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Everything posted by LuckyLundy

  1. There isn’t any gold at Rye Patch! Believe me, lol LuckyLundy
  2. Kiwijw, Brats, is short for Bratwurst! We had kids there with us. One 8 year old was messing around with his Dad’s Monster 1000 next to the trucks and digs up a 1/2 Gram nugget! We had a good laugh at our sore feet and parking on top of the Patch, lol. Rick
  3. Peg, it was a little chilly during the eve’s! During the day, it would have been great without the wind chill. Someone pointed out a little Jeep riding around the desert with a couple of your friends. I couldn’t get close enough to call them over to follow us. Of course our Motley Crew would warm normal folks to stay their distance, lol Rick
  4. Peg, it was a little chilly during the eve’s! During the day, it would have been great without the wind chill. Someone pointed out a little Jeep riding around the desert with a couple of your friends. I couldn’t get close enough to call them over to follow us. Of course our Motley Crew would warm normal folks to stay their distance, lol Rick
  5. We had a club outing at Rye Patch! Even our little group showed up in in force to see if we could pickup where Rudy and I, left of the week before. Our little group of detectorist have dozens of nugget finding spots in Rye Patch. Some with names we give them, so we can keep track of where we are located with the use of our radios. It’s kind of like Fishing, if they aren’t bitting at one spot maybe somebody at another location will sound off to come their way. Jack Rabbit, 4-Corners, October and Crossroads or some examples of where we might find the nuggets wanting to end up in our pokes. This trip, we had a few guest Club members, with us on each day. Some needed a few pointers with their settings and others only needed a pointy finger! As usual, October is a transitional Month for the North Western Seasonal change. Cold, Windy, smoke one day blew in from Northern California Fires making me think there was a local fire very close by. With extreme dry conditions with the wind, it made metal detecting difficult with static EMI’s. But, we fought thru Mother Nature elements and she rewarded us for the effort. This Tail Gate photo, was one day we had a late lunch cooking up a couple dozen brats. Only 6 pokes in the photo, as everyone else was hunting different location...just more Brats for us to eat, lol. We had a great time with our hobby and enjoying each other’s company! Just wish I could have ended up with the total Party’s Tail Gate photo with everyone’s pokes on it...maybe next time! Rye Patch still has nuggets to find and it continues to produce smiling faces. Until the next hunt LuckyLundy
  6. Lunk, is Awesome! Brian, the ground is perfect...but, had to work hard for this poke! I like easy diggin's, lol Rick
  7. Fred, Two members of the crew was on the hunt with me! But, we hunted different locations the last day and couldn't end up with a everyone's tailgate poke photo Op. Diffently, over 1/2 ounce with the 3 pokes! Rick
  8. Peg, there's miles of dirt out there with gold in it! Just so little time, lol Rick
  9. I had 4-days for a hunt at Rye Patch which really ends up being a good 3 days behind the coil. My goal for this many days is always 1/4 ounce in the poke! First morning I, added 4 nuggets to the poke, but nothing all afternoon! What's up with that, not much weight but well over a pennyweight. A good nights sleep and off I went the next morning, which fell into late afternoon with only 4 more nuggets, but one was over 2 dwts alone. After soaking them in CLR, I tossed them on the scale 4.2 dwts! My goal was in site, as I plotted my battle plan for the next morning before I fell asleep. The next morning, I put my thoughts into action. I figured I only needed 1 dink nugget 2 at the most. Well I ended up with 3 and was happy that my scale didn't let me down, settling down at 6.57 dwts. No easy duck nuggets on this trip, all well earned with intense concentration and extra slow coil swing. The GPZ, is and amazing machine, but you still have to get that coil over that nugget...and there's the struggle! I hope my next trip is a no-brainer and the nuggets just jump on my coil. Set a goal for yourself and work hard to achieve it...Until the next hunt! LuckyLundy
  10. Mitch, if you down over 18" deep in 100 plus degree temps and can't pinpoint your target with that 14" coil. You'll be leaving someone like me a target that may end up in the poke! ? Rick
  11. Swegin, Third one, some duct tape and small rope was the cure! ? Rick
  12. The 35 comes with a Lanyard! Finally, I've lost two of the old ones somewhere in Nevada gold fields. Rick
  13. Joe, Rudy's started prospecting with us years ago and hardly knew more than turning his GP 3000 on. He cut his teeth quickly and soaked up everything our small group could teach him. A great student and now a great prospector! He loves showing his Sensei his skill...much to often, lol. We will see you in Rye Patch in October for the hunt & Steaks. Rick
  14. Peg, You had a great trip and that is a prize of a Chevron from Rye Patch! Your coil and technique are paying off. Rick
  15. Peg, Rudy & I, sell all our gold! Them little Bread & Butter nuggets are the key to prospecting! The Lobster & Steak nuggets will follow. Just enjoy the pile of smiles as them little nuggets add up! Rick
  16. Jeff, I think I know a few spots that the Monster might work? See ya soon! Rick & Robin
  17. I'm starting to believe my little Leprechaun's jump ship when your around! Great time and hundreds of more great times into our future! Rick
  18. Sure, it's a little early in the season for more than just a morning hunt in the High Desert! I loaded up my truck with my gear added 4 blocks of ice and a case of frozen water bottles in my big cooler. Many asked me, how long are you staying, when my ice melts or I melt is my normal reply! Rudy, is game for any weather, as I was at his age, but now I'm looking for a shade tree to get me thru the hot part of the day...no luck in this area for a tree! Rudy, met me early to start the hunt where we left off with his 8 plus dwt'er and run of nuggets. The ground is perfect to hunt for the deep nuggets and Rudy had 5 dinks before we moved to another Patch for a change of scenery! And hour there with Sun beating what brains we had left, we decided to swing some new ground with no luck there. So, we headed back where we started the morning. I popped two dinks and I seen Rudy starting to dig a big wide and deep hole. He told me it has to be trash? I walked over and I could tell by the dirt and his screaming machine that it wasn't trash even though I tried to talk him into filling the hole up and don't waste his energy! He is much to seasoned for that line. I walked over and got the monster pick from my RZR and we started busting the shale to the target! Finally, out of the hole and into Rudy's hands was a handsome 5.70 dwt nugget at 20". This type of hunting takes time and we bust a bunch of holes chasing Threshold variations for a fat deep nugget. A couple more days later, I still had plenty of ice, but no gas left in my tank! Of course we ran into Ms Peg and a new buddy Brian from Reno...everyone had gold in their pokes! Until the next hunt LuckyLundy
  19. Mitch, i like that cobblers mark! I'll ask around! I was back out in the woods today...hot as hell and only one dink. talk soon, Rick
  20. The smell of tall pines, the sound of a sweet target, the excitement of the dig, the rattle of a fat one in the poke bottle = perfect hunt day! WTG Rick
  21. Scott, I have one favorite weird gold tone! Have to remember them tones Rick
  22. Art, Sweet nugget for your Sweetie! Rick
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