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Everything posted by Luis

  1. https://www.ebay.es/itm/185289463890?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=1185-127638-7840-0&ssspo=n20zlDHYQ4u&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=StG-rav3TPu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY. https://www.ebay.es/itm/185159729354?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=1185-127638-7840-0&ssspo=n20zlDHYQ4u&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=StG-rav3TPu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY. Titanium
  2. https://fb.watch/hXYepWN2vA/ Dilek acaba de hacer un live contando las noticias
  3. I've already found out where the manticores are. They are storing them to make a photographic report
  4. nothing yet about the manticore but the strange thing is that they still haven't published anything about the equinox 700 and 900
  5. The French distributor published yesterday that he had just received a small package of the manticore, according to the photos it looked like 2 units and that he would start receiving more from January
  6. This writing has been communicated by a seller from Europe. I hope it helps something in this equation https://www.facebook.com/100064006871950/posts/pfbid0cjYvPnXMN9n328XLNUsTDGMJ8YkZiCzgYCAACEcY4miSDLJinvmqEVbERbnT9j2zl/
  7. I'm not a huge fan of YouTube videos, but these guys make some videos which might give you some idea of how the detector can compare in different types of scenarios. I think they are Bulgarian, you don't need to understand it since it gives you all the information on the screen of what is under the coil. It seems that the 900 is not only the crutch, it has improved somewhat compared to its successor.
  8. Hi Gerry, is there any piece of gold that I got with the manticore that I think I wouldn't have gotten with the nox? And if the answer was yes, why?
  9. At least you have the manual in English. I hope they will be released soon in Spanish. So I'll be entertained for a while,😁
  10. they were all copied from the deteknix brand detector which was the successor of the quest brand. He was the first to use that form that later shamelessly copied minelab with the equinox
  11. I personally think that the ad is directly about the manticore, since the colors of the ad are similar to the manticore's presentation color. But if it were from another detector I would bet on the gpz. When the minelab symbol is rotated in the ad it looks like a Z and it has already been said in this same forum that the renewal of the gpz was quite advanced. and surely the garret axiom can take market away at this time. just thinking about you
  12. there is not much left to know. Next week we will leave doubts
  13. Could it be that there are two manticore models just like the Equinox 600 and 800?
  14. I have an equinox 600 from the first ones that came out but for the price of the Legend it tempts me to buy one. worth?
  15. I don't know how he does it, but I like what he does. Thank you Nokta for thinking of the end customer. Looking forward to seeing the pulse detector when you're ready to go
  16. https://australianwayeducation.com/quien-descubrio-australia/ It is in Spanish, but it can be easily translated
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