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Everything posted by flakmagnet

  1. Nice to see you post Dale. You guys set the standard for in-the-field-gold-finds and spoiled thousands of us. Happy they didn't talk you into their "reality."
  2. 18 miles on an ATV…wow, that must be a hell of a claim. Good luck.
  3. Reg are you trying for curmudgeon of the month here? It is getting all too predictable that you will jump into a discussion with some sour comment. Why?
  4. JP I have just copied this post. I will take it to the field and do as you suggest. Thank you to everyone for their patient and considered posts, it's why this is the best forum anywhere for this hobby.
  5. Oh no not the Lost Dutchman - yet again... (kidding)
  6. This seems to be the clearest method to overcome what I am experiencing. From a post by JP: Turn the GPZ on. - noise cancel. - balance with ferrite and Quick Trak in semi auto. - release Quick Track and pump ground balance just off to the side. - check ferrite again. If still making noise over ferrite, balance with ferrite and Quick Trak in semi auto again. Repeat the above steps until quiete over ferrite and ground. - start detecting. - check over the ferrite sporadically through the day or if the detector seems 'out of tune'.
  7. Hi Chet, all good suggestions. I belong to WSPA and have since its inception. I've been to Bill's outings in Gold Basin and have also hunted with him in different settings. I am pretty comfortable with the GPZ and coming up with settings that work in various areas, but the ferrite difficulty is recent hence the questions. I do think my lack of resetting often is the culprit and will mess with that next time out. I do look forward to meeting you one day, I hear so many nice things about you. Best...
  8. Hi Steve, I did do a reset as a result of the first post's suggestions but the difficulty of tuning with the ferrite returned. I have been in the same area so had not reset recently…and I think it makes a lot of sense to reset often especially if it's been awhile since I've been out, so that is what I will start doing. I do always reset when I change areas. I am always gratified by the responses to questions and I have learned a lot more by asking them than by not asking.
  9. Yes Fred, Steve doesn't suffer foolishness easily. It's what makes the forum the most worthwhile place to learn. For a person who does not understand electronics but who loves detecting, I'm willing to risk appearing foolish, it's better than not asking. Now, to put the advice to good use….
  10. Hi Steve, yes I asked that question before. I'm still having the anomaly. I am sure it is me doing something wrong in the start-up process and wanted to ask the forum. Thank you for linking this, I did reread it before I posted knowing it was repetitive (and knowing you'd spot that it was essentially a repost).
  11. Yes it's a stock ferrite - will do reset all - yes used semi-auto for GB - I will lower sensitivity and there was no target close to the ferrite. Thank you all.
  12. For the last few times out, I haven't been able to balance the 7000 using the ferrite. The detector continues to sound off as I wave the coil over it (with the q.t. button held in).I haven't had that problem before. The detector seemed to be just as sensitive but I am wondering if there is a solution to it not balancing. (I did read through back posts and the only thing I found was a suggestion by JP that after turning the unit on and tuning satisfactorily, turn the unit off. Then turn it on again, tune and continue on to balancing with the ferrite. - I haven't tried that yet)
  13. Yup, Garmin Rhino is a great unit if you want to communicate with a partner. Easy to use, good range and rugged. But, phone apps are great too. The main point is there are many possibilities to pick from. The seemingly hard part; pick one, learn it and go for it.
  14. Sometimes - unless it's lead - having a magnet helps sort that stuff out. Good luck.
  15. I may be the only person field testing it that's for sure…haha. (thanks Chase, I corrected it)
  16. What a wonderful experience to share with your wife, first of all…It looks as though you are highly organized as far as keeping track of what you are doing and what you have found…working outside known areas is time consuming and most times unrewarding. That fact that you are willing to put your time into it is encouraging. No wonder you have success. Thanks for showing many of us what many will never see but hope to find.
  17. To be honest, I don't dig everything…and I sometimes have incredible second thoughts about it. But I do dig most targets, especially the unusual sounding ones as well as the 'good sounding' ones and the ear-busters. As I mentioned in another thread, the almost two ounce piece I found at 14" could have been found with a Radio Shack detector and it almost blew my headphones off.
  18. me neither…we have seen this charade.
  19. Happily I am fortunate enough to have a GPZ and an Equinox 800 (corrected. Thanks Chase) and don't really have to worry about any upcoming detectors. I do think there will have to be substantive changes in the next ML gold detector though - especially if it is more likely to be released in 2021. This is a fun discussion though, I always learn something in these threads.
  20. haha Fred, we all have our definitions I guess. For me, someone following me in order to take advantage of the research and footwork I have done, is a rip-off. I get it about not going public, but even you might agree that those Goldhound videos were some of the best ever done of what is our hobby and their living. Hope you are doing well...
  21. I think you misread the post: I said people were trying to follow them and find where they were detecting (which is a ripoff, no?)
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