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Minelab Ctx3030 Profile Modes

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Hello group, I wanted to bring up a topic. When and how is it best to use each mode to detect with our ctx? I mean the configurable modes: Low trash High trash Ferrous-coin Ground-coin The name itself indicates the first two for a lot of garbage or little garbage. but the next two? Which ones do you use on the beach or in the countryside? I usually detect it on the beach and depending on the trash I use the first two. Do you think that the remaining two would give good results on the beach? I read you greetings and thank you

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Ferrous coin is good for detecting coins in areas with the likelihood of plenty of junk, it's a setting I use a lot as it gives great target ID's, it's best in low mineral ground, and beaches and parks it works particularly well on around here with killer accurate target ID's even when there are reasonable amounts of junk around.

Ground coin is better for higher mineralisation, and with ground balance enabled helps to give better Target ID's on coins in bad soil.  Not a setting I've played around with much although I did try it on a beach with some black sand content and it worked pretty well considering I was using the 17x13" coil. 

Ferrous coin is my go-to setting though for plenty of locations, and I often use Low Trash in areas with next to no junk targets except the pull tabs and so on that Ferrous coin won't help with anyway.

High trash has actually been pretty useful too although best in low mineralisation it's good for picking up coins next to nails when using lots of discrimination.  I find it best if there are many iron junk targets around especially big bits of junk and I want to use a lot of discrimination.

Low Trash is great in my parkland areas where there are few targets as it gives awesome depth and Target ID's, it's been good on the clean beaches too.

It's worth you experimenting with Ferrous coin when detecting in junky areas, I prefer it over high trash for junky areas and Ground coin if you have mineralised ground.

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One of the important features of the CTX 3030 is the Coin-Ferrous mode... because it is more stable on the signal and VDI, which gives you  in the  low conduct and medium conduct coin  to the line11:00-12:00 and more, where the Etrac in such a case already gives a reasonably good tone, but essentially more unstable VDI...

This gives you the possibility to use a relatively strong Iron mask filter with the CTX 3030... to eliminate a greater amount of iron waste...

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yes, and at the moment he's not even using Ferrous-coin so needs to give it a try.

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Rarely ever take my ctx out of ferrous coin...and recovery deep..using “combined mode”...mostly in parks and relic hunting. 


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I never used the ferrus coin, I always believed that this mode was more for land than for the beach. On my next outing it will be the mode I use. Thanks so much for the explanation. The 4 modes have always been difficult for me to understand, which is the most appropriate for the use in which circumstances. What do you think about working with the ctx in a single tone? I work in a single tone, I read the screen more and it digs all the low signals when I'm hunting for rings on the beach

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello group, I show you the hunt from my last outing.

It was a very fun hunt

On my Instagram I upload some videos of the outings. I'll put it in case you want to see them. @detectionbeach

Thank you very much for the advice



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  • 4 weeks later...

NIce haul...goes to show that the CTX is a great all around machine..


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