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Here Is What I Told A "nosey Karen"

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22 minutes ago, Daniel Tn said:


When I am detecting in public and on public ground, I wear a bright florescent safety vest.  Don't ask me why...but for some reason this seems to satisfy the Karens and Kens that you must be a worker.  I used to have some approach me and or call the police on me for detecting a park that has a popular walking sidewalk route on it.  The Karen walkers would see me and not like me there.  Once I started wearing the vest, I never had another issue.  


Exactly...!!!!  One little old $10 safety vest does indeed slow the whiners down a bunch!!!  Back in my coin shooting days I'd wear that vest when I went to the big city to detect.  A few whiners might ask "what are you looking for?"... I'd reply "City asked me to come out and look for a set of keys they think they may have lost on this street".....shuts em right up.  The vest also stopped most from questioning anything.

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1 hour ago, Daniel Tn said:

Some people can be control freaks.



Some people??? seems, to me, we have a bunch of them.


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44 minutes ago, Digalicious said:

Anyway, I really wanted to hunt that park, but always avoided it because of the danger. Then I thought of using the vest, did so, and it was awesome! The finds were excellent (including surface finds), never did an addict come close to me, and the security guards just gave me a wave as they passed by. I ended up talking to the security guards, and they thought I was some sort of city worker looking for water pipes or sprinklers ? I told them what I was doing, and all they did was wish me luck. 

EDIT: I forgot to add the most important part lol. That is, the security guards told me the addicts won't go near me as long as I wear the vest. Yep, that was my plan ?

Interesting plan, and something I might have to try out.

The oldest park in my town dates back to the 1820s, but for the last 5-10 years has served mainly as encampment spot for homeless folks and an open-air drug market. I'd really like to detect it -- and I have permission from the city parks dept authorizing me to do so -- but haven't worked up the nerve to go out there yet.

Otherwise, I've been lucky so far and haven't had anyone challenge me. Should that occur, my plan is to A) demonstrate written permission, and B) show all the nasty can slaw I'm pulling from out of the ground and on the surface.

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I was detecting an old park back in late '70's. A cop car pulled up with 2 officers in it and tapped the horn motioning me to come over. One of them said, "What the hell are you doing?". I thought Oh boy ...here we go... I said I was looking for coins and his reply was... 'Do those things really work?  I had a pocket full of old coins and silver and showed him a little. (Never show it all). He said have a good time and away they went.

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44 minutes ago, glacialgold said:


Otherwise, I've been lucky so far and haven't had anyone challenge me. 

I've never been challenged either, but the vest is a good deterrent for such things, and it's especially a good deterrent for those sketchy park people that I mentioned. 

On a side note, maybe I've never been challenged because I'm not in public places carrying a shovel? I use a sharpened Predator Raptor hand trowel, and am very discreet and fast with target recovery. I go down on one knee, and with short plunges, quickly dig a hinged plug and pry it up. Basically, my target removal is quick and well hidden.

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I like the idea of the vest. I might give it a try this Spring.

I once had a city worker walk up to me and start bawling me out for digging in a public park. I showed him my hinged-plug digging method and explained how the grass would be fine. He was impressed and wished me a good day.

Some folks will just rage on you no matter what, but most have no problem if you have permission, are polite, and dig properly. Often they hang around to chat, and may be a valuable source of historical information.

Stay safe, and happy hunting.

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I agree with the busy bodies in certain situations. For example, curb strips in front of residential houses that are well taken care of by the home owner.

A more specific example, is a YouTuber I won't name. He has a video of walking into a nice residential area and then starts digging holes with his shovel on the resident's well taken of and pristine curb strip. Needless to say, people angrily confronted him. He replied with the usual, "It's a public place...the house owner doesn't own it...I can legally do this...blah blah blah". Then he eventually leaves just to start using his shovel on the neighbors well kept curb strip! 

Just because I can detect at a certain site, doesn't mean I do. Although the irony in the YouTuber's rant about it being legal, is that it's illegal just about anywhere to dig on public property. But, usually no one cares provided that you do it with tact and discreetness.

With all that said, I have climbed fences at night to get into construction sites on public property. No fence is going to stop me from detecting on a 170 year old site that has the top few inches of ground removed ?


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A nosey Karen in the form of a young council worker once told me off for detecting on a public beach.. At least I think that's what he was trying to tell me as I'm hard of hearing and couldn't understand what he was going on about.. But his facial expressions told me he wasn't happy.. Frustrated that he wasn't getting anywhere with me, he stormed off to get reinforcements.. He came back with an older council worker who's based on the island and had seen me detect on beaches before..

He must have calmed the young guy down a bit and just asked me if I'd found anything.. I told him no luck yet which the young guy had a good laugh at.. Then the old guy starts telling the young guy about some old silver coins I'd found there.. It turns out it was the young guys first week on the job and the power of playing God had gotten to him.. All ended well and every now and then he'll ask if I've found anything.. I always tell him the same 'nah, nothing this morning mate'..   

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Im amazed in so many videos of detectorists carrying a large shovel and digging big plugs. I do believe the large plugs are better for not killing the grass, but it freaks alot of karens out.  I personally use a hand trowel . More work for me , but better PR.   Back in the 1970's most detectorists detected early mornings  or later in the evening when not many karens are  around.  Things have changed. 

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