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Longshot ID Request. Some Kind Of Regiment Insignia, Rifle Model Logo, Or?

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No targets anywhere in an area close to 1/4 mile square, not even trash. Other than these and 3 pieces of lead shrapnel, all in the same spot. They were about 10ft apart.

Probably a long shot since it doesn't look like military/cavalry, but it does seem like they were pinned to a hat or jacket or something like some insignia too though. Wondering if someone got shot there and fell off a horse and lost a hat, or maybe these were logos hammered into a rifle stock, or? It's an area that really saw no one except military, trappers, and prospectors and if you were carrying something that far away from civilization, it had better be important.

Inside each figure 8 are two arrows that seem to point to some flower looking thing. I can't find anything online.


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Don't have them with me now for another pic, but the underside is just a negative of the front side. Like they were stamped or something, no back plate on them.

Hmm yeah could be leaves...

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I find a lot of horse tack, they look like some sort of stud to me, because of the sharp points. Does either one have two points?

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Nope just 1 point on each. I tried to see with a loupe if they were missing a point somewhere that had broken off but it looks like they always each just had 1 point.

Definitely coulda come off something horse related though, I didn't think about that. There were basically no people out here but Indians, military, trappers, and prospectors. No cities anywhere close, a few pioneer forts was about it. Horses and rifles were pretty much the main equipment people had.

It does kinda look like something connected them together at the center though.

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The flower looks like a Tudor Rose, so an English symbol. Not sure if it's military or civilian but could have adorned leather or ribbon/cloth. Sweet find either way it ends up going


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Interesting, never heard of a Tudor Rose but it does look like a stylized one. 

There is a good chance that some of the prospectors I'm chasing through history are 1st and 2nd gen English immigrants. But so little was written here, and so often they got killed, put in unmarked graves, etc and were forgotten entirely that it's hard to figure out exactly. 

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There was/is the British 88th regiment foot soldiers from as early as 1700's.

It could be part of a horse tack or something else.

I really hope that this gets identified for you.

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