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Fisher Has A Lot Of Models Marked Discontinued On Their Site And Teknetics Has 3 Models

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A newer faster processor would likely use less power not more.  The faster processors were getting the more heat they were generating so it became vital for processor developers to lower the power draw of CPU's to try keep them cooler though new technology, CPU speeds stopped increasing at dramatic rates and size and heat became a focus for some time.  Now some ARM CPU's run without a heatsink that have the clock speeds of older CPU's that needed a massive copper heatsink.

I wish it was as simple as banging in faster processors, surely it can't be or they would have done it.  Although the code for the software is likely written based on the processor in the detector so would need ported over or rewritten/highly modified. 

Employees move on, so in the case of some detectors like the older Fishers are the people who wrote the code even there? are they capable of modifying the code to modernize the detector?  Maybe they didn't keep up with the times themselves.

The GPZ seems like it could desperately use a faster processor right from new, you'd think they'd be able to get a higher clock speed CPU for it now without a dramatic code adjustment, it's menu system really lags while navigating, especially if the GPS is turned on putting further load on the processor.

I don't think we give the engineers enough credit though as we armchair engineers think they can just buy a faster processor for $20 and make a whole new better detector by just switching the part order.  Although ideal it's unrealistic, it has crossed my mind many times why they don't take advantage of newer processing technology in older detectors though.

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3 hours ago, ☠ Cipher said:

“Minelab is part of a large corporation and can afford to invest more in R+D.” “Nokta Makro is government subsidized and can afford to invest more in R+D.” “Most people who say they want waterproof will never set foot in water.” “Built in updates lend to hacking.” “Wireless headphones are not the best performance option.”

You put those sentences in quotes.  I'm curious as to whom specifically you are quoting.

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28 minutes ago, phrunt said:

I don't think we give the engineers enough credit though as we armchair engineers think they can just buy a faster processor for $20 and make a whole new better detector by just switching the part order.

Oh, I can completely relate to that sentiment. I used to work in a field where most people were ignorant to how it worked and would often scoff at certain results that they didn't understand. I imagine that applies here to me and my understanding of metal detecting design. I'm all ears to learning more about what I'm missing and the challenges engineers face.

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   Something else that may warrant consideration!

   Bankruptcy is a business plan! Albeit generally not a good one, but it does have some financial advantages, if done before unrecoverable debt!! Especially after the last two years of Covid changing the marketplace!!

   I'm not saying that's what is happening here, but it could be a factor going forward, when weighing a product overhaul, against potential returns!!??


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Just now, Joe D. said:

   Something else that may warrant consideration!

   Bankruptcy is a business plan! Albeit generally not a good one, but it does have some financial advantages! Especially after the last two years of Covid changing the marketplace!!

   I'm not saying that's what is happening here, but it could be a factor going forward, when weighing a product overhaul, against potential returns!!??


But during bankruptcy proceedings, don't companies have to take warranty claims into account? But even if that's the case, perhaps doing this with a bankrutpcy judge or trustee overseeing the debt reorganization is better financially for the company than not going into bankrtupcy...

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   Debt reorganization is probably a more succinct idea! Especially if a company wants to trim excess products that are sinking! And maybe taking the few competing, or upcoming products forward with a new "slim and trim" business model! I hope it works out, whatever their plans are!! 

   I'm no business expert by education, or any other means, but waiting as long as White's did is a "no go"!! Though, I very much wish they had made it through somehow!! But we all know the reality of "wishing in one hand, and spitting in the other"....???

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3 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

You put those sentences in quotes.  I'm curious as to whom specifically you are quoting.

There are a lot more like them. Some come from forums, some from interviews, some from social media, and some from private conversations. I would never break trust to say who has said what without permission. There are times when I’m honestly not sure who was representing or running their pages either. There’s also been conflicting sentiments from marketing who have indicated that we will see some features we’ve asked for in public on Facebook and have been saying so for a long time. We haven’t so far though, and it makes you wonder which voices are winning. We know what voices won out at Whites. 

To be clear generally, I don’t know if I blame engineers. I certainly don’t blame all. Many times they have to be “shot” before they call a project good. I also suspect there are probably different opinions and visions there too about what a modern metal detector should look like. Sometimes they are even right about having to contend with features that are pure gimmickry or a novelty but sell nonetheless. We all have different opinions about that as well. For example, I consider wireless from pod to coil a gimmick that gives you more to charge, drives up coil prices, is hard to effectively waterproof, and does nothing for performance. But I can’t argue that it hasn’t helped sell a boat load of detectors and is a big success. I couldn’t argue if it were emulated. Being on top technologically sells up and down the lineup. That’s where I want First Texas. Ultimately the buck stops at the top of any company.

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