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Everything posted by indianbullet

  1. No, about a foot into a bank. I was actually checking a hole someone dug when I found it. A mortis for crushing ore in, is what I was told it was?
  2. I bet it had some gold in it at some point. I'm not to sure how often these get found. But I thought it was interesting. It has a nice scallop pattern around it. Its heavy I know that, I probably should have searched for the pestle, maybe next trip.
  3. I have a DJI Mavic Pro, purchased with the idea of using it for checking out areas I can't easily walk to. I learned instantly that I wont fly it beyond what I can see it. Flying it like most anything is a perishable skill. You have to use it. Flying it is one skill set. Using it to its potential another. Getting good cinematic footage is another art form. Then editing and putting together good footage is another. I look forward to putting it up and getting a birds eye view of some areas that I am curious about. It is a very useful tool if used. Just another thing to pack. And it is packable.
  4. Here is my take on a stand.. Forstner bit to drill out the pvc to fit the shaft. I also decided to put a tiny self taping screw through the top into the shaft. Should work fine.
  5. Nice looking garment. I have a few pair of these. I'd like to find the knee pad inserts like those shown with the Cat pants. Those look nice. https://www.amazon.com/TRU-SPEC-Mens-Lightweight-Khaki-34-Inch/dp/B003SG48LK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1513748817&sr=8-2&keywords=24%2F7+pants
  6. I'd say it was worth a case of the dreaded PO.. ;)
  7. CG, I ran through that crap as a kid never got it as well until I was about 22, Ray I got a shot in the ass a couple months ago and have the RX for pills and use an RX spray and ointment. I it think breaks me out as bad as the PO. Its hot nasty stuff you don't want to get close to tender areas. I'm on the down hill side now. Its just frustrating when you get home and have to thoroughly clean your pick and all gear ect in hopes of getting the oil off. I wish the stuff would glow under a UV light or something so you could see where it is. There is an invention idea I just spilled to the genius people on here.. :) Create a spray you can put on your suspect areas that glow's or something?? LOL
  8. Oral Ivy is a solution you take that was given great reviews on Amazon. I have been taking it for almost 2 weeks now and I'm not sure its doing much. Although as I stated above my rash isn't going through the oozing stage for some reason. So maybe its helping. I certainly hope so, as like you that stuff eats me alive and as careful as I am, with washing immediately with simple green, dawn dish soap, Felsnaptha, ect, ect. I still get the stuff. I even wash my cloths as soon as I get home, 3 times in hot water. I think that helps to get the oils off the clothing. I have even heard that eating a piece of a small spring leaf sprout, wrapped in bread will build immunity. And I know folks that do that. But 2 Dr's have said oh no don't do that? I almost think its worth a shot lol...
  9. Sporting a nice case of the PO right now, I've been on the Oral Ivy but can't say its done much. I have noticed that the rash has not had any oozing at all so that is weird. More like raised welts that look ugly as hell. I must have had it on my pick where I carry it on my belt and the oil went right through my levis to get me. Miserable stuff for sure. It makes me question if its worth it or not.
  10. Managed to get out for a couple hours and avoid a skunk..
  11. Great job, I was pretty stoked when I was able to HEAR my first one.. Hopefully many more to come for you.
  12. I went to the health food store and got the pills you hold under your tongue, 2 different types of them. It didn't work for me. But I will give the above mentioned stuff a try. I also had an appointment with a allergist to see if I could get shots to build an immunity to it. He said it wont work.. Years ago my nephew got it so bad it dam near killed him when he was logging and they gave him something when he was in the hospital and he no longer gets it these days, so who knows? I have also heard of people eating small amounts of the tender small leave's in the spring. But 2 different Doctors said oh God don't do that..
  13. I get that crap real bad, I got a shot a couple months ago and a Rx. Then a dermatologist gave me another expensive steroid spray for when I get it again. I have a bucket that I keep in my rig now with jug of water, some simple green, dawn and hand cleaner. Its a pita but that oil stays around forever if you don't clean it off. Think of it like grease you cant see. You have to scrub it with a rag and your choice of grease remover. I wash my cloths 3 times with a good laundry soap and some Felsnapth its a laundry soap. Also wash them in hot hot water. Like said above the hot shower will send you into euphoria, and control the itch. Takes me 3 weeks to heal up. Anyone has a cure I'm all ears.
  14. Reminds me of an old joke. You know how to keep an idiot in suspense? I'll tell you tomorrow...
  15. Thanks for sharing. Its nice to be reminded that we need to enjoy every sandwich, and the folks that are put in our path. We only pass this way once.
  16. You will have to hook him up at Easter time with a little Easter egg / Hot wheels buried matchbox car hunt when the time comes..
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