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So The Beach Hunts Start Again

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11 hours ago, rvpopeye said:



Electric trains !?

If I was trying to find ways to produce EMI ,,DC arcing would be in the top 5 ...

Looks like you overcame the obstacle !


Don't miss that negative low !

I never got into electric trains as a kid. Maybe it was a premonition of things to come ?. I generally deal with the noise or just put on an anti interference coil and be done with it. The Manticore did better than the Equinox did, but not by much. The bad thing about super low tides and living so far away from a beach is, you have to make a decision on which beach to hunt. Pick wrong and it's the long ride home of shame ?

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Great hunt!? A lot of hard work.

What are iron core coins?

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19 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

Great hunt!? A lot of hard work.

What are iron core coins?

Thanks. The square one is Aruba, the round one is too shy to reveal itself ?

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2 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

Great hunt!? A lot of hard work.

What are iron core coins?

Many UK and Canadian coins are now made of copper or nickel plated steel. 

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A rare 2-day beach hunt – numbers # 25 & 26. Tides were super low, so I decided to take the Manticore to Beach #1, where I had some success previously digging the rocky areas. This is a popular beach since it produces seated coins and Indians fairly regularly. Tides were low but the ocean was still angry from a passing storm, so the area I wanted to do didn’t drain as well and as long as I had hoped for. 6 Hours with the Manticore did not produce much. This was one time I should have packed it up and pulled out the GPX, but I really wanted the time on the Manticore. The 2 silvers it did find, sounded out nicely and were deep. Same for the 2 Indians. Odd finds included a blank lead round which is that exact diameter as a nickel. Also, the heart attach coin turned out to be a religious verse token. I hoped it was a silver dollar, but the weight gave it away as aluminum. ? Not as good as I planned but enough to make me switch beaches the following day. Day 2, Beach 2: Started out with the Manticore because this was my first real outing on a trashy nonferrous and ferrous beach. I want to call this place tar beach for all the broken chunks of tar that are mixed in with the sand. I had to reduce the sensitivity which helped with the iron falsing, but the depth was nowhere as good as when there are few target present. I was getting less crisp hits on coins and even the big lead sinkers were reading softer than they should have. What really puzzled me was turning up the sweep speed did the opposite of what I thought it would do. I was running 4, but 5 and up did not help in separating the iron from the coins much. All it did was make the targets sound soft and worse (clipping as expected). So I turned it down to 3 and found if I swung fast (like those English lads do in their pastures), the targets stood out much better. It goes against the grain by swinging fast while reducing the target separation to 3, but it worked. It's not that the Manticore did not hit the coins, it’s just different that I imagined it would react like. I was running surf and seawater, sensitivity between 17 – 19, alternating between all metal and disc. I actually like the all metal for this situation. I wanted to use disc, but with the amount of iron, I needed the screen open to get the targets to sound a bit better. After a while, I decided to take the GPX out and redid the same area as the Manticore and found a couple more coins. I then expanded it out for the rest of the hunt. The more I use the Manticore, the more I think it’s going to be a real good machine for parks and unplowed fields. For the beach, I’m liking it in wet sand with sparse to medium target density. In heavy density, it’s a bit tricky in the iron. I can do a better job with the GPX in iron.  Pretty beat from the 2 days hunting, the travel back and forth, and I even had to slip in 3 hours of job work between the 2 hunts. Happy to get out and hunt twice!






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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I try to arrange my trash sometimes but nobody does it better than you. ? Also, no one is more honest about just how rigorous beach hunting can be, anyone thinking they are going to go out and find great stuff without digging all that junk well... No. ?

And you consistently pull silver and gold out of places that are beaten to death!

I consider my finds "lucky", but you sir, are an artist. ?


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2 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

I try to arrange my trash sometimes but nobody does it better than you. ? 

    I've always said that Schools trash arrangements are a work of art, and should be framed! Might be the next Hot? decorating trend with all the "Green♻️" people out there!! You can make them special; Sign and date each, and number them to coincide with the hunt number it's from, and place each in a Riker case!!?

   I'm Green with envy, for the Silver and Gold too!!?????

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