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Beach Hunting Recovery Speed


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I have had good success with the 800 using factory settings.  Lately, the beach targets have slowed down significantly due to fewer tourists and more detectorists.  Will a slower recovery speed give more depth and increase targets?  Let me add I use beach 1, all metal, sensitivity around 22.

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Yes... lowering Recovery will increase depth a bit

Will it increase your targets ? ...thats a hard one.

 It should but only if targets are there to begin with.

Happy hunting?

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Dry sand, lowering recovery, I say go for it because there is minimal ground feedback to get in the way (which is the primary drawback to lowering recovery speed).  I wouldn't try pushing it too much in the wet sand or surf because you will certainly start picking up ground noise in the wet salt environment.  It is not a panacea.  You will gain perhaps an inch or two perhaps, but frankly, all you are really doing is giving a borderline target a chance to register.  Depth is really more significantly controlled by sensitivity and at the beach I have seen several inch difference between a 17 and a 22 setting in the dry sand, so go as high on sensitivity as the EMI environment will allow.   

But like NSC said, if the targets are there, then you may see an increase.  EIther your are sanded in or you are not.  If you are focusing on surface finds in the dry sand, I don't think increasing depth an inch is really going to up your finds, its not like relatively fresh drops (dry sand) are really hiding just out of reach at depth.  It is in the wet sand and surf where the beach conditions dictate your find count and in the off-season what you are looking for is erosion uncovering those old drops that have sunk in with time.  Probably preaching to the choir here when I look at your profile and detectors owned, but just thought I would mention it, nevertheless.

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Gentlemen, thanks for your responses.  Looking back, the 800 has been so good at finding targets, I thing subconsciously, I began to cherry pick.   I typically work the water line to the towel line with occasional wading when the waves allow.  CG, you are correct in that the beaches are sanded in,  but we had a storm with good wave action this week that may have opened up some new opportunities. I will try your suggestions this weekend and let you know how I did.

Keep swingin' ?

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I have done a lot of messing around with the sensitivity while beach hunting and, personally, the higher I can get the sensitivity the better. Of course it gets ratty-sounding sometimes especially if you have it sounding off on all metal. I have tried lowering the sensitivity over deep-ish undug targets and (imho), feel there is a stronger signal with more sensitivity. And yes I generally use a slower recovery speed as well (4).

Good luck!

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For my beaches I’ve settled at recovery 4 as well. It draws out the deeper targets just that little bit better. Sens 23 to 25 when I can get away with it.

What’s nice about the Nox is you can actually set it in increments and adjust the machine just to your conditions. Not a lot of hassle, just adjust a step, hunt for a while and see how she handles. Great little unit!

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Got out today for a couple hours running Beach 1, Sens 18-20, recovery 4, All Metal.  At first, the 800 was much chirpier, but calmed down a bit when I reduced swing rate. I think I learned a lesson in coil control.  Managed to find my first cell phone (toasted) at 13 inches, a small piece of a silver bracelet, a 1 oz fishing weight and $1.85.  Deepest coin was a nickel at about 9 inches.

I will definitely try these settings again.

Thanks for all your helpful comments. 

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Am sure others who are more technically gifted can talk about whether threshold plays a 'major' part when setting sensitivity etc. but it certainly helps to have a robust threshold working near the surf. Tweeking that and Volume Adjust a little is a help.

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