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My Expanded Case For 3 Tones


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On 10/4/2018 at 9:20 AM, Tiftaaft said:

Good Comments CD.  I am interested to give the 3 tone a try...

or maybe a 5 bin/3 tone hybrid:

Conductivity        VDI Range      Tone

Low                           -9 to 0               1

Small Gold               1 to 11             12

Nickel                      12 to 13            25

Large Gold              14 to 19            12  (or maybe moving the high range to 17 per Alluminati's comment)

High                            20+                 25  (and making this 18+ per comment above)


The one reason I have been doing most of my hunting in 50 tone is a personal preference to my own ear.  I don't care for the sound the 5 tone makes when a target bounces across tone breaks... I prefer the blended sound of the 50 tone... but I'm always willing to try new things :).  Thanks for the suggestions through your thread. 



I've found a friend using 5-tones when I'm hunting public places that are higher in conductive trash.

I am set up very similar to tiftaaft.

For this I am using Park 1. 

-9 to 0 is my iron and I am usually set to discriminate -9 to 0. Sometimes I will go to the horseshoe and do the no-discrimination thing to hear it all to get an idea just how dense the iron trash is.

1-11 is my Woman's gold/plat ring segment. I have it set with a medium tone and a medium volume. I want to know when I have a repeatable signal in this segment as this is where the vast majority of womans rings are found.

12-13.  Nickel / Gold Rings / Folded Beaver Tails.  My EQ800 is very good at finding nickels and very good at ID'ing them at depth. I've plucked a couple very deep 1800's V nickels in among tabs because I have this small segment with a med-high tone at a high volume and I was alerted there was a goodie in the middle of all that.  I WILL ALSO NOTE THAT A FOLDED OVER BEAVER TAIL ALSO FALLS INTO THIS SEGMENT EXACTLY. For those that don't know, a beaver tail is the tongue section of a pull tab when it is removed from the pull ring. I am still working on how to tell which is which under my coil with my settings. 

14-18.  Big gold / Pull Tabs / Square tabs / Decomposed Zincolns, / small brass trade Tokens / gold coins.  This area holds a lot of possibilities both bad and good. I have this segment set with a medium low tone and a medium low volume.  I hear these signals plainly, but if I sweep over a thousand of them, I won't get a headache. Depending on the area, I may adjust the upper number (18) up a couple more digits to 21 so that zincolns fall into this segment completely.

19-40.  Coins and silver jewelry, larger brass tokens.  This segment I have set with a high tone and a high volume.  As mentioned in the previous segment, I sometimes increase the bottom number of this segment to move zincolns and similar items like IHC's to the next lower category.

Again, this 5-tones set up is for specific sites and each 'target' needs to get checked depending on where I am on a site. 

For hunting the yards of old homes and public places with less conductive trash, I still prefer to use the 50-tone with Park 2. I have found a comfortable place with recovery at 6 and iron bias at 2. I still dig a few bent rusty nails each outing, but not a handful. And I'm still digging what I consider to be deep coins. 

Learning to use the 50 tones takes time. But I've had a few years of practice with Minelab multi-tone machines and other detectors way before that. It will come if you work at it and the extra audio info you get with the smearing or clarity of the sounds is helpful. 


Rich (Utah)


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On 10/7/2018 at 12:25 PM, flakmagnet said:

Is someone willing to give a step by step on how to do 3-tone? Thanks, it sounds interesting.


Until Steve tackles this in more detail, here is a YouTube link that outlines the process.  A good YouTube!

Although he sets this up for his particular situation and preferences, the process is the same. 

Instead of using his tone breaks/zones and tones, I used VDI/Target ID -9 to 0 as Zone 1 with tone 1; Zone 2, I set as VDI/Target ID 1-19 with tone 12 and Zones 20+ (all remaining zones) as Zone 3 assigning a common tone of 25 to all those remaining high zones.


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On 10/7/2018 at 6:17 PM, ColonelDan said:

Yes,  Steve said he wanted to post such a step by step on it.  I’m sure you’ll see it soon.

Might be a bit as I am fairly busy right now. Frankly the video does a fabulous job though. Reducing from five tones to three just involves using the same tone for two pairs of the five possible tones.

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17 hours ago, ColonelDan said:

Until Steve tackles this in more detail, here is a YouTube link that outlines the process.  A good YouTube!

Although he sets this up for his particular situation and preferences, the process is the same. 

Instead of using his tone brakes/zones and tones, I used VDI/Target ID -9 to 0 as Zone 1 with tone 1; Zone 2, I set as VDI/Target ID 1-19 with tone 12 and Zones 20+ (all remaining zones) as Zone 3 assigning a common tone of 25 to all those remaining high zones.


That's funny Col. this is the single best video about how to set up the Equinox that I (and many others as well), have seen. I have recommended it multiple times to forums and to individuals since Dirtfishing  first posted it. So, it will be an easy matter to use it with your explaination Thank you...

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Did a 3 tone hunt at the old fairgrounds the other day and came away quite pleased with the Nox.

In the past I was hunting low and fairly slow (for me) with sens in the 21-24 range and lower recovery settings here.  This time I set recovery at 6 sensitivity 24 in park 2 and hunted with a slightly fast sweep.  The machine behaved beautifully over the ground (2 bar 81 ground on Fisher/Tek machines).

Both coins hit solidly in my setup range reading 12-13 for nickel and 19-20 on the IH penny from 9"+ depths.

It's been a long time since I have recovered 2 old coins in one hunt from this site and they were the only coins found during the hunt.?


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On 10/4/2018 at 7:28 AM, Alluminati said:

I agree with your view from the foxhole lol.

The only slight tweak I might make is to lower the tone break for med/high from 19/20 to 18/19. This would just keep small silver coins (half dime etc.) and all the pennies in the high tone. Gives a bit more of a buffer for a sloppy swing etc.


I can see the merit in adjusting the mid level zone from a high of 19 down to 18 with the high zone set at 19 and above instead of 20 and above.

Good call Alluminati...I just might have to give that a shot.?

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I finally got the time to put in a 3-tone setting. Now to get the time to use it.

Starting at 19 is where I made my last break as well  (although I was tempted to set it at 21 and leave the 19's and 20's in the second tone break, I hate pennies and have never heard of a half dime being found in CA).

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