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Fisher Impulse AQ Video - Hrs® Highly Reactive System

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Nothing new that I can see.  My White's SL can perform the same audio responses.  Like I said, nothing new that I can see.  I can detect a gold ring and ignore nails too.


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2 hours ago, Carolina said:

I would be more interested in a slow speed response I believe. 

who can do the most
can do the least...

the pulse rate very high 4000 PPS (pulse per second)
in addition to the high current in the coil
can bomb the ground / very quickly (4000PPS)
and very deep = strong current

once this acquired =
just lower the ATS (recovery speed)
sweep slowly
and you get the targets deeper
than any other detector ...............


+ I tested the prototypes
up to 6500/7000 PPS
they were even deeper
but at this rate
there are overconsumption issues
and overheating ...

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Of all the video's this one has to be my favorite.

The lack of any other noise, other then the target.....Then..... in Almetal...you can shape, size, and hear depth on the targets............................. AT 30 seconds one can hear the nail at a distance, but faint...this is telling me there is so much beyond that......Not a "here I am dig signal" but one that will need help to be heard.

After the two year warranty is up, it's going to be hard not to make changes to the "AQ"...other then the head phones.

Come on "AQ"..

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My point is my CTX and my Tarsacci can duplicate that test and at even greater distance. I realize this is a air test but there is little distance from coil to target before fading out. I would guess the sensitivity is dialed back hence the quite background. Even there nail bed test demo with the gold ring. After 10” max the ring signal fades out. I did however see LE JAG dig some deep targets but it was strange as I swear I saw a shaft with a handle and no housing. Like it was belt mounted. Never saw the control box. I’m not trying to cause trouble, just lots of strange things with this roll out and videos etc. I’m just one man so don’t anybody get mad and leave the forum on my account. My comments have little worth.

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It seems to me that if there is any hesitation at all regarding the detector or suspicion regarding the sources of the information then simply waiting for as many months as a person wants after the machine is released for third party reports would be the reasonable solution. The general idea is that the forum exists for people who are hoping to get information, and not shut down contributors of information as has been the norm on other forums. If people don't like the information that anyone is presenting, the forum offers a feature for blocking other users.

How To Ignore Users On The Forum

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20 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

It seems to me that if there is any hesitation at all regarding the detector or suspicion regarding the sources of the information then simply waiting for as many months as a person wants after the machine is released for third party reports would be the reasonable solution. The general idea is that the forum exists for people who are hoping to get information, and not shut down contributors of information as has been the norm on other forums. If people don't like the information that anyone is presenting, the forum offers a feature for blocking other users.

How To Ignore Users On The Forum

Well if this is aimed at me, then I would say nothing I said is false. I made no personal attack as on the other forum you reference, only observations. If my comments were taken as negative comments I’m sorry they were not meant to be. That does bring up an interesting thought though. Only positive comments allowed, no room for discussion or debate on this forum ? I thought this was a forum for discussion which leads to information and knowledge. And as far as your blocking comment, doesn’t it work both ways? Maybe block me if my comments seem off  line. Again I’m sorry if I offended anyone, not sure how many times it needs to be said. 



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No problem for me
anyone can ask questions ..

the test in the air of the video
is not intended to demonstrate the power
just the speed of the pulse

I will not talk about Tarscaci / not test
for the CTX if you have already tried a TDI pro / 14.4 v
you know it's deeper than a CTX
for me AQ is much more efficient
more sensitive / faster / quieter
and therefore deeper = on gold
CTX has been out of competition for a long time

we can't compare a 12 volt bbs
with a high voltage PI / it's another world...

about videos
I always use a plastic box / port ventral
like the beginning / just fix AQ front on the box
it's just a practical question
AQ as standard is sealed ...
I test future programming / upgrade
Alexandre does 'perpetual' research
with only one goal = to always do even better ..


+ on videos / I use the settings available as standard
the only notable difference
is the length of my cable

which should make me lose some sensitivity  (logically)
but as you can see
I dig deep enough

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