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Obtaining Black Sand For Tests


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Cant beat free sand at the beach.... I've done this before at one particular beach...get a plastic tub about 10 inches deep and have some fun testing your detectors.


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I was at Corona Del Mar last weekend and my CTX would not see a pull tab dropped in a little 5-6” hole in the black sand there.  Take it out and wave above the coil and it sings loudly. I thought at first that was really shocking and I did a hard reset later and that seemed to improve behavior.  I went back a couple days ago and could not repeat the failure. So I guess it was a setup issue. The sand was not as black heavy so I didn’t bring any back. My first trip to the water tower area (north of dog beach?) was just three weeks or ago and I got skunked using the AQ. I’ve seen a certain guy’s videos showing how the black sand there hides coins from his then eq800. He still hunts there and finds nice rings though….

I went on a trip up to Oregon and Washington and got some black sand from the Columbia river outlet area. Turns out yeah it was black but no it wasn’t ferrous!  I want to run some tests comparing the DF, AQ, Excal, EQ600, and CTX.

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