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Fisher Impulse AQ Discrimination Explanation

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it's not the end, old man ?
it's the beginning

  it looks like the start of an Arnold film lol

after AQ there is the Bipolar
more sensitive deeper

and after
who tells you there won't be a detector
able to see a nugget as big as a fist
two meters deep / specifying that it is gold

of course you will take two days to make the hole
  even so, the nugget will still be there ....

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LE.JAG took it directly, but I must admit, as I re-read Steve’s piece about how the GPZ found large nuggets which previously excellent machines such as the GPX5000 didn’t find. It may well be that an even more powerful machine could find not only deeper large nuggets but nuggets of all sizes due to it’s ability to see through respectable amounts of ferrous trash. Most of the known alluvial gold deposits were worked intensively in the 1800’s in North America and iron junk is widespread.

We’ll see.

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5 hours ago, LE.JAG said:

who tells you there won't be a detector
able to see a nugget as big as a fist
two meters deep / specifying that it is gold

There are plenty of people selling those already! :laugh: You guys tell yourselves whatever you need to keep the dream alive. You ever hear the term "whistling past the graveyard?" :smile: But we are off topic now so time to put an end to the nonsense and get back to AQ discrimination advantages and caveats.

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There is no end to detecting, only an end to us. Keep swinging until you just can't swing anymore. I think in the years ahead the finds will still be there but the amount of detectorist's willing to work for them will actually be fewer than today. Those of north of 50 are not "old" we're just "older". Many younger folks today quit the moment things get tough or hard. Steve there are many glorious days of detecting in front of you.

God bless

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I am nuanced regarding the subject.
There are beaches where you will never touch the subground...
There are beaches which every 10 years lose 7 meters of sand, then we see the subground, and then it takes 5 meters of sand for 20 years ... A good machine must have good use.

I think the next improvements will be on the side of the ground effect.
To succeed in detecting better where others detect less well.

6 best points for improve metal detectors :

1° Best sensitivity on Gold targets
2° Highly reactive system
3° Rock-solid stability
4° Ground effect compensation (magnetic soil)
5° High recovery Speed
6° Iron discrimination

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8 minutes ago, ALEXANDRE TARTAR said:

6 best points for improve metal detectors :

1° Best sensitivity on Gold targets
2° Highly reactive system
3° Rock-solid stability
4° Ground effect compensation (magnetic soil)
5° High recovery Speed
6° Iron discrimination

#7. Mitigation of all EMI. That would be my dream !!!!

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1 minute ago, schoolofhardNox said:

#7. Mitigation of all EMI. That would be my dream !!!!

Yes, that is all the more true since it will not improve in the years to come!
The number of transmitters of all types and their power are constantly increasing ...

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