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Many places i hike into don't get GPS signals on a good Garmin and sometimes when they do it'll show the mark a ridge or two away.  Does the EPIRB utilize a different type of signal and satellite system? My wife would love for me to have a beacon but I've put it off. Each spring i debate it again and go without.


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Not a bad idea guys, but  I dont see it being trustworthy in canyon situations that have spotty gps signals to begin with. I know many times I am in and out of signal on the Garmin, and even with a satalite lock on, the signal is sometimes distorted and marked waypoints  can show up way off.

Also I would figure its still going to be a long wait for a rescue team to show up, so one would still have to fend for himself the best he could.

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I've had the SPOT ever since they came out. I remember there were a lot of complaints on coverage just because they didn't have the number of birds in the air as they do now. I never had any problems here in the SW, so I've continued to use their services. Judging by all the world wide rescues they've initiated, sounds like they (GlobalStar) must have their sh*t together now.


If I didn't already have the SPOT and felt confident in it's capabilities, the 406 EPIRB would definitely be in my survival toolbox.

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