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I recently decided to "learn" Beach 2, I had been using Beach 1 on dry sand and down into damp sand. I was pleasantly surprised at how responsive this setting is even in dry sand. I had the Sensitivity at about 23, Iron bias at 3. Has anyone else found this setting interesting? 

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I avoid beach 2 out of the water (unless I am going perpendicular to the tide line) because it will automatically dial back transmit power if it encounters mineralization above a certain level.  Otherwise, it is a very stable mode if not too deep.  Since basically all the other modes are in play on the dry sand and are deeper, I usually just go with Beach 1 or one of the Park modes depending on what I am targeting (coins > Park1. Jewelry > Park 2 or Gold).

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Hi Chase, yes I agree with everything you posted. Here is what surprised me; I did this over about ten "hits" and each one was pretty close in results, and one of the hits was really deep, over 12"...the Beach 2 signals were more definite. I can't explain it. I do note that this beach does not have much black sand...at least accumulated to the extent that it affects the signal. Anyway, I will mess with it more, I was just surprised. Thanks for the comment, I always pay attention to what you post.

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Beaches will be different ...also, it may depend on which program you use.  I felt the update narrowed the depth difference between the two beach programs.  I agree it is defined or cleaner where salt water was included.   Beach 1 still seems hotter on smaller gold.  I like field 2 in the dry sand.

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1 hour ago, dewcon4414 said:

Beaches will be different ...also, it may depend on which program you use.  I felt the update narrowed the depth difference between the two beach programs.  I agree it is defined or cleaner where salt water was included.   Beach 1 still seems hotter on smaller gold.  I like field 2 in the dry sand.

Wonder if beach 2 was increased to be closer to beach 1 or was beach 1 reduced to be closer to beach 2???? I remember some posts on other forums where they complained how the nox was chattery on the beach. I'm always leery of updates because you never really know what was changed. Only Minelab and the software engineers know the full extent of the update. Many times even the manufacturer does not know what side effects will occur with an update. (think Microsoft - lol). I have not updated for fear that the sensitivity to small beach gold will diminish from the original version. I'm pretty happy with it other than the ghost pinpoint I get sometimes.

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I would only say that after the update I have found the smallest and most 'valuable' items. Now some of that is luck of the draw, true, but...I found them after the update so I have confidence in what was either changed or not changed as far as the Beach programs go. fwiw...

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4 hours ago, schoolofhardNox said:

Wonder if beach 2 was increased to be closer to beach 1 or was beach 1 reduced to be closer to beach 2???? I remember some posts on other forums where they complained how the nox was chattery on the beach. I'm always leery of updates because you never really know what was changed. Only Minelab and the software engineers know the full extent of the update. Many times even the manufacturer does not know what side effects will occur with an update. (think Microsoft - lol). I have not updated for fear that the sensitivity to small beach gold will diminish from the original version. I'm pretty happy with it other than the ghost pinpoint I get sometimes.

You can always easily dial it back to the original firmware if you don't like the results, so not too much downside to trying it out for yourself (other than the potential missed finds, I suppose).  For that, I applaud ML's update implementation.  Even my state of the art phone doesn't allow me to do that.

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I agree Chase its great to have that ability to jump back and forth something we really havent had before.   Ive heard ML did a bit of a tweak to beach 2.....now was that to make it run smoother in the water...... or to bump it up a notch?   Ive got a LOT of small gold using the old program..... including 6 gold chains.   The old program just seemed to work a bit better here on my beaches.... but like ive said before, it might be just because i do have so many hours in the old program.   If it works... why change it.   Clearly to me in the old program beach 1 is hotter/deeper than beach 2..... in the new program they seem more equal and beach 2 was a bit clears on coin targets.   People also didnt like not being able to really transition right at the water line in and out of the water without changing from beach 1 to 2.  I did test a lot of gold .....and found almost no difference in air depth.   On my beaches with little minerals it gets chatty near hard pan.... but i find that to be a good thing..... but i dont feel the new program liked high conductors as well IN the water or the small gold.   Either way.... great beach machine that exceeded ML expectations i believe.  They might not have obsoleted all other VLFs but i think they put a hurt on their own water machines being used.

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On 1/4/2019 at 12:09 PM, flakmagnet said:

I recently decided to "learn" Beach 2, I had been using Beach 1 on dry sand and down into damp sand. I was pleasantly surprised at how responsive this setting is even in dry sand. I had the Sensitivity at about 23, Iron bias at 3. Has anyone else found this setting interesting? 

If you are using this out of the water 23 could be ok if you have a sifting pouch.  With the Equinox line, if you want to discriminate against small objects you will need to dial back your sensitivity.  I do not do much saltwater hunting, but when I do go in the water I dial it back to 16-18 depending on target density.  On dry land in an old park I am almost always at 16 to avoid things the size of 22 lead have me chasing a target with my pinpointer 6-8" deep for 15 minutes.  GL and HH!

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