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A Few Older Garretts

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Added these to my growing museum collection.  I have never used these machines before.   I just like the old ones.  

I picked up 5 machines as a lot locally last year.   Nothing special, but they are just cool because they still work.

Only one of the crossfire coils worked.  I found a used 10" Hothead coil online for a little over 30 bucks shipped.  I will see how it works on these. 

Single tone machines, no pinpoint button, very simple.

Check out the original price tag on the GTA350 lol






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It is still fun to play around with the capabilities of older detectors.

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that's awesome, I'm always on the lookout to buy an old detector, they just don't seem to exist in New Zealand.  I just want to experience what people did in the early days of detecting long before my time and I must admit I'm a bit of a collector ?


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19 hours ago, JCR said:

It is still fun to play around with the capabilities of older detectors.


Story time:

Over Easter weekend I was visiting family out-of-town and ran across a YouTuber dectectorist (bhiggles) in the field. I was so excited to meet him, but hadn't brought my detector(s) along since it was going to be just a short overnight trip. What I was able to do, however, was borrow my partner's dad's barely functional White's Coinmaster (series 2, I believe) and join in on the hunt. Didn't find anything, but it was fun turning on the old machine and learning to get it to squeal just right. Also, good company.

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The GTA / GTAX machines just seem to keep going... unless the keypad goes bad.... or the machine takes a dunk in water... If it seem like it doesn't work.... you pop the control box apart... a tiny dab of deoxit here and there on the contacts... and its brandy new again... even if you forget the batteries... and they spode ( guilty )... clean er up... get a new set of battery holders... and you're huntin... These are neat little machines... the don't weigh a ton... and they're so easy to use... to this day... still  a great starter detector....   

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I love that you are picking up old Garretts.  They were fun detectors to use.  Garrett sold a tone of these old beep and dig detectors back in the day and they did the job.  The old block meter is cool and I love that Garrett has maintained that tradition in the Apex.

Post a video if you get a chance using one of these detectors.  It would be a lot of fun to watch.


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10 hours ago, The Pest said:

The GTA / GTAX machines just seem to keep going... unless the keypad goes bad.... or the machine takes a dunk in water... If it seem like it doesn't work.... you pop the control box apart... a tiny dab of deoxit here and there on the contacts... and its brandy new again... even if you forget the batteries... and they spode ( guilty )... clean er up... get a new set of battery holders... and you're huntin... These are neat little machines... the don't weigh a ton... and they're so easy to use... to this day... still  a great starter detector....   

The only thing is the GTAX requires 8 batteries compared to the new detectors and they lasted half as long in the field. The 550 still works great though and was ahead of it's time back in the day.

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