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Would You Buy An AQ Limited If You Could?

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On 8/11/2022 at 11:22 AM, Joe Beechnut OBN said:


Thanks OBN for the scoop lanyard/carry example! ?

Carry on... ?

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As Joe mentioned, I myself am very happy with both my AQ’s and like Joe, I don’t see myself parting with either one. I regularly submerge mine in running surf salt water. There are tricks to be learned. As far as how deep it goes, well in waist to chest deep water I would be scared to say. Some holes I dig waist deep, I warn moms to keep an eye on their little ones. I try to stay away from those areas. Am I missing the target and just digging needlessly? I can say in wet sand a 6 gram 14k band at 16” is quite clear. I will tell some of you, don’t run 7uS and try to work in salt water. You will not be happy. Don’t be scared and run 10 or 11. I promise you will still hit those targets you are looking for. As far as buying one of the remaining limited additions, follow your heart. What I find interesting is, if 75% are unhappy, where are all those machines for sale? And if you wait on the unlimited and it does not come to pass, you may just be kicking yourself in the arse. Good luck everybody. 

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I'd be very happy if it was durable. I still think the engineering was solid. I love the way it responds. The actual production of it was beyond terrible. Not having any trust for a machine makes it sit in the corner while I use what works. It broke twice on me when I needed it the most. When fixed, conditions changed and I missed my window of opportunity to try it for what I bought it for. Sad that a good machine can be destroyed by bad execution.  I would not be first in line if a final version was produced. It would take a lot of positive posts to make me consider buying a new version of it. But don't hold your breath waiting for it, because no news probably means it will never happen. Best for them to release it in another country, one that does not have internet ?

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On 8/11/2022 at 8:22 AM, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

Out of the 12 or so owners I know of the AQ Limited, only 4 are really happy with it. (Mike, Carolina, TVR and me) I've come to the conclusion it takes a special breed to understand what the machine can do, how to use it and most important.. where to use it... Mike and I use it as a PI, Carolina and TVR use both sides of it, Disc/PI. 

Yep, I love mine and wouldn't part with it.

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On 8/11/2022 at 11:22 AM, Joe Beechnut OBN said:

Out of the 12 or so owners I know of the AQ Limited, only 4 are really happy with it. (Mike, Carolina, TVR and me) I've come to the conclusion it takes a special breed to understand what the machine can do, how to use it and most important.. where to use it... Mike and I use it as a PI, Carolina and TVR use both sides of it, Disc/PI. 

No doubt the AQ is not the perfect machine but I would not sell or trade the (2) I have for anything out there. I love them!

Would I recommend a AQ Limited to anyone.. right now, no.  Take a chance and let them sell thru the 40 or so they have left and see if they offer the new one with the upgraded battery setup. A 3 hour and 20 plus minute battery is Sad. A extra is 200.oo! Ouch! Also, if you plan on using it in moving salt water it may not be the machine for you, on the open beach (wet/dry sand) its at home.

Hope I am right on my answer, I would hate to see this great machine die with only the limited model being made.


Joe!  Have you forgotten me?  I bought a second one just because Im used to protos and the bugs that are part of owning them.  Eric made me a proto CS6 pi that I've had to fiddle with over the years--the AQ is no more problematic than that.  My wish for this machine would be more reliable pots (the Vishays can be dodgey) and a better big 22k response.  Even after a few service go rounds I'm very happy with the tech of this machine and dissagree that there's anything wrong with the iron ID.  The target info is actually excelllent with some basic skills added.  For an experienced PI user --it doesn't get any better.  Fisher service is also excellent.  



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9 hours ago, cjc said:

and a better big 22k response.

Clive…….and for that you will need a longer pulse width 

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9 hours ago, Tony said:

Clive…….and for that you will need a longer pulse width 

Thats what Eric said.


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