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Minelab Manticore Unofficial Specs And Features Thread

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On 8/28/2022 at 7:32 AM, midalake said:

I have looked at several different Vids scrolling through modes. I see 4 different beach modes? Anyone else see this? 

Also, can you use wired headphones? 

I would assume wired headphones would be a must for underwater detecting. Bluetooth dosent work we'll underwater (if at all), so a wired option would make sense. I'm hoping I can use the same waterproof headphones I use for the equinox ?

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Now we're getting somewhere -- the 47:24 length video which Dan posted (two posts above) from the Netherlands (although languages are English and German) with the middle 30 minutes in-field detecting after ~5 minute initial intro and ending with ~10 minute Q&A.  Looks like this video was just made and uploaded late afternoon locally (late morning in Eastern USA) on Monday 29 August.

Batteries are in the handle.

They neither mention nor show negative dTID's.  Lowest TID shown was in high twenties (lead seal) and highest were low 50's (copper? coin), that I remember anyway.  Mark Lawrie (sp?), the Minelab engineer, said something about he'll be posting some common targets and their digital ID's soon.

The graphics screen isn't what I was expecting, but (just like when the Equinox came out), not being familiar with other Minelab detector graphics maybe this is easily recognizable performance for others.

I thought there might be a two number Ferrous--non-ferrous digital readout but if it has that they didn't show it in this video, nor mention it, either.

Note the coil has 'M11' on it.  So apparently the designation is size (diameter in this case) in inches.

I'm still unsure whether it will accept hardwired headphones.  I think they said the headphone connector is the same as the Equinox so that has me holding out hope.  Lawrie mentioned that the supplied headphones are low latency but did not give a spec.

There are more interesting comments about 50% more power, but that seems to be a somewhat contentious topic here so I'll let those interested watch the video and interpret as you see fit.  I think it's around 39:30 mark.

Oh, and there was some discussion of release time.  Lawrie mentioned November (as a goal) and then the detectorist said something about being in time for Christmas gifts.  Of course ML knows better than to make promises at this time.  November is optimistic, realistic, pessimistic??  We'll have to wait and see....


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This was a good video showing the Manticore settings in a real-world environment.  It looks pretty good and the 2D screen could be helpful in situations...or make people dig less by being pickier and miss some cool/valuable finds.  ?

"It's 50% more electrical power...so we've got more battery in the handle" at just past the 45:20 mark on the video.  Earlier the ML engineer mentioned 2 of the 18650 batteries in the handle.  

I guess more batteries in the Manticore could explain the 50% more power claim over "detectors in the same class".  

This definitely looks like an Equinox 1500 to me.  Not a bad thing of course.  :biggrin:

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16 hours ago, Luis said:

in Europe it will be equinox 2000, I say this for the price

so I misunderstood in the video with the German detecting at one point I thought I heard mark lawrie say: 1599 € vat included

Can someone who speaks good English confirm or deny?

or maybe we still have to add 20% of our countries to this price?

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MORE, from one of the designers of the Manticore.[Tom D.] This will answer some questions. 

Dan..... you ask about the benefits of 'expanded iron ID range'. Manticore has a -99 to 0 iron ID range. Because most of us have never been exposed (had the tools/availability) to a high-resolution iron ID range....... we would (unsuspectingly) never know just exactly 'what' it would/could do for us.
If you are an Archaeologist ...... there's tremendous benefit. Iron implements make up a very large portion of archaeological interest. With this expanded iron ID range.... here are some of the benefits:
* It is SO easy to tell the decomposition-rate/status of the iron you are dealing with.
* If there are 2 generations of iron in the ground........say........ 200-year old iron nails........and 450-year old iron nails.,.,.,.,.,., their decomposition status/rate will be different....and present a very distinct, discernable large ID delta/difference.....that you will see in the Manticore iron ID range.
* Different generations of mankind....have produced different types of iron. Annealed, alloyed, wrought, cast......etc........etc. They all have different conductive bandwidth spans...... that now can be delineated with Manticore.
* When you detect unfamiliar/new territory...... the 'type' of iron and the 'age' of the iron implements. , . , . , can really dictate the era of the area. Hammered square nails,,, cut square nails,,, round (modern) nails ..... all have a different conductive bandwidth that can only be expressed in an expanded iron ID range. (Can you start to see attributes to a hobby detectorist yet).

