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How Many Have Reverted Back To The Original 1.5 Version?


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17 hours ago, William P said:

I'm still happy with the update, but there is one thing that's been bugging me. For the last three-five days, EVERY "13" I dig up is either a beaver-tail pulltab, or a small piece of aluminum. I've dug about 11 pull tabs to only 1 nickle.  Who knows, maybe I'm just being tested, but I didn't have this before I updated.

I'm still happy enough that I'm going to play with the settings a little and see if there's a small work around. I always noise cancel and ground balance at every new site as well. 


I've been digging a lot of nickels with my EQ800 since I bought it. Seems to have a love for lower conductors. Unfortunately, I've been digging the beaver tail portion of pull tabs as well, usually folded, that falls exactly at 12-13.  Not sure I have an answer for digging the nickels and not the folded tabs. But it isn't anything related with the new version of software for me.

After hunting about three hours last night at two different parks, having rolled back to the v1.50, I decided to roll forward again to v1.75 for an upcoming day trip. Its hard to make a real comparison without side by side 800's, but I liked the feel of the v1.75 when I was using it.

I won't have results until this next Monday night.



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I'm only about 10 hours into retuning my brain to the new firmware on my 800.  I wouldn't revert back to the old version.  I like most of what ML did, but there's still room for improvement.  I'm disappointed that the small nickel/pop top spread is gone and the copper penny/clad dime spread is also gone.  The weak/strong pinpoint “ghost” issue is better, but definitely not fixed.  The pinpointer is still super deadly accurate.  It's too bad there are only 50 display segments, but I knew that when I moved up from the ATPro's 100 segments which would probably make the nickel/pop top and copper penny/clad dime dig questions easier to answer.  Maybe a little more time with what appears to be a hotter machine with the new firmware will make it easier to discern those targets.

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I didnt notice any coin spread difference.... but i agree about the nickels/crown caps and even pull tabs are different for me in the WET sand/water.   I had my bins set so the second bin went from 0 to 13...... now with crown caps being 13ish and pulls tads bounching in the same area...... well you see my problem with tones.  If as bad as the 1.5 spread there was ... im not sure the new program helped there and i feel they could have done something there with all the complaints...... even reduce the digs for iron and expand that area.

Im going to use the old program i believe..... at least for now.   The new one maybe smoother and i didnt see a bit of difference in depth on 100 pieces of gold i tested....... but the old program was better on open earrings...... so maybe smaller gold as well.   Im starting to believe some of the chatter i hear and others dont......... maybe i have better and more responsive headphones.   For me...... i would have liked to had more modulation on targets..... something like running 6 gain over 10 gain if you know what i mean.

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Dew -- I totally agree.  I sure do wish there was a "gain" setting on the Equinox -- one that worked identically to that on FBS machines.  It's essentially a "volume gain" adjustment, for those unfamiliar -- i.e. it increases or decreases the amount of "modulation" of volume (deeper targets sounding quieter than shallow ones, as a reduce the gain).


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I will have to look into these reports of compressed mid-conductor TIDs now.  I will probably get a chance to do something next week at the beach.  If true, this is concerning.  I have not had a lot a run time on the new software other than to confirm that something has indeed changed on edge-on performance.  I was somewhat fearful, however, when I heard that ML was being responsive to addressing this outlier situation that something more mainstream might be adversely affected.  It is the nature of software, especially signal processing software, to be subject to unintended consequences of "fixes".  If there is really something to this, it would be unfortunate, because I am not really keen on rolling back to 1.5.0 and being subject to that annoying User Profile reset bug.  It would be nice to have the choice of rolling back to 1.5.0 performance but with the user interface tweaks of 1.7.5 intact.  On the flip side, fortunately, we are talking about pretty nuanced performance tweaks here.  In the grand scheme of things, it does not appear that the update in any way, shape, or form, makes the Equinox significantly worse for the wear.  Time will tell.  The good news is that ML is putting updates out there and if there is really a new problem introduced, they will likely address it.

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Re my earlier post in this thread, for clarification.  I have only hunted fresh water and dry land in parks and playgrounds since updating to 1.75, using Park 1 in both the fresh water and on dry land.  Where I noticed the nickel / pop top readings being essentially the same was on the dry land (dirt & grass).  Same for copper pennies and clad dimes reading essentially the same.  I used to see pop tops run 13, 14, maybe 15 and nickels run 12, 13 with the old firmware.  This was enough to give a pretty good idea of what the target was.  Copper pennies typically ran 24, 25 depending on depth and condition while clad dimes used to read 25, 26, again depending on depth and condition.  Now it's a toss up, just dig it.  Just wanted to add this clarification for anyone trying to interpret my results while they hunt saltwater, saltwater beach dry or wet sand, etc.

