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Gerry in Idaho

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Everything posted by Gerry in Idaho

  1. This one kind of looks like a lady (facing right) bent over holding a child. If you can't see it...have a couple more shots of whisky. Could be a Prospector holding a pan? I'll have another..please.
  2. Please understand from a well known 20+ Year Dealer and what we go through. With the high demand of the detector, it is simple sales 101. If a customer is not serious enough to commit, please step aside as there are others who put their money where their mouth is. The same goes for a dealer too. If we want to make sure we get more than a small dealer to cover all of our customers, we better plan in advance and order more units than a small dealer. Us larger dealers purchase in bulk at the same price per unit as the small dealers who only purchase a few. How many of the folks on my short list "who Prepaid" are also on another list? I personally have 2 I know of who Pre Paid with another dealer as well? So for some reason, if that dealer gets his before me, then the customer could easily cancel his order with me and I end up getting charged the charge back fee regardless. It is wasted time and money and an actual loss for me the dealer. How many people are on my Long List, that are also on other dealers list? Probably quite a few and the same goes, if they get them 1st, I could be stuck with product. The 1st few days this detector comes out, there will be some folks who bash it... and I could end up with extra stock? Think back of a few recent brands who had such releases and all the bad units out there. What if another brand releases some FANTASTIC news of an up and coming machine? Just like with the Garrett AT Max did and I still have unsold inventory. I actually had customers cancel their AT Max order and asked to have the money rolled over to the EQ-800. So if someone has an issue with Prepaying, please step aside and let some of the more serious customers who want one sooner, get theirs. There is more to it than most of you realize. Just like in real world...you want a new 2019 truck and you want it sooner than most others, you Prepay. If a dealer has one set aside for you, that is nice of him, but if that dealer is well known 20+ year Dealer, there is no way he can just hold one for all his previous customers who want it. If folks know they want one and can use it now, it is most wise to be on a Prepaid list. If they prefer to wait and see what others have to say, then get on the "when extras are here" list. Pretty simple life lessons I have learned. Maybe some have not? Sorry if this upsets some folks, but please realize from a big well known dealers point who is trying to get as many as he can for his customers and friends who have helped his business grow from years past. It is not that easy as "Gerry, put me on a list". Now for another bit of info. I was already told by Minelab, my customers come 1st and my own staff of 10+ do not get theirs until all my Prepaid customers have their own units. That is exactly what they did to us with the Gold Monster 1000 and I have 130+ happy customers with many finding gold already. Some dealers go the extra mile, spend their own money, shut their shops to go to conferences, training, meetings, do testing, offer training. We update info we learn on FB, forums, YouTube all to benefit "all detectorists and potential customers" in hopes of earning their business. A small % of customers appreciate that by purchasing from those dealers who go the extra miles. Steve H is a fine example and why his business did so well. Even today he is considered the top of his league and will be for quite some time.
  3. Here is another interesting find, the Dragon Head. You folks are slowing down with the photos of neat gold nuggets...come on..lets see.
  4. Rod, With the above statement, I would not recommend the 705 or the GB-Pro, as neither of them are True Nugget Detectors. The GB-2, GMT, GM-1000 all run a higher kHz and will find a variety of different kinds of gold better and are also best at the majority of gold (small nuggets). As for a good deal on an X-705? I know nothing about that exact detector, how it was used, any warranty, condition, repairs etc. A good way to see the average selling price of a detector it go to eBay and check Previous Sales.
  5. Now if you really want to see the variety of uses with the X-705 and why I sell more of them in the Western States of the US (because one detector for under $500 can do many things), watch this video. It is is not me (with 40+ years of detecting experience), but one of my customers who was pretty new at it at the time and in fact he purchased the X-Terra from me based of our discussion and the different things he wanted to accomplish with 1 detector. Even today, I feel the X-705 is one of the best all around detectors for the price and I am sure many other people will agree. So you need to figure out (or you already know) do you want a dedicated gold detector or a multi purpose detector. Hope this info I am sharing helps. It is not a Tricks/Tips video but more of a: what can be found with the X-705. I have other videos for Tips/Tricks on my site.
