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Ridge Runner

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Everything posted by Ridge Runner

  1. gambler Oh yes that is a problem on the pinpoint with no sound. Out of the four one did have that trouble. I had to send it in to get repaired. I guess you can start singing ON the Road Again. My MX will hit White's tomorrow to get the crack face replaced For the time I've used it it has been a pleasure. It's sad a great detector got such a bad start from day one. What should of could of is history for the most part now. The only thing I know for sure is White's will fix it. Chuck
  2. Hey GB Bedrock is like a brick wall and that is nothing gets past either. It was said about various layers by Fred but be sure you don't stop if the layer is thicker. Why? It could be what is called false bedrock. Oh this thicker layer could hold lots of gold but it have been made by time but the true bedrock is below that. Depth unknown. Chuck
  3. Khouse When you get back your MX Sport I'd say you weathered the storm. I do believe you will be happy with the MX. I know I am. I know we get to a point that enough is enough but White's never said the word no. That is the reason I too didn't get off this ride you and I have both been on. If can get your hands on one of the 950 concentric coils. I did and I love it for coin hunting. The Best to you. Chuck
  4. Fred I know what your saying. I don't why when it rains you get more of the same. Then you find yourself asking will it ever stop. The only thing that keeps me going and I say it again it's a great detector. The Best! Chuck
  5. Steve It has been some trying times but over all I.m glad I made the trip. It's a great detector with all that most would want in a metal detector. With so hot weather having to hunt in the waterproof is great because of all the sweat boiling off of you. It's like you said White's will take care of any problem one may have. I'm one that has been at their door again over and over again. White's has never used the word no. My MX Sport is on the way now to get the face cover replaced. Chuck
  6. I was in Oklahoma coin hunting with a friend with my MX Sport. I had the 950 concentric coil on with it in the Coin & Jewelry Mode. Had the Sensitivity set at 5 and had it on 4 tones. The reason for the concentric coil is I just like it over than a DD coil when coin hunting.. With the sensitivity set at 5 gave me more depth for the ground I was digging in. The ground was like you had stack flat rocks on top of more of the same. I've seen lots of rocky ground but this was beyond rocky. On the number of tones I may up it as time goes by. Like old home sites most can be a high trash ground to hunt. I found I could pick out a coin in between trash being on both sides without any trouble. The Sport would give me a good reading on my target with no trouble on it's ID. I've hunted with a lot of solid coils over the years but I really like this concentric with the hole in the center. When you pinpoint a coin you can almost see the date through the hole in coil.Haha. My friend sure like the different tones for each coin I would detect. I have White's TRX pinpointer and the only time had trouble when it got within about a foot of the coil. Over all I find the MX Sport to be a great coil hunting detector. I've yet to do any nugget hunting so that will come at a later date. The only thing I think that could be better and that is the detector stand. Unless you put it on level ground it will fall over. I'm going to see what I can come up with to correct the problem. The detector sits so low the elbow hits the ground when put down. This is just below the hand grip. I put a leather wrap to protect it from damage over time of hitting the ground. This is because of the short stand too. Chuck
  7. Rico You show one crack but my MX Sport has two in the left corner of the face plate. You may want to look on one side are the other for chips in the plastic when they pop the face cover off . They had to get in there for the firmware update. It looks that a fine blade like a knife was used but in doing the plastic cover was chip. I find the MX Sport is one great coin detector that I'll write on later. Chuck
  8. Hey Goldgrabber First I want to thank you for the video. You have enough water to run a fair size dredge. So is there anything blocking you from doing it other than money for one ? My trouble when I see gold I'm ready to find a way to run more material.. Again thanks and come back more for show and tell. Chuck
  9. If it wasn't a lot of money made off coils it wouldn't be so many to choice from. The other factor is we think and want what we think will find more for us. I say us but I'm wanting only what's best for me. Then every coil company is telling you what they got is the best money can buy. This is where we all get our self in trouble because one has to buy to know the truth. Before can't live without and after can't live with it. Just remember it's only money and your not going to take it with you. So I say spend it here on a coil. I got one I'm thinking about now. Chuck
  10. Steve I've seen it would have been great to order my detector just the way I wanted. On color is not so important to me but most of the time I'd say black. I don't think I would do pink even if some guys look good in a pink shirt. Fred To answer your question. I PM Steve and he worked his magic. Like when you and I at Rich Hill . I put on a sad face and got the extra water off you.haha What I've paid for some detectors now I was buying a new car way back when. I could order it with air, heater and radio plus any color I wanted. The more I think about it Steve we should be doing it the way we wanted now. Chuck
  11. A detector should have individual character and a distinguishing trait or quality. Isn't this why we buy that detector ? When you have a detector company that makes their product under one name you find what I said more true. Then other companies may have one name but they sell their products under different brand names of times past. I'm not saying it is not a good product they have. The trouble that comes into play is when they have the same father they start to look alike.Just by association and being conceive by the same person they all are going to be effected. If you go look at detectors that come out under different names but made by the same company you will see what I'm taking about. Oh it don't jump out and bite you but makes you think your seeing double. I don't care if it's the inner working are the skin on the outside it drift from one to the other. Okay I open this can of worms and now I'd like to hear from you on the above subject. Chuck
