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A Dangerous Business

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 A while back Mr. Tboykin was gently admonished by the adult members of this forum to use better judgment concerning the situations he gets himself into. I didn't reply with a post as he had my full sympathy and understanding.

 I also like to nugget hunt "where no man has gone before" (and few women).

  I had just spent a long day of detecting an area of cliffs beneath an ancient channel exposure. This required standing on a size 2 ledge with my size 12 feet and hanging on to wisps of grass while I swung the 7000 over my head and below my feet. It was getting late and I was totally worn out so I headed for home but I still had one more bit of climbing to do before I could get to where it was easy going. This climbing maneuver was going to tax the limits of my athletic abilities and failure would mean, at best, a painful fall and the likelihood of breaking something or several somethings. I realized I was going to have to place my left food about waist high and be sure it had a good purchase then grab a questionable hand old above my head with my left hand, launch myself up with my right foot and while in mid air, turn my bu-- (tail) 90 degrees and land on it. I should never have looked down. I saw visions of Ravens picking the eyeballs out of my living but immobile body and bears not leaving enough DNA for proper identification. However the fright gave me a slight boost of adrenaline and I was able to complete the maneuver. With some grace, I might add.  

  I have learned my lesson. Next time I go detecting ---I'll park my Jeep where it's easier to get in. 

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13 hours ago, El Dorado said:

But, did you get any gold?



13 hours ago, vanursepaul said:

Any gold???

 Ah! "Did you get any gold" you ask. Gold is one of the heaviest elements, weighing about 19 times more than water. It is a noble metal and does not easily combine with other minerals and will keep its luster for centuries. Its malleability and beautiful color make it ideal for use in jewelry. Throughout history, gold has been recognized as a store of value.

  Forgive me. I got distracted. What was your question? 

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6 hours ago, Gold Hound said:

I know exactly what your talking about Klunker I do these things day in day out!

I always try to have a escape/backup plan as things can quickly go wrong and cat like reflexes help to but what I try do to lessen the risk of mishaps is do the most dangerous stuff early in the day when you are not fatigued. 

Here's a bit of color I got on my last trip doing the mountain goat thing................


Looking good, mate!

I see you are back ...are you gearing up for another mission.....?

Must have ran out of Coca-Cola for Tremain, eh.....lolol

Can't wait to see the new videos.

Be safe....Have fun.


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