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New Member Limited Account And A Full Access / Full Member Account Implemented

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On 4/10/2023 at 6:12 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

New members now have limited access until they reach Full Member status. There is no ability to include links or to edit their own posts until they have made 10 posts and been a member more than 30 days. There is no access to downloads or posting classifieds until after 10 posts and 30 days. They can post in response to an ad however. There is a limit of one Personal Message conversation per day so they can contact people with ads in the Classifieds in private if desired.

Any account that has not posted at all in the 30 day period will be deleted. Anyone with more than one but less than 10 posts will simply remain in the regular Member account status indefinitely. The accounts that make at least ten valid posts and have been a member at least 30 days will automatically be promoted to the new Full Member status. This will give access to the Classifieds and Downloads and remove the PM limit, allow links and post editing, etc. It will also allow full access to custom profiles, avatar photos, signatures, and more.

This does not affect any existing accounts!! Any current members with less than 10 posts etc need not worry as all accounts as of this morning were promoted to Full Member status. Anyone with no posts however should at least post once or lose your account after 30 days have passed.

This was done to stop the excessive spammer activity after consulting the current membership over the last month. It should pretty much put a complete halt to that sort of thing, while also encouraging new members to be more active. Lurkers are welcome, but will need to post at least once.

Thank you everyone for the valuable feedback on this subject.

I will monitor the new setup but if anyone experiences anything odd due to the new setup, please let me know. I changed quite a few forum settings and hopefully got it all right. 

Hello Steve,

Thank you for your actions to try taking care of the spam.

I found very helpful this blog but i can't download one file because I only joined the blog today.

I contact you to for asking if there is some way to download the file without being already a full member account.

Thank you



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On 5/4/2023 at 8:26 AM, Feld34 said:

Hello Steve,

Thank you for your actions to try taking care of the spam.

I found very helpful this blog but i can't download one file because I only joined the blog today.

I contact you to for asking if there is some way to download the file without being already a full member account.

Thank you



No there is not and your attempt to circumvent the system by spamming the forum now has you banned.

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Thanks guys. The forum is well past 10 years old now. The major building effort is behind me, and I now am just tuning it to be for the core participating membership. I'm not trying to be the biggest forum or anything like that. The current membership levels are fine, and the kind of members I am interested in won't care a bit about the new restrictions. If people really care and want to genuinely participate with a group of really good people, then 10 posts and 30 days is nothing. Guys like the last one that wanted to grab a file and be gone are just takers, and nobody here will ever miss them.

I'm not sure what the future of forums is and I have no grand plans for this one. At this point I'm content to try and keep it humming along with as little oversight as possible on my part. I have zero online presence anywhere but here at this point and honestly am just barely checking in here these days. So if anyone sees things that seem not right please let me know. The key thing is drama. This website is for people that hate drama and if anyone is causing drama please let me know via PM or a report so I can either get them in line, or get rid of them. My thanks to those who have been assisting me in this manner.

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Hello, my name is Mark. I'm from Pittsburgh, Pa. I started md'ing with an AT Pro in 2015. Moved to an Etrac then an Equinox 800 when they came out in Feb. of 2018.  I currently use a 900 that I purchased in mid-December of 22. My main interests are coinshooting, jewelry, tokens and small relics in yards and parks. 

 I have followed the forum for a while now and enjoy its content and the discussions that go on here. I look forward to participating in some of them. Thanks for having me aboard. Mark

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Hello everyone,

This is the first time I've joined a forum, and the first time I've posted anything. I appreciate the expertise of all the forum members as my most of my knowledge of metal detectors has come from this forum. One of the most common questions that a newbie asks is "what is the best metal detector for (fill in the blank)?". Of course, a veteran detectorist realizes that a knowledge of how different types of detectors operate must be gained before an educated decision can be made. A basic knowledge of electronics is required, and ones knowledge increases incrementally as one gets familiar with the operation of a detector. With time one begins to understand what detectors will work for the type of detecting one is doing. There is a lot to know to become an expert. It requires a dedication , passion and a thirst for knowledge. My main interest is gold prospecting so most of my focus is on detectors that are for this. I still have a lot more to learn, but I feel much more comfortable now that I know what I know. The good thing is the more you know, the better equipped you are to teach others which is the best part. Thanks Steve for creating this forum and doing your part to keep prospecting alive!

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