On the beach....... expanded iron ID is important:
* Stainless jewelry ID's on the high end of the iron ID range.,.,.,.,., usually in the -14 to 0 ID iron range.
* Stainless Swiss Army knifes, Stainless watches...... stainless hardware is in that -18 to 0 iron ID range.
* Nuts, bolts, screws, nails, bobby-pins, fish hooks........ are in the iron ID range of -60 to -20 iron ID range.
* Natural recurring ironstone ID's -98 or -99.
You will see a 'pattern'.... that is very educational/tuitional.

IF you could figure out a way to wire a EQX coil to the new Manticore...... the Manticore would blow/burn it out. Soooo...... coils are NOT interchangeable. (There's also other reasons for incompatibility).
The coil has tighter tolerances....and more stuff in it; hence, soooo........it must be built heavier-duty. The extra 2 heli-arc'd fore-aft curved ribs are not very hydrodynamic; yet, are a necessity.
Coil ears. Would you rather break a few-hundred dollar coil? Or break a $50 lower shaft ((of which NOW has the coil ears on the shaft....instead of the coil)).
Yes..... Sens now goes up to '35'. And yes..... a EQX Sens of '21'..... is fairly equiv to a Sens of '21' on MC.

Manticore is indeed one entire generation (next-gen) above EQX.
For the near-forseeable future..... EQX will remain on the market. EQX is $1000..... MC is $1500. Differing price-points.

If you have an EQX......and you acquire a MC.....,,,,,, the 'transition' will be very comfortable. (Familiar....comfort-zone. , . , . , . , . and by no accident).

A long time ago...... I stated EQX was a continuous/ongoing product AND process. Here it is! Manticore!

50% more power to the coil does not equate to 50% more depth.
There is something else..... that helps make up for this. And..... since it is in a video....that has gone viral......I will share/expound:
One (of the two) MAJOR points-of-focus was MEGA MITIGATION OF EMI.
Sooooo........ without divulging too much.,.,.,.,., you will notice something in the video(s)..... that MC has a Noise Cancel feature that is Press-AND-HOLD the EMI Noise Cancel button....and it will continuously SIMULTANEOUSLY search ALL Noise Cancel channels ALL at the SAME TIME.
There are other ADDITIONAL things we've done to mitigate EMI. But.........in a nutshell....... as an example..... if you are hunting an area whereby you could run EQX on Sens '22'.,.,.,., MC's better EMI mitigation abilities will allow you to run Sens on '26'. Don't think this is a big deal??? Go back to any of your 'hunted out' sites that had some EMI....... and try again!!! Then 'reevaluate' !!!

I have a ton I want to say/share about Manticore; yet, I am reluctant/apprehensive .... as the product is NOT quite complete. I am even apprehensive about what data has ALREADY been released....and the product is still not on the market yet. Other Mfr's are keenly watching (copying).....circumnavigating around patents.

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7 minutes ago, midalake said:

On the beach....... expanded iron ID is important:
* Stainless jewelry ID's on the high end of the iron ID range.,.,.,.,., usually in the -14 to 0 ID iron range.
* Stainless Swiss Army knifes, Stainless watches...... stainless hardware is in that -18 to 0 iron ID range.

I have already asked this question? 

How is it possible to take a metal [stainless steel] that IDs in the gold range with a +1 or better and now make it -1 or lower. With keeping Gold +1 and better? 

This would appear to be nearly impossible? 

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I think what I am most excited about is;   What we are witnessing is not a game of Paper, Rock, Scissors but real world  " Iron sharpens Iron". Each serious player is spurred on to keep pushing for improvements that benefit us as end users.  I sure like updateable detectors.

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