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New Detectors And Early Adopters

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3 hours ago, kiwijw said:

Hi Norvic. My father was one of those back in the 70's. He just didn't believe it was possible. He also thought that man would never land on the moon, but then again... did they really?? :unsure: But then when they landed a probe on a comet.....that just blew me away.  Yes...it continues to be a super magical journey Enjoy the ride....

Best of luck to you out there

JW :smile:  

Too true, I recall my Dad coming out with me on one patch in VLF days, I had cleaned it up and Dad come out to help me rake it and get the "scraps". He shook his head and had a shot at me for not spending that time with the rake in the garden at home. I think gold was around $200 an ounce then and we didn`t get an ounce for that day.

I could not talk him into coming out again until many years later, same area but with the SD2100, got a few ounces for the day but that was it Dad was not going to be even a late adaptor no way and he did not accompany me again. But did the 2100 cement my bad case of gold fever, and certainly reinforced the idea that early adopters have all the fun.

I have not been back to that area with the Z as yet but I`m betting the fun continues.


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