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Back To The 9 Today, Spectacle'ur!

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Just now, kac said:

Some nice finds there. If that was a coin of sorts then the rim would be on both sides. Could be a button that might have been enameled.

Yeah that's not dirt on one side, it is melted in the center. Maybe someone tried to re-attach a shank. ?

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Possibly a wax seal stamp, wold have a post on the back that fit to a wood handle.

Careful cleaning you might see a pattern on the rim side.

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Some great stuff there. Now that is relic hunting at it's best.

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Great hunt again, F350! Congrats on the buttons and IHP! I got to go back to the old mining town I hit a couple of weeks ago. I must say I am really getting into the relic hunting with the D2 and see why you love it so much. ?

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Great hunt again with a real nice looking IH.

Good luck on cleaning up the button and good luck on your next outing.

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8 hours ago, Rick N. MI said:

Some great stuff there. Now that is relic hunting at it's best.

Thanks Rick. I'm glad to be back in the fields. ?

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8 hours ago, CPT_GhostLight said:

Great hunt again, F350! Congrats on the buttons and IHP! I got to go back to the old mining town I hit a couple of weeks ago. I must say I am really getting into the relic hunting with the D2 and see why you love it so much. ?

Thanks Cap'n.

I always check out your posts, your "digs" may be a bit "newer", but they really tell a story of the ghost towns. Thanks for posting too! Keeps me inspired. ?

I love my Equinox, but yeah, I'm really starting to settle in on the D2, trying new stuff. It's an option-packed machine. I almost wish the Equinox was as flexible (600) so the learning curve would have been easier, but I also appreciate its simplicity, and bless the guy who sold it to me. He also sold me the D2. ?

I think those of us who "stuck with it" will reap rewards. I'm hoping to get out there with Chase more in the upcoming season and really make that thing sing.

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24 minutes ago, NCtoad said:

Congrats on those nice finds Bob!   I’m beginning to think the 9” coil is really the goldilocks size of coils.  I’m surprised other companies like minelab don’t offer a 9” stock coil.  

Thanks NC, like with my Equinox, I'm getting the confidence that if it's out there and I get my coil over it, I'll get it. ?

Having tried the 11, it was a joy to go out all day from 9 to 4 and not have a single cramp or issue. Believe me when I say I work for these finds, it can be a long time with no digging in a field as huge as this one. The smaller field was pretty much shooting fish in a barrel, but it was still a lot of walking and the 11 made it a bit more trifling.

Today I'm stuck inside due to Nicole ?, and I generally don't hunt on the weekends unless Chase comes down. I have a coil centering device coming today, and got the Detector Pro sling that Strick recommended for use with both if I use a larger coil.

I love the 9", it's just the same as the 10x5 on my Equinox, quick to find a target, quick to dig accurately, and quick to move on. ? I'm gonna say yet again that I can cover as much ground in equal time to someone with a big coil like the 15, simply because of the speed and accuracy. Depth has never proven to be an issue, but I'll be borrowing a 15 soon for the Equinox to prove it to myself. 

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