  6. Here is the video of the GMT that could help you or anyone else with a few tips/tricks being shown. Now realize, I am not saying the GMT can't find Big Gold...because I have found some good sized pieces with it and some of my customers have found bigger..but the X-705 does it better on big gold and the GMT does it better on small gold.
  7. Rod K., I have never sold or used the Nokta so it would be wise to not comment on what I don't know. As for the X-Terra 705 and how it performs and or compares to the GMT. If you are going for smaller nuggets of .5 gram and less, I prefer the GMT mainly because of its higher kHz operating frequency. If you are going for larger nuggets, I'll take the X-705 as it is Deeper on big gold and also can be used for a variety of hunts. Plus it is $300 less money than the GMT. But in reality, the X-705 is what I classify as a True Multi Purpose Detector and the GMT is a dedicated Gold Detector. Attached photos of X-Terra gold finds and then I'll reply showing a GMT video I did while training customers.
  8. I'm not expecting the EQ-800 to do better and or deeper than my Xcal or 3030 on a salt beach for depth. Lets be real folks. I'm not expecting it to do (as good) on depth as those above mentioned detectors. BUT.... I have a sneaky suspicion and in fact am pretty sure it will win over my CTX and Xcal on Salt Water Beach in 4 different ways & will get me MORE GOLD. 1st and most intriguing is the Multi IQ's SENSITIVITY and ability to find smaller gold jewelry, earrings, chains and bracelets or even a broken gold ring. The FBS and BBS are known to perform poorly on those targets. 2nd way to find more gold with the new EQ-800 over my Xcal and 3030. RECOVERY SPEED. I like to hunt around docks, old piers and they seem to be loaded with iron. My CTX and a 6" coil do ok, but when testing , I see the need for Faster Recovery Speed. The delay of target response after going over an iron target is not that good on BBS and FBS. The EQ will find me more gold. 3rd is based on the previous 2 above. Since I'll be finding more gold and the detector is quite a bit less money, it will allow me to go more often with the wife (who is the gold bank). So I will eventually get more gold. 4th is compact detector is easier to get into luggage, so the wife will let me sneak it in her bag (big scoops are in mine). It also will cut the water easier with less drag and so I can hunt longer and more hours on each trip. I know for a fact the 3030 can get pretty tiring after 8 hour days in the water around the 4th and 5th day. The faster the machine cuts the water, the more swings I get per hour and the longer I can hunt with less fatigue, getting me more gold. So in the end, the EQ-800 may not be the deepest, may not be the smoothest...but to my ears, my style and knowing what my Xcal and 3030 miss? I'm pretty sure the Equinox will be stuffed in her luggage (she might not even know it).
  9. I'm going to brag a little, as my staff at Gerry's Detectors Rocks in the DIAMONDS again. Ryan Jamison is not only my Video Editing Guru but an experienced Professional Dive Recovery Expert. His Find, Recovery and Return won the Best of Month and Best of Show. Not sure how to pull it direct from Minelabs site, but hope this shows the video, as it is cool. https://www.minelab.com/go-minelabbing/success-stories/-50-000-diamond-ring-recovered-from-the-bottom-of-the-lake-
  10. You guys are driving me nuts with all those 2018 finds. Each of you I envy in so many ways. Here is what I have found since going out.
  11. I have a variety of cases and yours looks quite nice with good amounts of pockets...big plus. Different thoughts run through my mind when I put a detector in a gun case or fancy gun bag, especially if it is sitting in my truck. Folks are watching... point is. Years ago my buddy and I loaded the truck with some guns one evening to get up early for a long drive and hunt. When we got to the truck in AM, the window was broke out and the guns were stolen. We learned. So on the cheap, if you are not worried about damage from big dog or cooler bouncing around and you plan on laying it in a spot that won't get crushed, then a long beach towel works wonders. Here is what you do. Buy a couple at Yard Sales for $1 each and fold them over length wise and sow the edges together. If you want to add a few pockets, take a couple wash cloths and sew them on the inside as well, to hold headphones, batteries etc. Or purchase a fine looking one like you have and quit wasting time at Yard Sales....
  12. Know your Rocks. This highly desired collectors piece was found by one of my customers with a Fisher Gold Bug-2. If you did not know what to look for you'd probably toss the rock aside thinking "just another iron stone hot rock". When you see a good variety of colors and minerals, its time to slow down. Here is a 1 of a kind tree shape gold specimen or Dagger. Thanks to my customers for sharing your photos of Success with me.
