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Social Distancing While Slow Hunting For Ridiculously Small Gold

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Hi Phrunt, to be clear, that was a rare amount of finds for that general area. Usually I am happy if I find one in the same time period. I attribute it to the fact that this small area resembled the larger area most people usually hunt in but was sort of out-of-the-way…but that's a guess. Although the area is vast, there are only very specific parts of it that are gold-bearing. As well as modern-day gold hunters, the old-timers by the thousands combed these hills. They didn't miss much.

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I see you've been washing your hands a lot !!!  They look like mine. looks like you have plenty of distance for safety. Oh I forgot nice gold there Flak !!.

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I wear gloves (except for photography). The dirt has a lot of silica and stuff that cuts your fingers to ribbons.


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On ya Flak. Keep wandering out into the fringes there`s a nice patch out there, has your name on it.

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13 minutes ago, flakmagnet said:

Sadly those are considered good-sized for this area…it's my classroom...

Tis the same in most our  backyards/classrooms I suspect that size is the norm wherever, the bread and butter, naught to be sad about. In those vids of monster finds the finder doesn`t elaborate on the hundreds of hours spent getting naught nor the average piece size. In the magic of the monster find that is all forgotten. That Eureka moment awaits you too somewhere out in the fringes.

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