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Gold Nugget Hunting - Dead, Sick, Healthy, Thriving?

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I just did a scan of what I regard as the top three (other than our home away from home - here) US Nuggethunting forums.

Nothing, nada. No "I just got the latest and greatest whatever detector and here's what happened - no how do I do - whatever.

Just pretty much nothing.

I know it's hot in AZ and Nevada but still!

Please feel free to point out the error of my opinion.

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well the prospecting activity depends on who and where you are...too hot for me withing 250 miles and tooo far past that...fall is coming-hurrah!


Chris, if everyone goes to facebook I will lose out-that is the price of not being  linked, wired or otherwise connected I guess.



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I think that with lower gold prices fewer new people are getting into nugget detecting. The old timers know what they are doing - they are just out prospecting. The only thing that stirs up discussion is the release of a new detector, and that runs out of steam after a few months.

Like most I am pretty darn busy during the summer and so my online activity tends to pick up in the winter when I have more time to devote to it.

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I spend the other day swing the ATX with the 20" coil (all day long) on a 60 degree slope in 102 degree temp.


I think I was nugget hunting..... I don't know. I didn't find any.

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In Codan's half year statement they described unit sales for ML as "flat". Profits and revenue up - probably due to GPZ sales.

The OZ forums are all full of "the wailing and the gnashing of teeth" about how all the big detectable gold is gone. Of course, we pretty much never had much of that in the first place. Who knows, maybe you some of the accumulate wisdom from North America might prove relevant in OZ now?

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In europe at least, it's the school holidays, so probably a lot of people with families are away.

I've been using the hot weather to get further into river courses that are usually underwater, It's amazing how the water level in a river changes throught the year if you follow it. There's a weir that I need to snipe once I get my drysuit sorted, and usually in autumn or spring it's quite dangerous because the flow of water down the gradient and across the boulders is very fast, but right now I can walk across the top of it with no worries. The big problem right now is all the bugs!

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Prospecting is fine, just not many new folks getting into it, and new folks generate a lot of the posts. If gold were at $2500, you'd see all sorts of chatter.

The time to get in is when no one is interested. Everyone hated gold when it was below $300, and everyone loved it when it was almost $2000 an ounce.
I'm making plans of doing more prospecting, maybe doing some ground scrapes in Nevada sometime in the next couple years, and probably staking some new claims.

Accumulate when no one is interested. Someday gold will come back - it may be 5 years or more, but it will come back.

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It makes no difference of the gold price. I do it because I love to prospect. I enjoy the research. I especially meeting the great people in the hobby. It is the thrill of the hunt. I have the passion for it. Gold in my veins. 


I've become super fond of nuggetshooting. I'm in my own world when out detecting.

It is two worlds that come together. The old one in mans quest for precious treasure for centuries.

The new one in modern technology aiding man in it's search for the first.


But we have to bring younger generations into sports and hobbies we have passion for.

They are only seemingly taught one side of the story today. This is why I do events teaching the youngsters prospecting in the gold groups I'm involved in.

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