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10 hours ago, mn90403 said:


That is a pretty plate.  WTG

I'm sure you are already started for this year.


Thanks Mitchel!

Yes, love the colors of gold. I've been out twice for the year, Very bleak and I did not feel real safe hunting alone with the water about 35/37F. The one hunter I do trust taking with me..... his drysuit is leaking bad... so I'm going to set out the cold till March. This will give things time to move around and I'll feel safer with warmer water.. 

10 hours ago, Joe D. said:

Great job Joe,

   Considering all that transpired last year! Here's wishing you a banner, and safe 2022!??

Thanks Joe! I agree, 2021 had some life changing events for me. 

10 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

Nice hunting that you had last year, and so glad that you came through everything alright.

I hope that you stay safe and healthy this year so we all can see the pile of rings double in size.

Good luck and good hunting.

Thanks Valens! Amen to coming thru all! .....2022 is going to be interesting.. I think. Looking for more time out on the boat mostly, last few years I could not use it for I had time restrictions...

4 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

Wow Joe ! ?️?️

No doubt how you paid for that dry suit !!!


Thanks Rvpopeye! Yes, the drysuits I've had for several years, and amazing the prices I've paid for them. Had three but down to two now..one I paid less then 100 USD...for, and the other two I got for less then 200.oo ..each I have put zippers in and patched a few things ....  with the drygloves and all seals replaced I doubt if I have more the 400 into each suit..well worth the cost.

3 hours ago, schoolofhardNox said:

Good looking stuff!! I'm surprised how many people chose to get gold class rings back in the day. I bet those sink DEEP. Even a mother's ring which you don't see very often. But you have to keep the family at bay, or start charging them for taking some of your haul?. Glad you still had a banner year, even though some of it was scary, to say the least. Looking forward in seeing what you (and others) can find this year. 

Thank you SCHNox!! Yes, we pirates love our Gold! Most if not all of those class rings came from the same beach. I do find them at others but last year this spot really gave me some heavies. Leads me to thing this spot in the 50's was the spot for the younger generation.

1 hour ago, abenson said:

Nice haul! reminds me of the days I used to beach hunt more. over 100 gold rings a year were common now I'm lucky to find 5 a year with as little as I beach hunt.

Thanks Abenson!! I know several oldtimers who have the same stories of 100 plus gold a year, but seems those days are long gone for everyone.  Even for me after having 7 great years ..age is catching up and I'm not as excited as I use to be.. see how all goes in 2022, way all looks now..I'll be Happy to say I made it to 2023 with a few gold in hand.

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Wow again Joe ! You done good on the suits...

The guy at the dive shop told me $1500. Still wouldn't be a bad deal after looking at your plate full ! ? I saw a nice set of neoprene waders at Goodwill last week for $40 !

Only about 2 feet too tall for me ! So I passed on the deal.

Coulda probably sliced and diced 'em with some Aqua Seal to fit though............arrrrrrrrr ?


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1 hour ago, rvpopeye said:

Wow again Joe ! You done good on the suits...

The guy at the dive shop told me $1500. Still wouldn't be a bad deal after looking at your plate full ! ? I saw a nice set of neoprene waders at Goodwill last week for $40 !

Only about 2 feet too tall for me ! So I passed on the deal.

Coulda probably sliced and diced 'em with some Aqua Seal to fit though............arrrrrrrrr ?


I learned to shop drysuits during the summer, and Aquaseal is your best friend. A friend of mine asked me to watch for one for him..took me a few months but he got a great deal on this one..175. plus shipping..just a few years old..and a great Name..DUI 350.....I always tell everyone to get rear zipper also.. so much easier to fix and last longer. Pic of the second one is the very first drysuit I got off of ebay..lasted me about 4 years, front zipper..(gave out).. and I tried to replace it.. front zipper suits require the zipper to bend over the shoulder..a tough install. My favorite suit to buy now..Bare..Nexgen..XXL..rear zipper

Sonny's drysuit , came with dry gloves also..what a steal....second pic my first buy..2011



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1 hour ago, Elbert said:

WOW !!!

Thanks Elbert!!

1 hour ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

Just beautiful, Joe! Thank you for the inspiration. Here's to a great 2022 hunting season for everyone! ?

Very Welcome! I finally got some pictures of all and dropped them off at the bank Monday.. Figured share and inspire..even for myself..

1 hour ago, GB_Amateur said:

42 gold rings in 6 months?  Heck, 42 gold rings in six years sounds like an over-the-top success (for many of us)!  188 silvers is almost 5 times what I found, but my rationalization is that mine are in better condition.  ?  Lots of variables in detecting opportunities but hopefully 2022 won't bring anything close to as bad as what you saw in 2021.  Besides your upcoming finds, I'll be interested in seeing how long you hold out on getting a Deus II.  :biggrin:

I average a 100 a year, for the past 7 years. I'm very Blessed. Last year I had my water accident in Jan..started hunting some in June, then Sept Mom got really bad so I took off to take care of her. She passed Oct.. So I slowly started getting back out. Last year was bumpy.. 

Yes my silver is very poor.. I sent it in already but here is a picture when I had about 140..And I drool over land hunters silvers.. I would keep all of it then, instead of melting.

Holding on the Deus ll, I think what I have right now works fine. But I do have a few spots in close I stay away from..see how all goes.. What I am very interested in are the bone phones they have..I'm going to get a set, see what fitting I need to mate to it and make a excalibur endcap to work with them.. I seen a deus ll owner telling about them..not CB..he said he was going to use them only, and he is a land hunter. had a great review. 

And Thank You for the Kind reply. 


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Good tip Joe,

I'm keeping an eye out for deals like that !

Lots of the boat crews here wear survival suits .

That flight crew suit sounds like it might be a bit chilly ! Woolies would be needed here !

AquaSeal IS amazing stuff , I use it for lots of things......


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