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Instant Or Delayed Gratification?

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Ok so I’m going to once again be asking opinions of the pros (you all). In my last post I asked what would be a better detector between the Teknetics T2+ and G2+, and it seems the G2+ would work better for gold which is what I’m going to be in the hunt for. But along the way I was introduced to the idea of saving up a little more and buying the equinox 800. What would you do? Option 1, Order the G2+ now and use it for a while in hope of finding a few good nuggets and then buying the Nox. Option 2, keep using my pawn shop kids detector and save up another 2-3 months to buy the Nox. Option 3, buy the Nox now on credit and have my wife hang me...?

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If you have a route to sell your detector(s), buy one now, sell it when you've saved up some more $ and then buy something better.  BTW, others have said this and so have I many times -- the used market should not be ignored.  Right now (or at least this AM) someone here on this site is offerering a Minelab Equinox 600 for $450.  If I were you I wouldn't walk but rather run to get that.  And if too late, other good buys are available on Ebay and will come along there, here, and elsewhere.


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At only 1/2 the price of a NOX 800, the G2+ would definitely get you gold, plus general use capability.

You said, you are in the hunt for gold. I'm assuming you mean primarily nugget hunting?

If nugget hunting is your primary use/goal, the 20 & 40 KHZ prospecting ability of the NOX 800 would serve you VERY well.  If buying used to save $$ just be careful of where and from whom you purchase a used machine.

As to what you can afford and when, it's always advisable to consider/maintain domestic tranquility when making those decisions.?

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On Micro gold jewelry, the F75LTD with the 3x6 concentric and the G2+ with the 5"DD are basically equal with the nod going to the F75LTD for the Boosted audio.  My impression is that the G2+ will do better on the below micro jewelry size gold.

So if I extrapolate that to the T2+ vs G2+ comparison you get more detector bang for the buck with the T2+ and I would even point you to the F75+ or F75LTD for even more bank for the buck.

The Fisher / Tek units have a 5 year warranty period (7-8 years in some cases) and are easily repairable out of warranty.

The Equinox have a 3 year warranty period and currently no out of warranty prices are being quoted.  

The Equinox is new high frequency multi-frequency so its quite popular with lots of people at the moment.   


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5 hours ago, Mike Hillis said:

The Fisher / Tek units have a 5 year warranty period (7-8 years in some cases)...

In the interest of full disclosure, historically those warranties have not been transferable.  Recent models like the T2+ and F75+ are now covered after transfer, but I don't know about others.

Having said that, most of the time you won't ever use the warranty.  How many of you pay for an optional warranty when you buy a product at a big box store?  If the discount from new to used is signifcant, on average you're better off going that route and skipping the warranty.  But of course each person needs to make his/her own decision.


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