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Saw gigmaster mentioning this again and got curious.... ?? (I found a friend's lost engagement ring once , a good day on the hunt .outside in the winter snow+ice. LOL but she sure was happy !!  and yes I was using that old Micronta.)

So I started to check it out....It seems like a legit operation...

(The fee for a listing is $65 a year) 



Saw a couple of mentions here on a search .

Anybody actually a member or have other experience with ringfinders ? Other comments ?



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I always thought that this was more of a "community/volunteer service" sort of operation. But apparently I was wrong and many users rely on that website to turn their metal detecting hobby into a for-profit business.


To each their own.

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I've got a friend that is with ring finders and he gets about 6 calls a month to find rings. One of them he found the guy gave him $500. I though about doing it but I really don't have time. He can spend upwards of 6 hours looking for a lost ring, I'd rather be doing something else myself.

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It is a community service offered by some local clubs which do not have a set fee and by the official Ringfinders network linked here. I have done ring recovery using both. I prefer to use the service offered by my club but sometimes I do get calls to help out on an official Ring Finders gig.

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29 minutes ago, mh9162013 said:

I always thought that this was more of a "community/volunteer service" sort of operation. But apparently I was wrong and many users rely on that website to turn their metal detecting hobby into a for-profit business.


To each their own.

That is exactly what it is. I know some of the guys on here are members , but don't know them personally enough to know how they operate. But I do know 3 or 4 locally. They claim of this great service they provide and it pumps up their egos. But in reality they are in it for the $. Some returns they might get $20-60. Others $0. But more often they get 100s , more than melt. It's typically "pay what you can afford". But they are often praying upon emotions , which often leads to an open wallet. I have known some who have kept an item and not returned it because the "reward" wasn't high enough. Some are total Aholes when you are hunting nearby. Claiming it is "their beach". Have gotten close to a few brawls with these clowns. But overall , most are good guys ....but they do provide a "service".

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I'm a member of the Ringfinders and joined after years of people calling me to go find their friends rings for free. I liken it to owning a truck which I do and unfortunately get used to load, carry and transport other people's stuff and when I do you won't believe the number that will give me $10 for gas as if that is a bonus.

Some recoveries are easy and take minutes. Others can last hours or even days and require me getting up at 2am to hunt a low tide for a person who lost their ring in 3 feet of water while playing. It's a service just like having the plumber come out to snake your line after you screwed up and poured grease down it for months on end. It sucks that they charge $100 to come out and $200 to run their snake through but that's what they're good at and if we were good at it and had the equipment we'd do it ourselves. 

It always amazes me how many people jump up on their soapbox to ridicule people who have used their hobby to make some extra cash. So what if someone willingly asks for help and then willingly pays you for your help? I'm going out today to see if I can recover a 24k gold tennis bracelet that's been lost for a bit. At $4.69 a gallon plus a 35 mile ride to the beach there's plenty of cost in it for me. If I don't find it I eat all the cost and time. If I do find it I make someone's day and possibly a friend for life. Not a bad trade-off in my book. 

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Not to toot my horn but merely to show that there are many of us who do things with our metal detectors that don't involve jewelry. This is a link from my site from April 2020. I got a call from this fellow to see if I could help. Little did I know at the time the significance of the find and what I'd have to do to get there. Evidently had we not found the two seemingly insignificant parts they were going to have to shut down power between parts of Ventura and LA county in order to get the parts because Covid had caused shut downs and parts were weeks out and these two couplers meant power staying on or going out. 


I got "paid" $150 for going off-road in my vehicle, climbing 2000 feet in elevation trying to beat a major rainstorm coming and then hanging on the side of hillside to find these rings. To assume any one of the ringfinders are A-holes is just plain stupid and juvenile. 

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3 minutes ago, Skate said:

Not to toot my horn but merely to show that there are many of us who do things with our metal detectors that don't involve jewelry. This is a link from my site from April 2020. I got a call from this fellow to see if I could help. Little did I know at the time the significance of the find and what I'd have to do to get there. Evidently had we not found the two seemingly insignificant parts they were going to have to shut down power between parts of Ventura and LA county in order to get the parts because Covid had caused shut downs and parts were weeks out and these two couplers meant power staying on or going out. 


I got "paid" $150 for going off-road in my vehicle, climbing 2000 feet in elevation trying to beat a major rainstorm coming and then hanging on the side of hillside to find these rings. To assume any one of the ringfinders are A-holes is just plain stupid and juvenile. 

I'm quite sure you haven't been around long enough or to have any knowledge of what has gone with a few of these bad apples. I have 1st hand knowledge and experience with a couple of them. Don't think any have been kicked out for stealing or doing something deceptive and wrong ? Think again....How about being physically threatened to get off "their beach" , even when offering additional help to search for a lost item ? We'll...I have. Make no mistake , I'm all for guys making $ on the service. You got expenses , experience , etc. You for example saved power to Oxnard. But for many who are unaware , they are not all volunteer goody-too-shoes.

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I've been around detecting in Ventura County since the mid 90's. I'm not interested in a pissing contest to see who has more credibility. Your passive-aggressive nature and use of sarcasm is duly noted. Blanket statements are things people use when they lack credibility. All cops are bad, all teachers are bad. You have experience with some and you cast aspersion around all. You don't know me and I think at this point that is a good thing. 

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5 minutes ago, Skate said:

I've been around detecting in Ventura County since the mid 90's. I'm not interested in a pissing contest to see who has more credibility. Your passive-aggressive nature and use of sarcasm is duly noted. Blanket statements are things people use when they lack credibility. All cops are bad, all teachers are bad. You have experience with some and you cast aspersion around all. You don't know me and I think at this point that is a good thing. 

Ya got 2 things correct : I don't know you and I got a ton of sarcasm ! The rest , not so much. If you actually READ my post , I said a few "bad apples". Just because there is 1 bad cop , doesn't mean they all are. I have never taken that approach. Don't be a snowflake just because I voiced some personal knowledge , experience about some RFds. I have 2 very close personal friends who are local RFs and I hunt with them often. They are straight up guys. Anyways , GL to you....now go save the world !

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