreciate beach (or desert/mountain), hunters leaving open holes. More than worrying about adults stepping in them at the beach, I worry more about kids who do not look where they are going especially when they are playing in the water and why should they? I also noticed two guys who left open holes a couple of days ago at the beach and couldn't believe they did that right next to a huge crowd of kids having a blast being at the beach and certainly not looking where they were running. Dumb and selfish behavior.

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We have a lot of people dry sand hunting here........ so maybe its me but i dont mind the holes even thou it takes but a second to kick the sand in.   When it does bother me is near the wet sand where most of the walkers, runners, and older people walk.   Thats an area that ONLY we seem to dig in and is very visible.  We have a good many who do that before the sun comes up...... thats a safety issue.    The dry sand is a little different.......... we have tons of people with kids and even adults with SHOVELS digging hole that the tractor has to use the scoop to cover up.   Our holes up there barely get noticed..... unless you PP really really badly and dig to China.   Not like parks or places many dirt diggers go........ and the GP complain just because you are out of the ordinary.   Beach and detectors are just a way of life on the Fl beaches.

Great find........ ive got a few of those nugget rings.

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You said it well.  Holes in the sand at the beach are just a part of the experience.  The beach, kids, castles and holes will always be what you expect.  Most are not 'dangerous' in my book and can be avoided.

The holes that get me the most are those sharp sided, 7-8 inch holes with little indication where they are.  Someone takes a scoop and sorts it more than a foot away from the hole.  The front of your foot goes all the way in or even your heel sinks in in a way that makes you look for the pattern that detectorist was going.

I grew up in North Florida and know the long expanse of beach sand that can be there at low tide.  Often times it is quite compacted so a clean cutting sand scoop could leave quite a divot.  Golfers replace their divots, so should we!

Maybe that should be our new mantra for these 'hole leavers' and we should just tell them:  Filling divots is more than for golfers!

Metal detectorists should fill divots EVERYWHERE.

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