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Somebody Out There's Going To Be Happy Today :-)

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I just got a call and a text from Fisher. They stated that I was next in line for the Impulse. I'm in the process of moving further from the Gulf of Mexico, so I told him I was going to pass. Next guy in line should be getting a call in the next day or two.

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I got the email yesterday. They said they tried to call but I had no missed messages.


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Yea I got an email myself and passed. This is the second time I've been offered the AQ in the last 3 months. So maybe they are having a hard time selling them. Yes it's the limited they are still trying to get out there. I really have no interest in the AQ at this point, I'm waiting for the land version. 

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At this point i think there are two factors hurting the sell of these machines.  One.... is they must be near to coming out with the production model.   Two.... with a small number out there seems to be several going back for repairs.   With no transferable warranty .... anyone want to sell theirs is taking a loss and the buyers are taking a chance.  Had they given a transferable warranty more of these may have been passed around and Fisher may have gotten even more info for improvements if needed. 

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I’m a little surprised anyone still wants an Limited, when a vastly improved version is said to be right around the corner. Everyone must be taking the threat of a big price jump seriously. Frankly, I’m not. They can try and charge a ton of money for the final version, but that does not mean people will pay it. Right now the average price paid for a beach detector must be awful close to $900. The Ltd is $1500. Would I pay $1999 for one that is done up properly? Sure. $2500? Not so sure, it’s still just a PI, maybe a powerful one, but a PI, and it’s not twice as deep as a $1200 Beachhunter TDI. And that non-transferable warranty does not help. $2999? Good luck, no way.

So might a new final Impulse AQ Unlimited cost $500 bucks more? Sure, and I’d gladly pay that to get it right. But if Fisher goes for more than that then it seems to me it will be going against creating an affordable option, which was one of the early promises, with plenty of snark aimed at certain companies that charge through the nose for their detectors. That being the case, I just do not see it being worth it to get a Ltd at this late stage of the game. But that’s just me obviously, and there will always be a few who want to save that buck.

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