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How To Not Get Lost

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I use Google maps/earth to make hardcopy maps to take along, marking geo coordinates on them, especially a couple landmarks.  Then use handheld GPS when in the field.  Also, don't forget to use the sun's location and time-of-day to get a feel for what direction you are going if you don't have a compass or (like me) don't know how to get your handheld to show compass directions.  :rolleyes:

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5 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

I use Google maps/earth to make hardcopy maps to take along, marking geo coordinates on them, especially a couple landmarks.  Then use handheld GPS when in the field.  Also, don't forget to use the sun's location and time-of-day to get a feel for what direction you are going if you don't have a compass or (like me) don't know how to get your handheld to show compass directions.  :rolleyes:

All good advice......Shouting out EUREKA IS MORE EFFECTIVE. :laugh: In getting help.

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I can never figger out my GPS or else the battery is always dead or I left it at home...hmm, what about boyscout navigating..the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and moss grows on the north side of a tree stuff?

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Don't take this the wrong way Tom, but if you can't be bothered to do even the most basic things to not get lost then you will eventually. The best answer is not to get lost in the first place, and the best way to make sure that does not happen is get a GPS. Sounds like you already have one and any decent cell phone includes one these days. A cell phone with a GPS not only gives you mapping but in many locations a signal to call for help if you climb high enough.

There are very simple GPS units designed just for getting you back to camp or a car like the Bushnell BackTrack

For true off grid I have a DeLorme InReach Satellite Text Communicator


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Guest Tnsharpshooter

Landmarks are good to be aware of,,,the actual picture of the horizon,,from different places you are at.

Depending solely on a GPS,,cell phone not a good idea.

They can have problems,,,even dead batteries.

Knowing generally which direction you are heading from your departure point is good to know also.

Never panic,,,when lost try and work backwards using all the puzzle pieces you have.

Respect sundown,,,don't press your luck,,try and get to a known place well ahead of sundown.

Always tell a relative or friend where you are going generally if you are going into strange countryside to yourself.

When lost,,try to start leaving some personal affects along your trail while trying to get back to civilization.

Might be a good idea to take some thing along like even a roll of toilet paper or a roll of ribbon tape (orange or pink in color) you can use this to mark your trial,,remember you can use this too to backtrack at least.

If things get really bad, these personal affects might be seen both those looking for you and help make finding you easier.

A person needs to take IMO some flame source like a lighter or good matches,,and one of those little led lights that puts out a bright light. I even have one that emits a SOS signal.  Can be seen from the air at significant distances,,,,in flatter land a long distance too.

Better after sunset,,not to push yourself into a worse position,,if you are not sure of your whereabouts,,,rather stand fast,,and wait.

Hopefully you have enough garments to keep yourself warm,,,and just maybe can use your flame source to build a fire in a safe place.

Always keep a calm perspective,,, your mind will have a better chance to give you the better answers for survival.

Weather forecast-- always be mindful of them,,,if a storm is coming don't dare be going into unfamiliar territory.  Recipe for disaster..



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If possible I keep track of landmarks, a distinctive ridge, or follow a wash. Entry and exit points are marked by stacking rocks, cutting bark and scraping the dirt...things like that. If I'm in forested areas wandering in brush I do all of the marking, tracking landmarks and carry gps with my vehicle location saved as a waypoint.

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I would never suggest relying solely on a GPS. I go without more than with one because most times getting lost just isn't an issue. I have however spent most of what is getting to be a long life wandering around in the wilds of Alaska. I never got so lost I would have never got home, but flat gray featureless skies and dense forest has left me with several tales of ending up way off the mark and extra miles traveled. I certainly would never rely solely on a GPS but I also think relying solely on ones own advanced woodsmen navigation skills is an even worse idea. You only have to get turned around once for things to go astray, and possibly in a very bad way. Get a GPS, learn how to use it, and for gosh sake learn how to manage batteries and backups. They are one of the best things to ever happen for people who really are in the middle of nowhere. Or just stay in places where you basically can't get lost.

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They just announced the Google App and this article goes over the iPhone App as well.


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22 hours ago, tvanwho said:

I am mostly out there alone. IF you do get lost or disoriented and can't find your way back to your truck, do you panic , use a GPS, or do what to get back to camp?



Tom I'm guessing you detect in the USA. If you are not serious about getting lost over here in OZ - mate you are dead .... no joke.

I've got every safety device known to man. The handiest is a simple cigarette lighter. Get lost - find the biggest tree in a clearing and light the sucker up ...... then pray.



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