  12. Terry You and strick are oh so right in so many ways. One way you know it's time to go home when they say I have a friend is going to hunt it. I had a friend hunting this place and the old guy was watching him. Each time he dug up a coin the guy would say let me see that. Then he'd say I must have lost that. The trouble was that each time that coin went into his pocket. After the third coin and the coin was going in the guys pocket my friend just said he had to go.. Like he told me he didn't go back. Chuck
  13. I haven't used a ear bud in a long time but it work great. You don't need your headphones turned up so high that it will blow the wax out of your ears when you detect something. I guess you could put a bag over your head just to keep outside sounds. If do get one you can see out and cut a hole for air intake. It's just all about blocking anything that will stop you hearing that weak signal you want. It helps to cut back on power drain if can More time detecting may be more gold found. Chuck
  14. At one time I could get access to about any place I wanted to detect but that was the time people left their doors unlock. Just maybe some of you can remember that. Now you get the Third degree from that lady that lives alone. With so many getting rape kill and anything beyond one can think of. People take a stand it's best for them if they just don't let you on their property and it's out of fear of what may happen is the why. Chuck
  15. Guys it's nothing written down that says you can't pull your headphones off one ear. I know I'd be doing that if I was thinking something may come up and bite me in my butt. This could apply for anything that may be sliding along the ground too Everybody knows what works best for them. I was just telling about the good side of headphones but we have other equipment equal as good and in some case better. Swing low and slow Chuck
  16. cabellafella You made a good point of having that extra detector. My trouble when I started detecting I couldn't afford another one. In 66 I think I had to pay about 160.00 for A White's BFO. Before that I made one from a kit. It worked but not to the point I'd say great. I did find coins with it. That BFO was like stepping into new world. I was like Buck Rogers with it.haha swing low and slow Chuck.
  17. On most I don't have the top shaft and the lower is never cheap. On this I just didn't look a gift horse in the mouth but I did say thank you. Swing low and slow Chuck
  18. Out of the travel of my MX Sport I got two of the lower and upper shaft. Now I have the coil wire run straight up the lower shaft that has the coil on it and locked in place with the clips. I leave a half moon loop coming off the coil so it has movement. On the top shaft I wrap the coil wire around it. I do the same on all my detectors in this way. By having both you can unlock the nut and pushing in the pins the whole shaft comes free. Well that's true if you remembered to disconnect the coil from the detector first. Chuck
  19. I didn't hear what you said because you were on my bad ear side of my head. It's not any different when out detecting without headphones. I don't like wearing those things either but you can miss gold and coin by not having them on. Oh you got good hearing and you say I don't need them. How do you spell bull ? Think about this as you swing that coil over a weak signal but at that same moment in time it was a puff of wind. You don't know it because you got good hearing and you keep saying it. Who knows one day you may even believe it. The only thing I wish I was that guy coming along behind you. When I got my White's 66 TR the first thing I done was drill a hole to put a 1/8 pin jack for a ear bud. That was the best thing in helping me to find more coins. The detector before was BFO but I didn't put one in it being it was my first one I'd had and still learning. The young and us that is older will be better off if we will wear headphones. A lot of time the hearing in one ear is better than the other and as time goes by it won't get better. I guess you could say it's like other things it all goes south. You know when you get new eye wear and you can see so much better. Well headphones will do the same for you. You want to find more gold then put some on. If all you want is a ear bud well be sure to put it in your good ear. Swing low and slow ! Chuck
  20. When dealing with people you may have to use psychology to hunt on their property. What you may not be thinking about is that coil you have on your detector has a attitude. The person your confronting is looking at that big coil and they know nothing about detectors are detecting..That person you see don't even see you.All they can see and thinking about is that big coil and at the same time thinking is everything is going to be big too. You and I know better but all they see is big hole and deep hole. Now this is where the Social Psychology of a small coil comes into play. That property owner first look is at that small coil thinking he's not going to harm to my yard with that little thing. It don't come to him that the one behind that detector could do more harm than detector ever could. Let some time go by and as you get to know the property owner better then bring out the big coil. Be sure to always explain the hole you dig won't be over a half dollar in size if can. Leave that yard with a look like you haven't been there. Don't get me wrong I like a big coil and on open ground say beach hunting I wouldn't leave home without it. The thing is a small coil looks friendly without that attitude you don't need. Swing low and slow! Chuck
  21. I've spent two weeks one time just nugget hunting around Rich Hill. I came out with both hands running over with trash and not one nugget. I'd have to say now days 60% to 70 % trash. The day pull tabs came out it was down hill from there. I believe at one time kids had lunch money with them but now it's paid by check. This way that kid don't have it to lose on the play ground. Chuck
  22. I just love finding old coins. Think what you could buy with that coin when lost. I found a old coin in a school yard that I'd hunted many times over. What I believe a kid got into a coin collection and it found it's way to school for show and tell. Glad you found dog tags.of a friend loss. I was in Thule Greenland in 64 and while gone my dog got kill. I want you to know tears was running down this old boys face. I've walk away from a hole I'd been digging awhile more than one time. Oh it was hot but the trouble is you can't stop thinking about what you may left. Thank for any story you would like to post. This about people like all of us. Some may be happy and others could be sad.. Like some I think back on what were you thinking. Chuck
  23. You ever find every coin in one hole ? I did one time. The place was in a park and you would find lovers laying on this slope watching the water that went by.haha Anyway I dug every coin we have in the US other than a silver dollar out of that one hole. That was my first and last. Chuck
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