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First Gold Nugget Finds With The AlgoForce E1500

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16 minutes ago, HardPack said:

The green color may be from chlorite in the schist.

Yes, that is my bet too.

 @Phrunt. I have used those plastic clips & lost many as well. When the coil cable gets hooked on a small branch or something when detecting in among bushes they tend to flick off never to be found again. The fact you say you have them laying around somewhere kind of tells me you don't/haven't used them. Maybe for the same reason. I just stick the velcro on the shaft with a bit of silicon & no more moving around the shaft.

Thanks for your reports. Always nice to see hear unbiased reports. Myself having a 6000 & 10x5 coil I am pretty sure I wont be tempted with this new one. Not overly a tiny gold hunter, there is a difference between tiny & small, but when I do target bed rock for fly poop gold I have a few VLFs that are more than equal to the job & the 6000 does good enough for me. The 11" coil is surprisingly good for general detecting too in our mild conditions.

Hope you have recovered from your drunkenness. You obviously got home alright. How far did you have to drive?


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10 minutes ago, dig4gold said:

Yes, that is my bet too.

 @Phrunt. I have used those plastic clips & lost many as well. When the coil cable gets hooked on a small branch or something when detecting in among bushes they tend to flick off never to be found again. The fact you say you have them laying around somewhere kind of tells me you don't/haven't used them. Maybe for the same reason. I just stick the velcro on the shaft with a bit of silicon & no more moving around the shaft.

Thanks for your reports. Always nice to see hear unbiased reports. Myself having a 6000 & 10x5 coil I am pretty sure I wont be tempted with this new one. Not overly a tiny gold hunter, there is a difference between tiny & small, but when I do target bed rock for fly poop gold I have a few VLFs that are more than equal to the job & the 6000 does good enough for me. The 11" coil is surprisingly good for general detecting too in our mild conditions.

Hope you have recovered from your drunkenness. You obviously got home alright. How far did you have to drive?


Someone may need to come up with a clip with a rubber on it too to close the gap and prevent them being ripped off ? I haven't used them as I bought them for my GPX 4500 and then never really used it much again and forgot about them but now the need for them arises, If I find they're no good I'll work something out.

My drunkenness went away after having a long cold shower and about 2 litres of water, I think I was dehydrated or had sun stroke and somehow the rose thorn blood squirting out triggered me to feel unwell.  I don't usually care much about blood, I've split my melon really badly at one point and had to get many stiches in the back of my head, and it was a gusher and looked really bad to people with so much blood coming out and I wasn't all that bothered, certainly didn't feel sick.

I think the 6000 and 10x5" is a great combo, and will likely outperform the Algoforce in most situations, so you don't need to worry about getting one unless you wanted to do some beach/coin/jewellery type stuff where I can see the Algoforce being much better than a 6000.

The drive home is about an hour, and 15 minutes from that gold spot I guess, 30 minutes of that is driving around a winding road along the side of Lake Wakatipu which was the part I felt sick, I had the air con cranked and I'd stopped at the shops and bought a 1.5 litre drink prior to driving home which helped too, but even with the air con going full I was sweating like mad.  It's all very weird, something I've never experienced before.

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MMMMmmmm. Take it easy.

I used to put two of those clips on the lower shaft keeping the coil cable straight & on top as you have done & to the 2nd clip about 4-5 inches before wrapping it around the shaft. Allowing a decent loop of coil cable from the coil to the first clip to get it higher above the coil. Gave more pivot/wiggle room. Not sure how that would improve the cable getting detected. It is the kind of thing that you are now aware of & will know when it happens & mostly just when putting you detector down or picking it up.


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3 hours ago, phrunt said:

It's filled a hole Minelab intentionally left empty in the market, a lower priced high-performance PI loaded with cool features

Watch sales of used and new SDC2300's fall dramatically now....and possibly 6000's too. Not everyone will like the E1500 as an alternative coz the 2300 and 6000 are almost 'automatic' and easy to learn for beginners. But a significant number of buyers are now gonna look at the E1500 as a 1st option now.

I think ML left the price gap open out of disinterest, rather than intention. The gap between the GM1000 and the 2300 is very wide!

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Great report.

De hydration....I know a thing or 2 about this. I live in Darwin NT, where it's tropical. We have 2 seasons wet and dry. 

Darwin area is flat. Its like a huge flood plain. Where the gold is, there are hills, but nothing even remotely like NZ,the US or even the rest of Australia. 

De hydration is bad, very bad. Symtoms often include a headache to start. When it sets in, you can become confused, and make bad decisions,  due to thinking you are just a bit out of shape, and pushing on....harden up princess mentality. I have nearly come unstuck twice. Once where I was walking back to my car, and on the way followed a track that I followed blindly, the track took me up a steep hill, probably a good 800 yards, down a saddle, then down, winding its way towards my car....I thought, but actually it took me back up the hill, on the opposite side of the saddle...I decided to have a drink....there was 1 small mouthful of hot, and I mean near coffee hot water left in my bottle. I consulted Google maps, and couldn't work out what I was looking at.....De hydrated confusion had already set in. I sat in the only shade available, and it was sparse, I was breathing hard and my heartbeat was up. I rested for about 10 minutes and checked for a land mark where my car was....a dam. I had followed the winding track that lead me away from my car! In my confused and now very thirsty state, I made a direct line to my car, that involved two valleys and two more up hill climbs....I obviously made it, and dived into the dam, after drinky the melted ice from my cooler in the car. Vomited a couple of times.


The 2nd story is much worse....I actually put myself in much more danger, I won't go into it here, it's a good yarn....involving crossing a swamp, and cramps in both legs....there was a very real possibility of Saltwater crocs in said swamp!

If it gets to the stage of cramps, you could be in very real trouble, I'm 56 years old and an ex paratrooper, so know what pushing myself is all about, and I pushed myself that day! 


Stay safe and drink lots of water. I carry a filter on me every single time I go detecting, I also carry more water than I think I need, and carry eze a cramp (pickle juice) as well as hydrolite type tablets to dissolve in water. De hydration effects your balance as well as decision making processes. Sorry for the long winded reply.

Stay safe and good hunting.

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