I can live with this and will be sticking with 1.75 even though a couple of things in the update didn't go in a positive direction, IMHO.

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Audio seems to be crisper for me and the machine seems to be more stable with the newer version.

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Richard..... i dod agree audio was improved and it appear at least in the wet sand for me there was a depth gap between beach 1 and 2 closed.  I assume based on complaints of having to keep switching setting when zig zagging in and out of the water.

Ted..... seem those zinc..... will always be all over the place digit wise lol.   I dont get that many copper pennies here in Fl so i see why your coin spread was narrower.   Now before...... a nickel was almost always dead on 13.   Now they have bottle cap company dropping down from 15.  These two programs are going to be difficult to judge.  ML told us about the obvious....... and in some ways distracted us.   Someone mentioned you really have to hunt with both programs ....... right now no one has much time on the new one.  I know a few guys that went back..... just because there was something that jelled with their style of hunting and targets.  For me i just dont want to be the dummy walking over gold and not knowing it like some new guy...... come on now you all seen um golf swing and 2 ft off the ground not realizing they might as well be taking the dog for a walk.   You just dont know what you are missing if you missed it .... YET are finding targets..... lots of targets.

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On 9/21/2018 at 10:01 AM, Rich (Utah) said:

I've been digging a lot of nickels with my EQ800 since I bought it. Seems to have a love for lower conductors. Unfortunately, I've been digging the beaver tail portion of pull tabs as well, usually folded, that falls exactly at 12-13.  Not sure I have an answer for digging the nickels and not the folded tabs. But it isn't anything related with the new version of software for me.

After hunting about three hours last night at two different parks, having rolled back to the v1.50, I decided to roll forward again to v1.75 for an upcoming day trip. Its hard to make a real comparison without side by side 800's, but I liked the feel of the v1.75 when I was using it.

I won't have results until this next Monday night.



This past Monday, I had a very nice road trip with a best friend re-visiting a couple small towns we've been hunting over the decades. 

We did a little door knocking and gained permission to hunt the yard of one old home that dated back to approximately 1900-1910.  I was running the new v1.75 software set up in Park 2, sens 21, recovery 6, iron bias 2, multi or 50 tones. 

The front yard where I was hunting had some fill dirt brought in and was regularly fortified with steer manure. I dug several wheaties, including a 1910-S at various depths from 4-10", a sterling silver ring, a 1927 Buffalo nickel at 8" and a few other items as well as the required trash. I thought the EQ800 did a very nice job of spotting the deeper targets. With the exception of 1, they were all rather easy targets to acquire with an ACCURATE ID. One of the wheaties was an iffy, meaning I had audio target ID up in the higher range, but no Visual Target ID, just a couple dashes,  - - .  I could only acquire the target from a certain left/right direction. I couldn't get it from all directions. The target had a narrow pinpoint. After removing a lot of soil, I finally brought the well worn wheatie up from the deep, (the full length of my old 12" coinpopper,  minus the 2" grip. It got me to thinking about hunting deep coins with my Explorer XS and Etrac and digging targets with audio ID but nothing on the screen.  I was impressed with this. 

We moved on to another small town and gained permission to hunt the front yard of an older home of about the same era, 1900-1910. The yard appeared plowed to me at some point in the past, perhaps to keep the weeds down. I picked up a couple more wheaties in the mid-range of 6" or so. Finally, a target ID running a little higher, 27-28, turned up a very worn 1900 Barber Dime. It is always fun to see the ONE DIME (reverse) side first and wonder if it's a Seated or a Barber. 

My impressions of the v1.75 thus far? I like hunting with it  The depth meter does seem relevant now, whereas prior to the update, I had quit referring to it. And I do like the audio as I hunt. I've been using 5 tones primarily in Park 1 and multi or 50 tones in Park 2. The audio seems improved as I mentioned on an earlier page in this thread.

I have NOT noticed any down sides to it yet. I'm going to keep it here on the v1.75 for a while longer and see how I do.

Rich (Utah)

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