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23 hours ago, Allen in MT said:

Hundreds and hundreds of keys and tokens. this is just some of my finds over the years.

You have a lot of history there.  It could be 'documented' with a note of some sort.  You know about when and where you found them which will add value.  It could all add up to many thousands of $$ and enjoyment for a collector.

It may be a tedious task but no one else can do it.  I would suggest making a 'split' with one of your younger relatives.  They post it online and they 'split' the money with you.  Maybe they get it all or ...

While they are doing this they will learn about you, the family and have a money making hobby/business.

I see history thrown away in our alley dumpsters and given to Salvation Army every day.  If it had a 'story' it would be of much greater value to the right person.

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Contact your local historical society and donate to them with the local finds. As for out of state do the same. They will gladly take and document, with your help in describing and where found. As for rings and things like that, It's tough to get more than scrap value, unless you have a lot of time on your hands trying to sell them on flea bay and such. Sometime kids do not make great choices in figuring things out. I had a friend who had an amazing early winchester rifle collection, That was worth in excess of $500K. His children didn't know guns, and after his death sold them all to a local gun shop for $25K thinking they made a pile of money. If you have concern's and love for your finds, Without monetary gain. Please donate them to a museum or historical society. That way future generations will get the same excitment that you have for each item. That's what got me started in my love of American History. Good Luck

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If I had a relative that showed some interest, I'd give the items to them. Otherwise, historical items to a museum, if they wanted them. Most of the time, unless it's a fantastic find, they won't want them, as,  they have drawers of good stuff they don't even display. More common items that are too good to throw away I'd take to a swap meet and sell them. People will buy anything if the price is right. Donate whatever doesn't sell to charity and take the tax writeoff.

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That's an incredible collection! I used to save everything and from starting in the '70's, had boxes of stuff. So later on it had to go starting with the "junk" finds and progressing up to the better stuff. I still keep gold and the nicer silver rings.

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When I talked with the responsible archeologist for the county two years ago he asked me what will happen to all those finds if hunting season is over!? In most cases the family is unloading all the "trash" to the dump. If one member of the family has interest in coins and jewelry these will find a good home, otherwise it will be sold.

Back home I talked with the wife and the kids and we decided to collect some rare coins and nice jewelry and sell the unwanted stuff... but all the historical finds like tags, coins, buttons, buckles, harness-parts and so on is given to the state office for archaeology once a year with a finds-report. So there are no boxes full of stuff taking space and the historical stuff has a place in a reasonable area. IMO

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I think most successible detectorist have similar problem after time has elapsed. The value of the finds exceed the value you can get for them.I have ran out of LIKES but I will make it up to you when  steve gives me more.?   

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