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DF in TX

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Hi all!

I'm pretty much a newcomer compared to many here with decades of experience, but I'm slowly trying to work my way out of that status.

I got started less than a decade ago with a Fisher F2, then F70, then F75LTD2,  and a month ago I got an Equinox 800.  The soil around my home is 4-5 bars on the F75, and I the 'Nox hasn't disappointed with its ability to deal with these minerals.  The heat and high humidity has been oppressive this summer in my area, so the new machine hasn't seen as many hours as it should have.

Anyway, I've been reading this forum for several weeks and it looks great.

Happy hunting, and stay safe!

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Hey DF!

Welcome to the best MD forum around!  I'm a very new detectorist - less than four months...  I have learned tons here.  I'll look forward to your posts and photos!


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Welcome DF, I'm suffering from the same heat and humidity here in PA. You made a great choice with DP, if you can't find answers here they don't exist Ha Ha. There are so many great people on board here to answer questions and give advice you will not be disappointed. Don't be afraid to post trash and treasure, I always try to post the good and the aluminum (mostly aluminium). Anyhoo really great to have you here!!!

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1 hour ago, DF in TX said:

I'm pretty much a newcomer compared to many here with decades of experience, but I'm slowly trying to work my way out of that status.

I got started less than a decade ago with a Fisher F2, then F70, then F75LTD2,

Welcome, DF!  (Did you forget to attach the 'W'?  :biggrin:)

Don't sell yourself short.  Everyone's experience level is welcome here, and given your time in the hobby and arsenal, I suspect you have plenty to contribute.

I feel for you regarding summer weather.  In some parts of the country (e.g. Arizona) that is compensated for by mild winters, but having been to northern Texas (your area as well as Amarillo and Lubbock neighborhoods) many times in multiple seasons I know it can be pretty uncomfortable then, too.

Enjoy your new ML Eqx 800.  It took 1 1/2 years for me to get comfortable with mine (admittedly I'm a slow learner), also coming over from some Fisher models, and I still have a lot to learn, so don't get discouraged if initially your experiences don't match some of the wow-factor posts you read here.

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Thanks guys!  It's great to be able to interact with names I recognize from my lurking days here lol.

GB_Amateur, actually the W goes in between the D and the F in my case, but I know what you were referring to!  When I was a kid we lived a ways outside of Amarillo and then later moved to the outskirts of Lubbock.  When I moved here (about 30 miles west of the Louisiana border) it took forever to get used to the high humidity and getting into a damp feeling bed at night.  The relative humidity currently is 82% at 91 degrees according to our weather station in the den!

Anyway, thanks again all!



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Welcome aboard and please feel free to ask questions, and maybe answer a few if you know the answer.

Please post some of those finds no matter how odd they may look.

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Welcome and congrats on the Nox 800! It's a great, versatile detector.

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14 hours ago, DF in TX said:

When I moved here (about 30 miles west of the Louisiana border) it took forever to get used to the high humidity and getting into a damp feeling bed at night.  The relative humidity currently is 82% at 91 degrees according to our weather station in the den!

Ah, OK.  I was thinking farther north.  I've been to Palestine a few times, but fortunately never in mid-summer.  Sounds like you're even farther east.  I've barely spent any time in Louisiana (few hours, mostly to cross off another state as having visited) but from what I've read and heard, there isn't a less comfortable state in the USA when it comes to summer weather.  We have humid heat (right now, in fact) but nothing like down there.  Reminds me to toughen up and do some swinging (tomorrow morning, hopefully).  Somebody always has it worse.

Hope you get some OK weather soon ('good' is too much to ask for a while) that allows you tolerable detecting time.


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