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Fred, that sounds eerily similar to a problem I had with a Sat. phone. I was working on an deep sea tugboat when our satphone quit working. Every time we came in to port we would work on this problem. After two months we finally figured out is was not an equipment malfunction but a glitch in billing so the sat phone company suspended service with no notification. Because some desk jockey in the company office was the account administrator not the tug crew we had a hell of a problem figuring that one out.

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In Australia Sat phones can call emergency services numbers even if you have no credit or havent payed your bill.

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That's a great photo. It took me a while to find him.

It's surprising how few snakes you meet while out detecting but I guess it's because they feel you coming and move out of the way. Not so this little fella. He stays put and wiggles the end of his tail as a lure (not for prospectors but for edible prey):


In Australia I consider this Death Adder to be potentially the most dangerous of our many venomous snakes because you are more likely to accidentally step on him. He ranks about fifth worldwide on the list of poisonous land snakes, and is not very aggressive but takes offence when trod on. I didn't meet this particular one while detecting , but when I returned to the vehicle.


He eventually moved out of the way, but was there each day when we returned to work what we unsurprisingly called the "Death Adder" patch.

Still I like that "rattle" system; wonder if it could be retrofitted to our snakes.

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Cool pics Col!! I actually like snakes,as a kid,I lived in Kansas,then Georgia,and eventuallt California. Me and some buddies would go snake catching,always had a kingsnake,ratsnake or some other harmless snake in a terrarium.

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I dont like them at all..... especially after being bitten--they hold NO beauty for me...


only pain...



I'm with you on that one. I've treated quite a few dogs and horses bitten by rattle snakes ( another horse yesterday) although rarely fatal it can take weeks to recover. I have no problem "offing" a venomous  snake in the vicinity of people and pets.



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Me too, I just leave them alone. Had an acquaintance attack a taipan with a long handle shovel bit him on the hand, they are that quick, hardly got into vehicle when he started bleeding from the eyes than died.

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Me too, I just leave them alone. Had an acquaintance attack a taipan with a long handle shovel bit him on the hand, they are that quick, hardly got into vehicle when he started bleeding from the eyes than died.

The costal taipan in my opinion is the most dangerous snake in the world.

As it is very agressive and bites multiple times when it bites and envenoms on nearly every bite!

And the amount of venom per bite is large.

That was a stupid thing your associate did there Vic and he paid for it.

Most of people bitten die within an hour of being bitten due to how the neurotoxin works it thins your blood and stops clotting which amplify its effects and help spread it quikly trough your body, if you are not treated within 30 mins the fatality rate is 100%!!!

Tremain caught one that was well over 3m close to 4m!!!!!!! when he was working for austoxin as a snake handler/milker/catcher.

Name another snake that is found commonly near people that has a death rate if untreated within 30 mins of 100%, and they are notoriously aggressive!

And its a large snake that bites high.

The TAIPAN commands RESPECT!

Taipan even means boss in Indonesian.

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