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Joe Beechnut OBN

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Everything posted by Joe Beechnut OBN

  1. One thing for sure there are not many on this side, must be you west coast boys. Now if your talking years ago, then Everyone was digging gold. But me.. There was a guy here in the Bay who had over 10,000 gold rings? He did take pictures but I'm not seeing 10 thousand..
  2. Maybe I did word that wrong, it should have said Some of the Best hunters in the USA... , but in my short span of 14 years of beach hunting I can't tell you how many hunters I have ran into boasted about there finds. For them I always say..., Prove it "I'm from Missouri" ......... that's when I get my chuckle.. But you are correct, I am sure there are "A FEW" other Good hunters out there that are happy with finding gold and not telling anyone. What's that saying about 95% of the gold is found by the same hunters each year? One thing for sure, I'm out of the ranks this year..😬
  3. I totally agree, I really like the way he tells his stories. I had seen a few video's of him on Treasure tells. A real enjoyment watching.
  4. Na... I did come in like a Bull in a China shop........... I can't remember who told me that but I do remember it well, kind of like me standing up and someone telling me to set down for no one knows you... I had that happen another time also. When I first started hunting the Chesapeake Bay I would go to the local beach (Sandy Point) and watch the hunters. So I joined in, it was a 6am to 9am hunt.... ... everyone had to get out of the water by 9am ..then they would meet in the parking lot and show their finds off. I remember I had found a gold cross and walked over to show everyone.. only one person said nice find, ....... Joe D.. still my friend.
  5. I love Terry, Very Good guy and a Great speaker!........... I remember him on the Treasuredepot years ago on the "Ring Daddy" page. He was in the top 5 for 3 years....{marked in red} ...The Depot always had (SOME) of the top gun hunters in the USA, I started watching the site around 2010 .. I posted over there a few times then someone told me it was for the Pro Hunters.. so I just watched for few years .........Then I let them have it.. OBN..
  6. I can tell you right now that is a major advantage. All of the beaches I hunt are any where from 15 to 45 minutes, being that close I can cherry pick the days I hunt. Most of the time the small window opens once a week for about 4 to 5 hours. And that maybe all I hunt that week but it is productive.. Most of the time. I'm sure if you were that close you would be cleaning up.
  7. At this beach any machine could have found these. I had a CTX for a few years, Good machine but not for me, to much information which can be distracting for me. As far as comparing the CTX and Excalibur. I think the CTX is a better machine for finding rings on fresh drop beaches.. I have seen a couple CTX's where I hunt, along with several Nox's on the older beaches. Never have I seen them find old Gold, My opinion, it comes down to the hunters abilities with the machine and knowledge of this type of hunting.. I can share this, I hunted a older small beach where I was invited by two CTX users and one AT Pro.... When I left the first day and they seen what I found, one went out right away and got a Excalibur.. Him with a new Excalibur and doing a few modifications reopened that spot up where I would say he got a "LOT" more silver and gold from it.. Mike Guard like me seemed to connect with the Excalibur.. I can take Mike out with me and he can find everything I find, I take others who have Nox's, Excalibur's and CZ20/21's .. Most find only a few targets. So I would say, it's not the machine its the users.. I never clicked with the CTX.. with the right user it may find all I find.. but yet to see it happen. Post from a very good friend I took to one spot, Tom has been detecting about 40 years plus years. Second picture is my take that day..
  8. Thanks Elbert, as it looks right now my out time now is over unless I can get a setter.
  9. Those are some cool silvers! I've never found a ring marked on the outside, but seems to be common in a few countries.
  10. That's what I had before, I could hunt for 5 hours and be toasty in low 30F waters.. temps could be in the teens and wind chill lower. I still have the "Muck Artic Pro" boots which are good down to Neg 50...., I was thinking lead weights on the ankles and a life jacket. But both would have to work in perfect harmony. Just enough lead to keep my feet down and enough floatation to keep my head above water, and not sink... I see my hunting coming to a stop soon. Obligations are slowly growing, This will give me time to play with my equipment. Always next year. Good Luck on the gold, Once you find the right spot I know it's going to happen for you!!
