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Important Announcement From White's Electronics

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Seeing that video of Whites really brings home what a tiny company they actually were. Makes their accomplishments even more impressive, too.



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Surely one of the many Minelab technicians at their computers would have been busted playing Call of Duty.

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23 hours ago, Knomad said:

The upgrades I had in mind are not generally software, and would give reasons to stay with the brand until the new models keep them.

And the price of Robotics has come WAY down so production could greatly improve with low investment.

As for no politics on the site, those were Facts regarding the politics of manufacturing , not politics for politics.

SO, I guess No One has Contacts that have funds and like a Good Noble Challenge.?

Knomad, you have a pretty simplistic view of what it would take revive White's. Automating some of the production will do nothing to make them more competitive; actually, even with some pretty run-down facilities and lack of cutting edge production methods White's could hold its own against the competition, at least where production costs and product quality were concerned.

What White's failed to grasp is the importance of engineering. There was a long history of chasing talent out the door which resulted in a discontinuity of critical information. If you were to buy White's today, where would you get any engineers to design new products? They're all long gone, and you can't just go out and hire experienced metal detector engineers. I used to tell the White's it takes 2-3 years for a new engineer to get up to speed on the nuances of metal detector design, especially anything high-end. They didn't listen.

The best hope for White's is what happened to Fisher... some existing detector company buys the name and the designs, and continues a few of the better models under the White's brand. Anything else makes no sense.

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I'm sure you are correct,

My suggestions are to bring in at least enough income to survive Via service and accessories and minor products while pursuing new technologies,  I for one have worked for big corporations and as you may already know it is OFTEN hard to get Non Engineers in Management  to take the time To Tinker With TRULY New Ideas, and corporate structures often feed into that by basing Management compensations like bonuses on Short Term Profits, so they resist investing in the future because it hits their bonuses Now,  but one or two out of the box thinking Engineers can make a company if not a whole new industry.!

Frankly I am not seeing but a very few if any product from Anyone that is Truly New Technology.

Engineers Need Free Rein as much as possible to tinker with that Crazy out of the box idea that pops into their head.!!

I am a self taught engineer myself, but know I lack training that would be helpful and am now too old to pursue, but that gives me perspective Outside The Box of A True Engineer, and my guess is a True Engineer that has been forced to work in a box would Love a chance to escape and truly create instead of working on Value Engineering while Bored To Death.!






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1 hour ago, Dances With Doves said:

Maybe Whites will have a Kodak  miracle like what happened today in my city of   Rochester.A good  thing for  our country.

Well, White's did have a reputation for on-premises pharmaceuticals.

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For those who don't know --

Value Engineering is the term often used for Making Something Cheaper, which is fine, But it rarely means Better, and if the original design was good it often results in ruining a good product to cut costs.

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On 7/24/2020 at 3:34 PM, Geotech said:

Jack Gifford is dead, and all the White's engineers are gone.

I was gonna say that too Karl....ever since Jack passed away, Tesoro had no Engineers....main reason why they went bust. No innovation= no sales.

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