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Hello From Maine


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New to this forum and have already found a lot of useful information.  A bit about myself. I’m 68 and have been detecting since 1986 off and on. Mostly on, but off the last two years. I’ve had a few higher end White’s in the past, but for the last I don’t know how many years, detected in the water with a Fisher CZ-20 and then a CZ-21. Decided to get out of detecting about 2 years ago and sold all my equipment. Felt naked without a detector, so I ordered an Equinox 600 and a Garrett pin pointer which should arrive tomorrow. Also ordered a Sito scoop. All the ground here in Maine is currently frozen and covered with snow, but I should be able to hit some non frozen ground at the coast soon to try and learn this detector. Not planning on getting out to detect as often as I have in the past as age and a sore back seem to be catching up with me. In any case, I look forward to future conversations and sharing information with you all.

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Welcome! I'm rather new to metal detecting but started with a bang I guess. ? I have nearly the same stuff you do, a 600, Garrett Carrot and a CooB water/sand scoop. You might want to look into a Predator Tools shovel for land, the Barracuda or Ranger. Looks like the Sito will work well, 2mm stainless is very strong.

Lots of great material available for you to read while the snow melts. Andy Sabisch's Equinox book and anything from Clive Clynick. Of course you can ask questions here and post photos of your finds. Lots of serious experience here.

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Welcome, pdunc!  Here's a list of threads ("everything you'll ever want to know about the Minelab Equinox but were afraid to ask..., and then some") which Steve has compiled and periodically updates.

Although I have an Eqx800 I don't water hunt.  There have been some units which have failed in the water and as long as it's under warranty Minelab USA has been good at fixing/replacing.  Somewhere on this site (might be in the above list) there is a thread on proof testing the Equinox to ensure water tightness.  Since it sounds like you will be using yours in water, this might be a good time to do that (i.e. -- while you're still frozen in).

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Welcome aboard Chummy .    

What beach are ya plannin' to be headed to ??

I'm over near the navy base, Oh Ayuh !

 We lost a lot of snow yesterday , but will freeze back up tonight arrrrrrrrrrrr.


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I don’t have waterproof headphones so I will only be detecting the shallows. At least for now. The scoop I bought is the lighter 170mm Sito which will be used primarily in sand, but can be used in the shallows as well. I’m getting to old to do to much bending with just a hand scoop like I used to do. Had a Stealth scoop in the past but that was much to heavy for the dry sand. A good part of my detecting will be done on dry land.

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Rv, Plan on testing my machine out at Reid State and OOB. Don’t count on finding much, just want to get used to the various sounds the 600 makes. I’ve found that any temps below 50F are a bit to cold for me, especially at the coast.

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Call ranger at Reid before going , you'll need a permission,,,oh and they expect you to turn in everything you find............

I like OOB , usually park on P Point end.

We'll have to get together for a hunt when the weather gets back to livable again...

I get pretty achy in the cold  But I have insulated rubber boots , I'm gonna have to do stair climbing to walk in 'em for very long though ,,,they're heavy monsters but can double for cracking crabs .  LOL.

Hope your new gear shows up on time. 

You're gonna spend a LOT of time over on the Equinox sub forum.  Check out Steve's info pages too.





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Never had any problem detecting Reid State in the winter without a permit.  Usually only go there after a storm that pulls away some sand. Actually, most of my water hunting has been in fresh water which has given up a lot of gold and silver for me. More than at the coast. Maybe we can meet up at OOB sometime. My wife likes to get there a couple times a summer. I may go more though. Waiting to get my COVID shots first. Getting the first one this Saturday in Bangor.

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Hey pdunc,

   Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are off to a good "restart"! Glad your back! And cool that you are near rvpopeye for a possible hunt! Also good that you will have your shot soon! I have to wait awhile for mine due to being in my 50's! 

    You have time to read up and test your 600 before you hit the beach, and the preset programs find's stuff just fine! Good luck and keep us posted!??


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