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Given The Price Point I'm Interested But Nokta Is Talking Pi..

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I'm happy to watch and wait, but I'm developing a real itch..

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Thank you for posting Ed's video about the Algo Force E1500. 

I always enjoy Ed's no nonsense, self-deprecating, completely honest videos. They are high quality too thanks to his often off camera partner that knows what she's about.

I was particularly interested in the matter of fact comments about the Nokta Gold Kruzer not being a good choice for that location due to high iron mineralization. I could see where people like me preferring a lightweight VLF for prospecting over a heavier and more erratic PI might just go with the VLF for ownership especially for smaller gold but gold prospecting VLFs can be a nightmare too in really hot ground.

The fact that he took the time to make and release the video and that he is now selling the E1500 speaks volumes. 

Looking forward to its release here in the USA someday.

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A very good video. Looks like fun.   I bet there are several manufacturers looking very closely at this unit & adjusting their plans to meet some very good competition from Algo Force.    I would love a unit like this for Relic hunting in bad dirt.  I noticed he was using Legend BT headphones.

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What I found interesting was they were saying the ground was really hot, and I have no doubt's it likely was, but the Algoforce barely needed balanced, in fact when he did balance it went to 50/51 or 51/50, so basically neutral with 50/50 being default, looks like he could have ran all day in that spot without balancing at all, unless its variable but it didn't seem to care, never did I notice in his video the balance numbers changing.  It's surprising the ground the Algo can handle without ground balancing often.

This is it on extremely salty soil, the balance reads 50/00

I could run it in this area even though the salt levels change dramatically without constant ground balancing, although it would likely benefit on tiny gold with regular balaicng it wasn't getting ground feedback after doing the initial balance to the area.  I'd been messing around with coils so this one wasn't calibrated so I have to calibrate it in the video, hard to hold two buttons down with one hand with the other holding the phone to record 🙂

I'd like to see the Algo at work in highly variable ground in OZ to see how it goes, I think it'd be pretty good at handling it without throwing the balance out too much, as the two bars at the top show you when you need to balance as they expand out, you'll notice in Ed's video that's not happening, he doesn't need to balance often at all.

The reason that larger pellet he found had the 7 ID was highly likely because it was not a lead pellet.  It's the lead pellets that ID at 00.

He did quite well with that video, and what he demonstrated was a typical experience a new user to the detector would have.  Everything I saw in that video was genuine, the only slight thing was he lifted the Algo on their air tests over the 3 bits of gold, he ran the 6000 right over them not lifting showing the air depths just the response near touching them, the 6000 would have won in that if he lifted it but it's obviously a much more expensive detector.

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