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Everything posted by CPT_GhostLight

  1. Great snag, Daniel Tn, congrats! Silver is always a nice find and it was very considerate for the local hunter to leave the high conductors. 😄 You mentioned you were using Full Tones with Square audio. How do you like it? I didn't like FT in Square audio when I first tried it so I use PWM audio on FT and like that. I think it's going to be better in the coming update, but maybe I should reinvestigate Full Tones in Square audio. 🤔
  2. Sometimes retreat is a better option. Maybe Kevlar overalls would be a good detecting accessory. 😏 Great recoveries on the alternate site. Congrats on the buttons, silver, V-nickels, and relics! There ya go raising the bar again! 😎
  3. It's all personal preference. Iron volume does not affect depth, but can affect your perception of deep targets. I usually run my Iron Volume at the stock settings (3), but in heavily man-made iron infested sites, I usually have to drop that to 2 or 1 to keep the constant bombardment of iron sounds from causing ear fatigue and to allow non-ferrous targets to pop through better.
  4. Man, that's just pure awesome sauce, way to go! That was a ton of work well rewarded. Sorry about your TDI shaft, but it looks like you made enough in change to get a new one! Well done! 😎
  5. More great and unusual finds, F350! If the button meister isn't finding buttons, the field must have been detected hard back in the day, or you just haven't found the hord yet. Oddly enough, a buddy of mine found a mason jar full of buttons at a 1800s site, so it could happen. 😏 I look forward to your next adventure.
  6. Our pull tabs also come in colors and it makes it more interesting when you know you're digging a tab but it isn't gray. It's the small stuff that makes it all worth while... 😆
  7. That is awesome, and now you have a new treasure! 😎
  8. Thanks, F350! That point thing is one of the markers they pound in the ground when they hold soccer classes in the parks. They are supposed to remove them when done, but I regularly find them. You'd think the could find them with the colorful plastic frizzies sticking up above the grass, but they must disappear when stepped on because I always find them a couple od inches down. 😏
  9. Still cool finds, NCt! Silver will come, but that Anchor button is cool and the Flier's button looks like it could be WWI era. Well done!
  10. With all the great finds being made lately, I thought it was time to lower the bar for the rest of us. I mean, what are the great finds of metal detecting really, silver coins, gold jewelry, historical relics, or the Holy Grail of metal detecting, the Holy Grail? Sure, those things are nice, but what about the mundane, common, everyday metal detecting finds? Are they any less great than silver, gold, and ancient artifacts? Of course they are! But there is a hidden greatness in every find and you just have to look, sometimes really deep, for it. Case and point. A few days ago when I looked out my back door to see what it looked like outside, I didn't see the dreary snow covered frozen tundra that is my back yard. I saw a small crack of sunlight trying to pry through the clouds and thought to myself, "Today's the day! Fortune and glory, kid, fortune and glory!" So I grabbed my Deus 2 that has been on permanent charge for 2 weeks and headed out front to dig out my Jeep. As chipped through the ice to pry open the driver's door, I remembered my new over the ear headphones that I got for Christmas that were also still on the charger and ran back inside to grab them. Since it was a balmy 33° (F) outside, I decided to head over to a nearby park and hit the sledding hills with the detector for a few hours before the temps dropped below freezing again. Since I was short on time, I only scraped out a small hole to see out the front window and as I fishtailed up the hill to the park, I noticed a large white blob through the ice glazed side window which may have been a polar bear or it might have been a snowman, there was no time to check it out, I had to make it to the park. When I arrived at the park I was surprized to see no one there except a heavily bundled up person walking their penguin off in the distance. I fired up the detector and slid halfway down the fist hill scanning the snow as I went. And then it happened, a banging 85 on the D2 about 5 inches down! 10 minutes later I had chipped through 4 inches of frozen snow and 1 inch of ice and out popped my first zincoln of the day! Woohoo, I'm on the board! I killed the first hour on the south hill reaping all the great finds I could hit that were less than an inch under the perma-ice and then moved to the north hill to do the same. There were plenty of good targets reading deeper in the frozen ground, but it would have taken a jack hammer to get to them and that would probably draw unwanted attention from the local police who went sliding by from time to time. I decided to keep the finds from the two hills separate to see where the most sledding action was happening. All in all I ended up with some great finds and some future great finds. I got $2.62 to put toward another coil, some spiffy sunglasses, a key (now I just have to find the lock it fits), a chrome lug nut that doesn't fit my Jeep, and I saved an endangered gorilla from icey oblivion. So all great stuff! And the future great finds are the 1972 and 1961 copper Memorial pennies, which in a short hundred years will be some great finds indeed!