  13. Fabulous looking nugget and would be a stunner hanging from a gold chain around ones neck.
  14. Steve is 1 person who many people watch, follow and trust. He gives the good/bad as he sees it, hence the majority of detector manufactures allow him to date their new and upcoming young daughter (detector). Would it not be most beneficial for a person with such accolades be testing, especially early in its beginning stages? But what is so clever with Mr. Herschbach is his willingness to allow the rest of us to give input on our findings of this new machine. Yes there will be loyalists with blinders who try to pick anything to death if it carries a different brand. All I can say is...I won't go there. With the internet so easy to reach from sea to sea and pole to pole, the vast users and their findings will be quite interesting to read. After all, how can 1 man in Reno, NV find all the bugs, see all the greatness and test the soils across the lands. He can't and that is why he too is open to comments and input of Pros/Cons. I can't wait for March to arrive, as there will be plenty to read from users everywhere. Why March you ask? Anything less and I feel you don't have enough time on it. Thanks for allowing us Steve, very thoughtful.
  15. The new Equinox has so many bases covered, it will be hard not to want to swing it at all. Tailing/Placer piles for gold nuggets. Inland freshwater swimming holes for old silver coins and gold jewelry. Easy, compact travel on the plane to Saltwater beaches on the coastal regions. Urban hunting parks/schools Old coin/artifact recover in areas with more trash than the majority of people used to want to detect. Minelab camps, Railroad sites, military posts. Ancient Artifacts in the fields of UK. Just too dang many options really and the fact that 1 detector could be the best for the majority of my hunts...is astonishing. During the vast majority of my personal field testing dreams, it was the true winner each time. Oh boy, I can't wait to go to bed for another.
  16. I know many $1000+ detectors would not hit that coin in the wet salt beach. What was nice is the see how smooth the detector was operating at. Yes I can turn up the GAIN/SENS on any detector to here a target, but when you sweep off to the side, the chatter is quite noticeable and this one was very stable. I won't say it yet until I actually try it on a Salt Water beach, but this could be my new travel companion. So much more easier to pack than my 3030 too. Plus I won't have to worry about leaking battery seal. My 40+ years of detecting has seen many new machines and some were very good. The new EQ-800 is getting me all giddi again for so many reasons too.
  17. Yellow gold nuggets from mother earth are the white snow flakes from the winter gods. Each one of these discovered treasures has their own story. In the eyes of the owner, the descriptions of nuggets and the photos our minds make up are so varied. I have been fortunate to find my share and even more so to catch a few with my camera. Lets see some of your favorite digs and their respected names. My 1st is: Gerry's Giraffe
  18. Jim, You are even more fortunate than most of us to have your mate as your prospecting partner and she even swings a detector. The only time my wife will detect is when we are in England together in which she usually finds the better pieces of history.
  19. Stunner white quartz and heavy yellow metal. Nice way to end the year and especially an eye catcher too.
  20. Those are great price point detectors for those who want features and are on a budget. I have had some customers make exceptional finds with theirs. Very nice video.
  21. I few years ago I was giving a class on "How to Find Gold Rings" with the Minelab X-705 and realized something different about a coupe of the detectors in the class? Most gave the same readout display, but a couple machines were a number off? I went home stumped that night and tried to figure out how the same model of detectors with the same SENS setting and same DISC patterns could give a different reading on the same target at the same depth? Finally I figured out the puzzle and when doing so I actually upped my odds of finding gold rings. So my questions is? Has anyone attempted changing the kHz setting before digging a target to see if the exact same Identification # is given? Or do you think it will/will not do it? Watch the video to see what I learned/taught myself.
  22. Jackpine, The 305 and 505 do not have the same PP features as the 705. Yes the 705 signal width and strength weaken with Ratchet Pin Pointing, but not as good as a few other models and brands of detectors I have used in times past. Yes the 705 has Sizing/Tracing or whatever some call it. Most folks don't know that on the 705 and I am here to say I don't know everything either. I do know and was one of the 1st to realize changing the kHz settings could alter the readout of a pull tab. What does your X-705 do?
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