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Casting Call For Gold Prospecting TV Show

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I just received the following email.....

Hello Steve,

My name is Kate and I am a casting associate with Magilla Entertainment, a television production company based in NYC that specializes in non-scripted programming. 

I am reaching out because we are currently casting a new series for a major cable network about gold mining and prospecting.  This series will feature men and women who head out into the wilderness to look for gold in some of the few locations that have been untouched by mining, and will follow them through their individual prospecting journey and process. 

Through my research on gold prospecting I came across the Detector Prospector website, and I was hoping you would be willing to share our flyer with your followers, friends, or with anyone you may personally know who might be interested in this opportunity!

I have included the casting call below this message as well as our flyer, which you can feel free to share and post! If you have any questions about the project or our company, I would be happy to answer them, and I can be reached at 646-653-7292. Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing back from you regarding my inquiry.





Magilla Entertainment and a major cable network are now casting a new series about people searching for gold.  We are looking for men and women of all ages with gold fever who have the knowledge and survival skills to go out alone, prospecting in the few locations left that have been untouched by big mining.  Do you have a family history of prospecting and mining going back generations? Or have you only recently become interested in striking it rich?  Have your friends been prospecting for years and you want in on the action?  Perhaps you are the only one in your family to search for a golden payday and no one else in your life seems to understand. 

  If you want to be considered or are interested in learning more, email us ASAP at castingdirector@magilla.tv along with your name, age, location, occupation, recent photo, phone number and any experience you have with prospecting and mining.  


Kate Cooper
Casting & Development
Magilla Entertainment
42 Broadway | New York, NY 10004



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Kate's people said: ...We are looking for men and women of all ages with gold fever who have the knowledge and survival skills to go out alone, prospecting in the few locations left that have been untouched by big mining...

Talk about over-reach..? Even Bear Grylls wouldn't accept this challenge..! Will never get off the drawing board.. Have no idea how it even got on same (welll, yes, I do know..) Might be doable in more realistic while remote locations, but even then going it alone is still durn near suicidal.. No thank you as proposed..


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2 minutes ago, fredmason said:

you worry too much, Swamp....if they will send me to Oz, I am in!!!!


LOL onna worrying.. What, me worry..? Nahhh..

I had the same thought re Oz, Fred -- and if that was the case I'd want in too.. But I don't think that's what they have in mind.. Of course this is merely my speculation, but I'm going with air drops in Alaska.. No vehicle, probably only an emergency GPS sat locator, whatever food / clothes / tools you can carry and unless you activate your emergency locator we'll see you where we dropped you in 30 days.. They might allow for the equivalent of what a pack animal could carry but not the pack animal itself..

It sounds to me like they want to do another whatever that reality show was called from a year or two back, "Alone" or something, of which I never watched one second, except this time you need to make a gold strike too.. It isn't going to be about driving through remote Australia and breaking out a detector, it's going to be about being able to stay alive in one of our last natural wildernesses.. I'm also going with their calling a gold strike river / stream finds..

Anyhow, I just don't have a good feeling about what these folks have in mind.. That isn't worry, it's caution.. And while I understand not giving out too much information in a casting call, the total lack of anything close to substantial throws red flags too..


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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

It's TV guys. Not even new TV. Any resemblance to reality is illusory. There are plenty of shows doing similar things so no reason to think there is anything especially weird or dangerous involved here.


Not to mention it isn't as though we haven't already had more than a couple of the guys appear on these types of shows in the past as themselves and as a prominent member of "the team.." That's been the glue used adhering those adventures to reality: Teamwork..

This current proposal as vaguely presented seemingly leaves reality behind, entering the realm of fantasy & sci-fi..


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