  11. Well I ran out of likes.... anyone want to lend me some? 😄 I get what you're saying, @Jeff McClendon. I need to get into native gold hunting with a detector. I have a Gold Bug 2, Nox 800, and the D2 (which I know needs the update for that), but when I get into the hills I just end up using a pan and sluice. 😏
  12. I think you're referring to the Gold mode, Jeff, and that's an area I haven't been able to try yet. I did try out the Gold mode in a park a few times and it just pinged making every target sound good, so I haven't used it as it was intended. I too hope the update makes everyone happy, but would rather wait until it's fully cured and good to go than to have to do 10 updates to fix the updates and loose my custom settings each time. Sometimes faster is not better.
  13. Congrats on more awesome finds, F350! The scouting trips are turning up some great stuff, I can't wait to see what the gridding turns up, well done again! And congrats on not getting shot! 😆
  14. I also love the D2's Pitch audio. I have been experimenting with both notched and un-notched Fast programs in Pitch (PWM and also Square tones) and Full Tones in PWM. The programs are saved next to each other so I can quickly switch between them on the same target. I prefer hunting with Pitch audio in ether PWM or Square audio. It just pops on good and potentially good targets. I use PWM Full Tones mainly to investigate iffy targets to get a few more clues to make a dig/no dig decision. Square Full Tones just sounds wonky to me so I don't use that. I may be wrong, but in my soils Pitch seems to punch just a little deeper than Full Tones does which is another reason I prefer to hunt in Pitch.
  15. Well congrats Van Rijn Stewart! That's an incredible find and an awesome way to start the new year, well done indeed!
  16. Yes!!! This right here! Welcome to the dark side, Steve, we've been waiting for you. 😄 From my limited perspective and coming from the Nox 800, when I recieved the D2 last April, I resolved to use only it until I felt like I learned it well enough to be able to switch back and forth between my two detectors at any time. I was very comfortable with the ol' Nox, and early into the D2 learning curve there were a few times that I though of just grabbing the Nox and go a-finding, but I fought the urges and stayed the course with the D2. Now I'm glad I did. It wasn't long before the D2 menu system was a non issue and it became just muscle memory with continued use. The real curve for me has been learning all the relationships and purposes of the various controls like sensitvity, iron bias, recovery speed/reactivity, discrimination, notch, tonal nuances, ect., all of which you more experienced detectorists are already familiar with. These controls were conveniently somewhat limited on my previous detector and I really didn't know what was missing or understand the concepts until I had more time on the D2. Now that I understand the D2 (and detecting) a little more, and am continuing to grow and experiment with settings without messing anything up, I no longer have the urge to grab the ol' standby. I'm now finding things I could only dream of finding before. It's not that the Nox couldn't find these things, it's because I couldn't find them with the Nox. I just settled into a few patterns with the Nox that I was comfortable with and never ventured beyond that. The Deus 2 forced me out of my comfort zone and forced me to learn more about detecting, and it has payed off with more and better finds. The journey continues but I'm having a great time with the D2 and don't really miss the ol' standby. Now when that D2 10x5" coil comes out, my journey will be complete! 😎
  17. Well congrats on your permissions and well done on your research. Looks like you have prime detecting set up for a long time. I have pretty much decided to follow your lead and get the 13" coil when they get back in stock and get a Steve's D2 shaft for it and make a WSMaster rig for the 9", specially since I got the WSA II-XL phones for Christmas that will work with both setups. Keep up the good hunts and posts! Since my snow refuses to melt here, I'm going out snow hunting today or tomorrow. 😎
  18. Great Hunt again, SOHN and congrats on the silver and gold! And thank you for your real wolrd report on the Manticore. It looks like it's working well for you right out of the gate. I always enjoy your posts.
  19. We need a "WOW" emoji, because, WOW! They're all awesome finds, but that W&M coin is absolutely amazing! Way to go and congrats! That new permission could be the big one. You're going to have to build your own museum soon. Well done! 😎
  20. Wow that's a huge hunk of brass and it cleaned up really well. Great job!
  21. What a great year's haul, NCt, very well done, congrats!
  22. Looks like a great day for a hunt! Congrats on the War Nickel, Wheaties and old buttons, and specially the hammered Roman pull tab, those are even more rare than the Civil War ring pull you found! 😉 Well done!
  23. Well that's a great way to kick off a new year, congrats again!
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