  11. Like my Excalibur's, every thing I use has been reworked for what I need them to do.. Unfortunately, the suit looks nothing like the factory's for I've changed everything from the boots up to the neck seal, I'm sure they would get a laugh out of what has been done to it. With what I have planned for the next Generation of my winter hunting suit, I should be able to hunt and be warm but just not as long.. Hoping I can push hunt time to 2 hours.. before I could hunt as long as I wanted. Here is the old drysuit setup. On the new winter drysuit, all will be the same except the boots..
  12. I still have two but they were for the cooler water months.. Nov/Dec then April/May. The one that had the floating boots got cut up in the rescue, that one was used for Jan/Feb..... But I do have a plan...
  13. Hunted a fresh drop beach Tuesday, now that they are open all day. Tides were low and water was calm. I was able to get into a area where no one had been and got a 14k wedding band. The other two (10k white golds) were closer to shore, no doubt recent drops... (One scoop) When I dug the first, I said gold but never seen a mark and figured it was junk.. until I got to my car and seen both stamped 10k.. The place was hammered good but there were areas still un-hunted after being open a week.
  14. Hot! Hot! Hot!! Wow, Don't let it rest! Love the big white gold ring!
  15. I think the Nox has changed that, I've not found a gold stud in 6 years now, that's just about how long they have been out. The Nox has helped everyone of my friends who use them, now as far as gold rings being pretty easy, must be the location for everyone of them have been complaining about there gold ring count for years. I am not a Nox lover but anyone asking me where to start.. I'm going to tell them the Nox.
  16. Great story on using both machines. Be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out and will enjoy seeing. I love this time of year, tides start going crazy low.
  17. Very true, I have aerial shots of all the beaches I hunt all the way back to 1952, most have the same patterns they did back then.. unless some changes were made or allowed by man.
  18. X-2 Buddy. I'll be thinking of you as I walk out in the 20 degree North winds and into the 40 degree waters. I got to say my setup I was using during the accident was warm as hunting the water in the summer. I'm going to need to figure something out. Out today, my once a week hunt. We had some strong winds this past week, I was excited about getting out but after 4 hours.. Not much to show. One thing about the bay I've noticed the last 3 years, the best days are the lowtiders, and with natural / normal actions of the bay, seem to be the best for cutting out areas and opening spots for hunting. Hard winds just cover all up . After 7 solid years of Chesapeake bay hunting you figure I could tell how all things affect this place....
  19. Good to see the compass pointed in the direction of Gold! Love the chain! Lots of nice treasure ..
  20. Several factors, stuck in the dead man float position because of the drysuit .....took water in the lungs, about 700 foot out in 5 foot of water, tried to paddy in ... Got tangled up in my tethered gear. Scoop, sifter, detector, 40F water coming in my neck seal thru a bleeder tube. Feet more buoyant and head less, luckily I was able to pull the sifter under my shoulders and head. When paddling in I kept going in circles, tried pushing myself with the scoop.. circles. So the best after 15 minutes, stay calm.. Yell help ever 10 seconds. Not the first time happened, stepped in one of my holes and had a tumble in close to shore, about 3 feet of water. Was able to spin around and get control.. happens at 1 min 40 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYAnQDeMqWo I now carry these items all the time. A Coast Guard Beacon and Manual inflate Life jacket.
  21. Congrads on the 14k, It's tough finding gold on land. Great save! In my 14 years of detecting. Never found one on land.
  22. Thanks You! I'm stunned also and kind of thinking this is to good to be true. But when things do settle down, then the next round will be to take the AQ in.. One of the crazies digs I have had so far, most rings are about 3 scoops deep, guess 12 to 15 inches? I dug a pig of a gold ring, almost right on the surface..(1 scoop) I am still trying to figure out are they moving, or are they being uncovered?
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