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One Of My Favorite Finds Ever

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5 minutes ago, GotAU? said:

You’re also proving my point to my wife that bringing my detector on our hikes might be worth it! ?

For sure, never know till you check!

In my case usually what I'm doing first is driving huge areas with the ATV, just looking at the ground for gravels. I take a bunch of ziplock baggies of sample dirt with GPS coords, pan them later at home. Then come back out with the 6000 and cover about a square mile of land around every sample site that had fine gold in the sample pans.

Kinda narrows down the amount of land I have to walk over. I'm sure I'm missing some nugget patches that just didn't have any fine gold in them though too - not uncommon in Arizona to find that for instance. 

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6 minutes ago, beatup said:

Well done , congrats on the fossil find very hard to come by unless you can get on land in the bighorn basin some good hunting on private land there .

Man permissions are getting hard to come by these days too. I have permissions from a few large ranches thankfully. 

But it's not like 20 years ago. Now a lot of these ranches are being bought up and consolidated by very rich oilmen from Texas and whatnot, and it's getting harder to get in contact with them. Usually I get their attorney or something and they just say "nah, we don't give permission, too much liability risk".

They will sell gate keys and what not. But it's like, how many $500 gate keys do I gotta buy through checkerboard land just to get to where I want to go? Argh...

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That dino bone is pretty cool....  I really liked that dino hunters show, all filmed in Wyo/Mt.  Don't know if it's still on as I shitcanned the satellite dish.

Gold looks great also.....

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20 minutes ago, Redz said:

Gold still seems pretty coarse particularly on edges, like it hasnt come that far. But maybe that is just the photo

Maybe not far from the lode when it was originally deposited as a placer and locked into the ancient streambed deposits, but with successive faulting, uplifting, glaciers and erosion events, all that may be left is a short section of that ancient streambed perched high up in a bench or in a layer on the mountain side and it’s dropping crumbs for Jason to find in the hillsides and valleys below.

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Hat's off to you for finding a dinosaur bone.  That is one item you have 1 upped on me my friend.  Love the nice dense nuggets as well.  Pictures are amazing, well earned.

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Great find on the bone, and for all your trouble it gave you some gold just so that it wasn't lost anymore.

Good luck on your next hunt.

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Pretty cool bone mate!

I've prospected the same types of areas for years mate if you want some pointers to assist you pm me. There are some techniques I employ to increase my success working Jurassic sandstone, and ways to figure out what direction the channels are heading and certain sweet spots to detect.

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