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Today I went to another spot. I went here in particular because this place owes me some gold lol.

It started off tough, it's really not that big of an area and it was almost full of soft sand on the move. There was some sand starting to pile up though, so I thought I would stick around and look for some low spots. There is a river that drains dark organic material into this area, the wind held it against the shore so the visibility was essentially zero, I had to walk around to find any low spots.

The first important indicator target was a dog tag from 1979. This is a little different then a coin in the sense that the dog tag had to have been lost around 1979 or shortly after. A few minutes later I had my first pice of jewelry, a copper ring.

I got my first cache today. I've found many coins, many bits of of tin, but never a coin in a tin. It's a "Murrays Erinmore" flake tobacco tin with a Zincoln in it. I know you're jealous.

The tobacco tin rang up in the 30s, not long after I got a couple more 30s side by side, turned out to be a fairly hefty one ounce sterling silver bracelet. Nice blue tarnish. Yoink.

After that, i got another good hit in the 30s. This one was a big target but the numbers were good, it's fairly easy to avoid iron using the Gold 2 mode, so what the heck lets just see what all the racket is about....a antique fire extinguisher at almost 18 inches. You know how sometimes you leave a huge deep target thinking it sounded like a high conductor, well I guess sometimes they are.

This site has quite the eclectic finds. I have to be careful about being too greedy, this place can fill my pouch with junk in no time lol. It's full of soup can rings, caps etc. so I have to focus on coin sized objects and unfortunately blow off some of the single digits on account of excessive foil and fly-by-foil.




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On 10/20/2018 at 8:55 AM, kiwijw said:

Yer...cool footage. Thanks for sharing. I noticed the headphone lead getting a good backward & forward work out where it comes out of the detector due to the delayed water drag when changing coil sweep directions. Could this be an issue for fatigue at that point on the cable over time? Maybe a cable tie or some form of stiffener support at that point where the cable comes out of the headphone connection body. Just a thought.

JW :smile:  


You’re right, possibly a couple layers of heatshrink for stress relief will help, the newer headphones will now have a 90 degree connector to help with that potential problem but it’s too early to know if it will be overstressed.


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I went out this morning for a few hours. There was a few inches of snow on the ground this morning, though not particularly windy.

It wasn't long until I happened upon this gold earring. I'm pretty sure it's real gold but a CZ type stone. If it turns out to be real it puts me into a double digit gold count which is cool because I've pretty much just been a weekend warrior this year.

I finally put a couple sets of rare earth magnets in my scoop. They didn't really do anything today one way or the other, the thought was when I get into an area that has some small ferrous items, or bobby pins, the magnets would help recover some of it. In reality with this new style of detecting, I'm either not in the thick iron or when I am, I can handle it a lot better. The bobby pins I dug today didn't seem to stick to the magnets lol. I guess I didn't think of that.

As mentioned earlier, I don't really get any iron "falsing" in Gold2. This little earring from today flickered a -1 a few quick times but the rest was a positive 1, so I knew it was a good target, just like the 3mm piece of aluminum I dug right after which was considerably smaller.  
With the exception of maybe the odd deep beer cap, all other ferrous items give a pretty good indication by the amount of negative numbers they give, no more of that "chirp" that makes you dig it anyway lol.
Again, keep the screen wide open (Horseshoe button) because the numbers behave differently in all-metal, allowing you to get a good sample directly over the target, (A good strong negative number) rather then trying to "X" out a false beside it.

Still loving the Kevlar straight shaft. The added visibility in the water while not necessary is a welcome comfort. I made an end cap for it, with a drain hole as well to finish it off. 


Gold square.jpg

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Enter the Blender.

I'm thrilled about the upcoming wind, but not so thrilled about actually being in the wind now that the weather is getting cooler. I may go out this morning, although tomorrow morning looks a little calmer. This time of year you can't really pass any days up, especially now that its is getting darker I'm limited to weekends.

Basically the wind is going to going to be somewhat northerly from typical western wind today, then its going to flip around and start coming from the southeast on Sunday culminating in a big southern blast on Tuesday, (The red block with the 80 in it) then shifts back to the west to pound the shoreline relentlessly spanning a period of 48 hours.

The sand wont know if it's coming or going. I suspect I may see sand piled high enough to breach the surface of the water when this is done.
This should also strip the shoreline in a few particular spots, I'm just basing this off a similar storm and conditions last year. The water level is down well over a foot, so these violent storms tend to pull the sand right off the beach in spots, exposing the clay. The sand cant return until the water level comes back up in the spring and the wind stabilizes. If this happens again I want to use a magnet to try and pick up some of the iron that is masking the shoreline. I was able to spot wheat cents and a silver/14K ring with my eye, but could not detect them with the 11" coil I had on at the time, though I did wiggle out a few decent targets. (Wheats and a silver dime) There is so much iron in spots that even a 6" isn't any easier, (A small coil does not make recovery any easier) that's why I just want to magnet or rake a bunch of it up. I could have raked out a bucket full last year.

Within this iron patch I found a shallow depression in the clay that had collected about 15-20 pennies spanning about 80 years. I guess this demonstrates that at least some targets are able to migrate along the clay/sand interface and head towards deeper water, assuming they don't actually get lodged in the clay from someone stepping on them.


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Today was miserable, the water and wind would burn my face.

It's days like this that make me think that I may have an addiction rather then a hobby. ?

I found a log I hadn't come across before. I usually try to move them to see if anything collected underneath. I got some negative numbers below it, but thought I would have a look anyway. Out comes a piece of a wood crate, there was more negatives in the hole, but it was too cold to care about them.

I kept it because there was some writing on it. Since it was below a log, it could be a relic from over a hundred years ago when parts of this area was land. I find patches of rotting wood out there, incidentally these areas never give up any gold. I suspect the gold just sinks too deep into the rotting root structure.

Two little terriers took interest in this thing too, so much so that they absconded from me when I was taking my shoes off, ran under the table and started chewing the letters off. lol now we'll never know what it said.

I did find some promising erosion that was giving up lots of lead, but I had enough by that point.

wood crate.jpg

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On 11/3/2018 at 6:55 PM, Alluminati said:

It's days like this that make me think that I may have an addiction rather then a hobby. ?

:laugh: That's what I often thought while driving to various beaches in no man's land at the middle of the night, or at crazy weather situations

This year I've sometimes been out 5/7 days a week.. my wife didn't find that very amusing.. so next season is going to get waaaay calmer :unsure:

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