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I totally agree Jasong, I am gearing up for a fight too. My friend Will just heard back from Hans Oak and he told Will that he and myself and my claim buddies will have to get bonded before they will allow us in on his claim to even detect. They put a gate up going down into his claim and he is having trouble getting a key to drive down to it.

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I made it down to bedrock finally. Just the small deepest hole within the big hole. I cleared more ground to start layering down and working down the drainage towards my buddy 's hole. I am right in line with him and his hole to bedrt is only 3 ft. I was afraid when I started this hole yesterday that the bedrock was going to slope down as you go up slope from his hole. Itt a deep one so now the fun begins removing all the material within the cleared boundary of what I prepared. I noticed the deepest part of hole when I hit bedrock lookes like a mummy looking back at me. You can see both eyes, nose, right nostril, cheek bones and mouth. Pretty funny. I am standing in the deepest part of the hole. The last photo caption "This sure the hell ist Rye Patch"









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Not yet. I got two tiny ones when I took a break from digging and went down to my worked out patch. Then went back to digging. Tomorrow is a big day. Hopefully I will start seeing gold.

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  Nice post you got going here GS!!

   And I hope you find many more nuggets at bedrock! I gotta say your gold hunting is much more work, and more hazardous than us beach/park guys, but it's that much more rewarding, and beautiful country! Sorry to hear about the red tape BS! It permeates everything "detecting" these days!!?

    You keep your head on a swivel for two, and four legged "critters"! I only have to watch out for the two legged variety here!!?????

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What made you start digging there out of curiosity? Is it basically a test pit down to bedrock, or were you finding nuggets up top?

Good luck, hope you see some nice ones.

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35 minutes ago, jasong said:

What made you start digging there out of curiosity? Is it basically a test pit down to bedrock, or were you finding nuggets up top?

I'm not sure what he is doing after seeing the hole in the ground, I was going to ask him if he was wearing steel toe boots while swinging the detector.

Hope he replies to your question and let us know what is going on with that hole.

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Well whatever you find , nobody can say you didn't work for it ! 

That's NOT a hole , it's a pit !   Holie Guacamolie! 

I know a fella that has a similar excavation in his backyahd , he bakes beans and shore dinnahs in it  BUT the corn is yellow !!


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