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Everything posted by mn90403

  1. Steve, Take your time. That means don't leave in a rush and don't come back too soon! Relax. Mitchel
  2. Here are some waterproof, ultra portable speakers! https://www.amazon.com/s?keywords=Portable+Bluetooth+Speakers&i=electronics&rh=n%3A7073956011%2Cp_n_feature_four_browse-bin%3A5662320011%2Cp_n_feature_eleven_browse-bin%3A14384066011\c14384067011&dc&_encoding=UTF8&c=ts&qid=1624471538&rnid=14384058011&ts_id=7073956011&ref=sr_nr_p_n_feature_eleven_browse-bin_4
  3. That would be a great source if the job was 'big enough' but there should be some techs that would do an adapter as a side job on a home bench and give you expert service.
  4. I like this quote: The Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is the richest temple in the world. Not only is the exterior of the Hindu shrine to Maha Vishnu completely covered in gold leaf, but there are also unbelievable treasures found inside. Only one of a total of six treasure vaults has been opened to date, with a total gold treasure estimated at $1 trillion. Trillion!
  5. Bring your 6000 and a video camera and SHOW that it can find BIG GOLD!
  6. https://www.fodors.com/news/photos/15-gold-buildings-that-really-exist-around-the-world
  7. Can you ask Jeff if someone else in the shop can do it? There are several other guys there.
  8. Old dads, young dads and new dads enjoy the longest/shortest day of the year!
  9. I just put on an Under Armour boot for the first time. I got them a few days ago and I noticed how light they are. Much less than my old boot. This was my old boot and I've had it a couple of times but the sole would separate. Magnum Men's Stealth Force 8.0 Boot,Desert Tan,8.5 M US This new shoe has a feature I've never had on any boots. It has a pull on the tongue and the back of the hightop. Wow is all I can say about putting them on. This is the shoe: https://sellout.woot.com/offers/ua-mens-micro-g-valsetz-lthr-boot?ref=w_cnt_odet_pic_1#fullsize-0 Under Armour Men's Micro G Valsetz Lthr Military and Tactical Boot $82.99 $140.00 41% off List Price This was the Woot price. I'll give more of a review when I use them someplace.
  10. Out with the boys so no detecting for me! Every hour is a new patch with them.
  11. Look at a few more meteorites on other postings on this thread. You can also look at this one. That will show you some real fusion crust. The surface burns and melts. http://www.tucsonmeteorites.com/mpodmain.asp?DD=06/17/2021
  12. This Sunday at 2:30 PM PDT there will be a lecture. https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqduyupj0vGd3S0_52FsbHTbPjYr0sZQUj
  13. This is the real thing! https://www.livescience.com/worlds-third-largest-diamond-botswana.html?utm_source=notification
  14. I do know that many of the religious items are made with the lesser golds so to be pious rather than ostentatious.
  15. Any gold is nice gold! Was that 3rd piece in the line in your hand a 'found' piece or a break-off? I know you have big hands but that is a ridiculously small nugget for any detector.
  16. Ahhh ... outside of my knowledge base but I just read about it. Thanks for the ID on the pendant. Perhaps this Virgin is made of silver also and the holder is the only part that is gold. I wonder where the chain went. This was a cut find so it could have come from either direction.
  17. This is the story about the Siskyou County heist of $1 million in gold. https://www.siskiyoudaily.com/story/news/2021/06/11/book-siskiyou-courthouse-gold-heist-penned-retired-judge/7660577002/
  18. Thanks Joe. It probably is sand. I thought I got it all but I didn't put this piece in an ultrasonic cleaner yet. I almost thought this was Mary and then I looked at the bottom and thought it was a fish and that would make it The Sermon on the Mount and then there could be others. It does look like two pieces. The figurine is more silver or white gold than the holder.
  19. This forum had lots of 'finds' in the past but not so many now as most are waiting to get their 6000. The Equinox and a few other detectors can still hunt. Use them and post what you find fellas. Here is a pendant I found today which is unusual that it is 14k. Most of my religious finds are 10k or less. This one weighs 4.5 grams.
  20. I don't want any of the Red Head step-child jokes here (I am one) but come on Minelab ...
  21. https://www.finders.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10388&start=375
  22. I'd say the difference would be the first one to a 'known' patch would have an advantage and not the first one to get a detector. If you have your own claims or you know your own patches will it really make much difference if you get a 6000 in July in hot Arizona or get your detector in September or October when it will be more comfortable? Let's hear from those who have a 6000 ... if you had to wait 3 months or even 6 months ... would it cost you?
  23. https://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/electronics/7073956011/ref=pd_zg_hrsr_electronics
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