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GPZ 7000 Includes Free 19” Coil

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I do not get excited about the lower priced coin and relic machines because there is just not enough margin relative to the time we spend on customers and the volume we can achieve in a small population centre, we do move a reasonable amount of Equinox but have to discount to remain competitive. TBH I have no issue with the chain stores stocking these items because for ML to make money out of them they need to sell volumes which cannot happen with shops like ours set up for more personable engagements. 


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Steve, I still have a GPX and have access to a GPZ whenever I should want to use it. I have been accused of being a Minelab hater, just because I have the temerity to criticise some of their products. This is ridiculous, as I will use whatever product produces gold for me.

As a prospecting tool I now use a QED for a number of reasons. It is light and ergonomic. The target response is sharp and definite, and depth quite impressive.

For areas that have been proven and have the potential of producing at greater depth, I have no qualms about using a GPZ and X coil, or a GPX with either X coil or concentric.

Different detectors for different soil conditions.

PS I now use X coils exclusively on my QED as I can run them on 'hotter' settings.

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Hi guys here is the first target I dug with the 19in coil;





I went specifically to this gully as I knew there had to be some deep gold left, and I had gone over it very carefully with a 11, 14, 20 and 25in coil on the GPX and the zed with its 14.

On the day I had my friend with me who was using a gpx and a 18in coiltek elite coil, he slowly walked up the gully before me and checked every target before I dug it to see if he could pick it up with an equivalent coil on the GPX.

The specimen contained 67g of gold and was solid inside. I detected it at a staggering 900mm +! I could not belive it. And the gpx didn't pick it up until about 300mm was taken off.

My pick handle is 1150mm long as a reference. And the nugget was trapped in a bedrock crack.

Payed for the coil within 10min of its first use... Can't complain about that.

Then 30min later I found this 27g solid manganese oxide covered piece on a patch same as above. Gpx didn't pick it up until 100mm was removed. Depth on this one was about 450mm. My pick head is 400mm long for reference.


So the ml 19 earned its place in my arsenal on the first day.

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I dunno how long this 'consignment' GPZ arrangement with dealers has been going on, but what does consignment deals and free coils say to you, the potential buyer??? It says to me... 'Run out all the stock coz something new is coming'. I was in a dealers showroom a few days ago and a guy wanted to trade-in a 5000 on a 7000. The seller was advised to wait a few weeks 'coz ya might regret it'. I'll leave that for you all to ponder.....

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17 minutes ago, Aureous said:

I dunno how long this 'consignment' GPZ arrangement with dealers has been going on, but what does consignment deals and free coils say to you, the potential buyer??? It says to me... 'Run out all the stock coz something new is coming'. I was in a dealers showroom a few days ago and a guy wanted to trade-in a 5000 on a 7000. The seller was advised to wait a few weeks 'coz ya might regret it'. I'll leave that for you all to ponder.....

Bad advice I’d say.? 

GPZ’s have been on consignment since day dot.


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2 minutes ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Bad advice I’d say.? 

GPZ’s have been on consignment since day dot.


OK, well thats that cleared up...makes sense anyway at the price they sell for....many dealers couldn't afford to stock them in any other fashion I'd expect. No doubt that will continue when the new, more expensive replacement arrives on the scene too lol ?

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Hey Guys,

     I don't offer or sell the X coils, even though it sounds like they are working well.  Until they get something figured out that will not require a mod and a purchase of a used coil to clip the cable and chip off, I'm going to hold out.  I have done plenty well with the stock 14x13 and found some pieces I left behind with the 19".  

I heard some rumors that NF has not figured this out either, and it will also require some mods to be done.  I'm not solid on this, but the sources I heard it from said no one has any kind of agreement to make GPZ coils at this time with the chip technology.  

I was hoping as we are 4 years or so in on the GPZ 7000, we would have seen a few more coil options that would just plug in and work.  

This all being said, anyone that purchases a new Minelab GPZ 7000 from their local dealer will get a FREE 19" Searchcoil during this Promo.  

Wishing you all a great Memorial Day weekend.  



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