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I didn't hear what you said because you were on my bad ear side of my head.

It's not any different when out detecting without headphones. I don't like wearing those things either but you can miss gold and coin by not having them on. Oh you got good hearing  and you say I don't need them. How do you spell bull ? Think about this as you swing that coil over a weak signal but at that same moment in time it was a puff of wind. You don't know it because you got good hearing and you keep saying it. Who knows one day you may even believe it. The only thing I wish I was that guy coming along behind you.

When I got my White's 66 TR the first thing I done was drill a hole to put a 1/8 pin jack for a ear bud. That was the best thing in helping me to find more coins. The detector before was BFO but I didn't put one in it being it was my first one I'd had and still learning.

The young and us that is older will be better off if we will wear headphones. A lot of time the hearing in one ear is better than the other and as time goes by it won't get better. I guess you could say it's like other things it all goes south. You know when you get new eye wear and you can see so much better. Well headphones will do the same for you. You want to find more gold then put some on. If all you want is a ear bud well be sure to put it in your good ear.

Swing low and slow !


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How about this alternative thought as to using headphones.

When in Australia---(and YES all my friends are sick of hearing that phrase already!!!!)

When in AU JP related a theory of his to me regarding the use of headphones....

Now when you are in a big blow I understand using headphones --or maybe just going to camp and chilling.

JP says--(and he can dress this up if i get too far off course)--

Basically he says our inner ears are very sensitive to sound and if we over drive them with too much signal (aka headphones) then the inner ear works-----the cochlea in specific, is desensitized by so much vibration bending the tiny fibers like a wind in a wheat field. (i added that...and I am going to stick with the wheat analogy)

So he says if those very sensitive stalks of wheat are bent over from the threshold already...it would take a larger signal to bend the wheat over even further so you could distinguish a sound ,....

but when the wheat is standing straight up or baaaarely bent over then you see that "tiny tick" when a little puff of wind comes ..... and

Another analogy would be fishing,,,, when you are reeling in to beat the band you dont notice a strike as much as if you were watching your bobber and you got a strike.....just a teeeny fish playing with your bait will get a response...

So his answer to this is to use the B&Z booster with dual speakers on your chest.... I tried it and the next day my gold finds doubled....

Another example he gave me was---- think about two guys in a motorboat motoring up the canal and you are sitting on the pier........... you can hear them talking like they are right there with you ,,,,but they can hardly hear each other for the sound of the motor...


I am sold on the chest speakers and the booster--not because it boost up the volume but because it make the signal clearer to me....

I could hear clearer ,and i could actually turn the volume down to get a sweet threshold and still be able to hear crocodiles, hoop snakes, and drop bears that were always running up behind me..............

BTW, This is not a treatise to convince any of you to use or not to use headphones---this is merely my experience when I tried it and it seems to be working fine for me....

Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 12.18.28 PM.png

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6 hours ago, vanursepaul said:

So his answer to this is to use the B&Z booster with dual speakers on your chest.... I tried it and the next day my gold finds doubled....

Paul you are going to have to do better than this cockamamie  reasoning if you want to convince people. Gee, just maybe you swung over twice as many nuggets that day. LOL What's next? An all points bulletin on Kreskin so he can provide testimony?:blink:

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It all sounds logical, both for and against headphones.  I invested over a 100 bucks in headphones though and am too cheap to invest another 200 in a amp and speakers.  Though if a Mountain lion runs up behind me I might rethink that at least for a second.    

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No...no.. Merton I don't have to try to do anything of the sort....

You see as I stated, I'm not trying to convince anyone to change what they are doing....

I'm just relating what I was taught to do by someone with WAY more experience than YOU or me........

My experience was a personal one.. "Mileage may vary"----

Now go read a book or something and quit rattling my cage....

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Guys it's nothing written down that says you can't pull your headphones off one ear. I know I'd be doing that if I was thinking something may come up and bite me in my butt. This could apply for anything that may be sliding along the ground too

Everybody knows what works best for them. I was just telling about the good side of headphones but we have other equipment equal as good and in some case better.

Swing low and slow


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Looks like there is a case to be made for both forms of thought.  I like it that my phones drown out the wind, airplanes and that dang rattling sound that messes with my hearing.  But seriously, I do like them and because of them blocking noises I can keep my volume down and they have separate volume control for both ears so I can set them at different levels or even turn one off if I want.  They also have a limiter to protect my ears which I also like.  I'm sure there are times too that I don't want to accidentally announce to the world that I found something.  

This is an Edit but I am real sure that using headphones will let your batteries last longer especially if using 2 speakers and an amp.  

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I'm totally with JP on this.  Given a chance even old ears like mine can hear soft sounds. I prefer headphones but, alway use the lowest volume possible that still allows me to hear a faint signal.  Only when it's windy do I turn them up a bit.  ALWAYS when adjusting headphone or detector volume start at zero or the lowest volume and adjust upwards. Never start out at high volume and adjust downward, this overdrives your ears and you will end up with a higher volume than necessary even though it may feel comfortable compared to louder response you started with.  Audio tests on subjects have proven this to be true.


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 Paul; Is that a schematic of the internals of the GPZ7000? I am simply too damned deaf to not use headphones (I should have been a librarian instead of the occupations I have chosen) and I am scatter brained enough with out additional distractions such as rattle snakes, hornets nests, and charging bears so I would rather not hear them and loose my concentration.

 Your finding more nuggets that me last time was purely a freak of nature and will likely not ever happen again.

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